Various Airport Comments (2010) (3)Theresa White From: Steve Eckels [eckels@guitarmusicman.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 7:12 AM To: Jane Howington Cc: Theresa White Subject: Eckels Reflections and Thanks Hi Jane I really liked your comment about the "spirit and intent of the law". I thought I would forward some ordinances that I presented earlier this summer that reflect what you are referring to. Bozeman, Missoula and Dayton have ordinances that are very very simple and address the end goal. (Perhaps there could be a preamble addressing the spirit, goal and intent of the ordinance....) Even the current Kalispell noise law 19.10 is in the ballpark in this regard. I especially like the concept of "any" and "unnecessary noise". This protects construction etc. that is necessary and requires that "unnecessary noise" be removed. That is why training laps fall into this category - they are completely unnecessary - Cindy Martin, general manager at Glacier International Airport may be able to add perspective: 406-257-5994 (press 8). Thanks for all you do! Steve "Spirit of the Law" I like the simplicity of Dayton's code - In fact I would have to say I love it; perhaps we should just use Dayton's!: Sec. 94.04. Unnecessary noise prohibited. No person shall make, continue, or cause to be made or continued any loud, unnecessary or unusual noise or any noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of others, within the limits of the city. (Ord. 16964, passed 8-2-50) Cross references: Penalty, see § 94.99. Or Missoula: It is the public policy of the city that every person is entitled to live in an environment where ambient noise levels are not detrimental of life, health and enjoyment of his property and community. It is declared that the making, creation and maintenance of excessive and unnecessary noises within the city is illegal. Or Bozeman 8.30.010 Purpose The City Commission of the City of Bozeman hereby enacts this ordinance to protect, 1/20/2010 352.00 m5ilverbrook Investmeows, Silverbrook T n. r "` ® LIC 110 III Creek Trail • 5ilverbrookl ' ..., LLC • is ! ..... '.. silverbrook nvr �IeSilverbrook I i r `r in! LLC 202 Lazy Creek W4 I r Ron Terry Construction 2115 Eider Dr. 40,252.64 SFR = SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TH = TOWNHOUSE CAA = COMMERCIAL DX = DUPLEX MF = MULTI FAMILY (APARTMENT) preserve, and promote the health, safety, welfare, peace, and quiet of the citizens of the City of Bozeman through the reduction, control, and prevention of raucous noise, or any noise which unreasonably disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of reasonable persons of ordinary sensitivity. (Ord. 1539 § 1, 2001) Cindy Martin may be a good resource person for thinking this issue through. Cindy is the general manager of Glacier International Airport. Her phone number is 406-257-5994 (press 8). ---She took issue with, and was dismayed by the claim made by some pilots that training at Glacier Airport was "inconvenient". She made it unequivocally clear that the Glacier has more than enough capacity for training exercises. Further, she disputed the argument that Glacier was inconvenient in any of the other ways we have heard from aviators at recent meetings. She says GPI would not enter our city discussion uninvited, but that if we approached her, she would be happy to answer questions and share ideas. She reminded me that people do not own the air over their houses - so that control of aviation must be exerted on the ground level. 1/20/2010 From: Jim Pierce Dim@redeagleaviation.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 6:48 AM To: Theresa White Subject: FW: We love Kalispell City Airport Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 8:13 PM To: jim@redeagleaviation.com Subject: Web: We love Kalispell City Airport Email: topgunjpd@comcast.net Name: John Dimtroff Phone: 425-246-8321 I saw a segment about Kalispell Airport under fire from a group called "Quiet Skies" on an AOPA email. I just want to offer some input for your defense of the airport. My wife and I love to fly into Kalispell for a relaxing change of pace from the hustle & bustle of the Seattle rat race. Kalispell provides some of the most beautiful flying this side of the Rockies and we especially love the fact that we can land at the airport, grab our bags, walk over to our motel, pick up the rental car and stay as long as we want (weather permiting.) We patronize the local businesses while we're there and look forward to our trips to that region of the country. Kalispell is also our favored stop over on the way to Cut Bank, MT and Calgary (Springbank, CA.) When we fly into Kalispell, we make our approaches such that we accomodate the noise sensitive issues (we have the same problems here in the Puget Sound area) and do our best to take into consideration the concerns of the local residents. Our old Skyhawk is no Biz Jet, just a 43 year old bird we work to keep airworthy -- a bird from which to see the beauty of the great Northwest. We hope you can keep this wonderful airport alive, and hope to visit this coming Spring/Summer. J Dimtroff 1/20/2010 rage i of i From: bert tenon [bertlenon@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 3:52 PM To: Theresa White Subject: FW: city airport From: bertlenon@hotmail.com To: manager@kalispell.com Subject: city airport Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:35:47 -0700 Dear Ms Hovington, These are but a few of my concerns about city airport; 1. first and formost it should be VOTED on by the city residents, 2. what I could gather off the city documents there's 74 airplanes and 74 ownners, that seams like a lot of benefits for a very few citizen's, 3. the airport has $90,000 income of which $58,000 is wages, plus medical etc.(for airport manager)just over breaking evan I would guess, 4. the city could do a lot more with 90 to150 acres that would benifit more of the people in Kalispell, reasonable building sites for low income familys, you coed give 300 familys building lots, that could serve 1200 plus citizens of Kalispell, anyway I could go on and on but I hope the city will reflect on how to serve it's constituants interest's first and best. thanks for hearing me out. Bert Lenon 56 year resident and want to be proud of it. Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get.._it.now.... 1/26/2010 Blue And White Motel, Inc. 640 East Idaho Street Mailing Address: P.O. Box 249 Kalispell, Montana U.S.A. 59903-0249 January 25, 2010 Dear Madame Mayor and Council, Switchboard/Office: 406-755-4311 24 Hour Reservations 1-800-382-3577 Fax Number: 406-755-4330 Email: blue@digisys.net www.blu-white.com I have two questions to pose concerning the airport renovation: 1. How many local laborers will be hired for reconstruction and upgrading? Remember that Kalispell has over 10% unemployment. 2. In the long term, what specific economic benefit will there be for Flathead Valley? I realize that this money is from the FAA and not a stimulus package and would benefit us greatly. I also realize that moving the airport is very ludicrous. I am a local long term resident of this valley and I live and work in Kalispell. Sincerely, Jeff Walla, Civil Engineer of STELLING ENGINEERS, INC, of the Kalispell office called Mr. Jenson the Poison Airport Manager, who was going to speak at Quiet Skies Public Meeting this Thursday the 14th. At the Outlaw Inn. And told him I don't want you to speak at that meeting I don't want you to contradict what Stelling Engineers has told the city of Kalispell. I called Mr. Walla and asked him why he called Mr. Jenson and advised him not to speak at the Public Meeting. He said Mr. Jensen is a client of theirs and he didn't tell him not to speak at the meeting. He said he inform Mr. Jenson that he wasn't speaking to the City Council and suggested that Mr. Eckels lied to Mr. Jensen. I said Mr. Jensen knew he wasn't speaking to the City Counsel for over a week and it was even in the news paper, and what business is that of yours anyway? Again he said Mr. Jenson and the Poison Airport is there client. I then told Mr. Walla that Mr. Eckels talked to Mr. Jenson at great lengths about Quiet Skies and what the meeting was about. And Mr. Jensen was excited about coming up to speak. And today he told Mr. Eckels that you said Stelling didn't want him to talk and contradict what Stelling Engineers has told the city. Mr. Walla then hung up on me. Question: 1. What does (Walla) Stelling Engineers don't want the City to know? 2. What's Mr. Walla or (Stelling Engineers) motive to silence Mr. Jensen from telling the public/City about airport management and how they determined to locate there airport? 3. Why would Stelling engineers (Walla) not want to re -locate the City Airport? Because of this action, the city Council should not allow Stelling Engineers to have anything more to do with the Engineering Issues or drafting of any future E.A.'s of the City Airport issue. S'ectr�,��f yyP Srti �,e. w. vdf you �r2 -i5m i a6k, 1 Vl 1 Theresa White From: Scott Scott [maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 7:26 PM To: bidcaller65@hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net; zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net; hammerquistl2@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com; fschroeter@centu rytel. net; kyv59903@centu rytel. net; wisebunch@bresnan.net; joanskare@centurytel.net; peggylee@marketyourart.com; mjdardis@yahoo.com; crystal lynn seiler; paulinem@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net; admason@centurytel.net; jpress@centurytel.net; douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net; roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; Scott Davis; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com; jo- blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda397@centurytel.net; siblerud@bresnan.net; Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com; theprofessor529yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003gyahoo.com; marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; wmcmichael@semitool.com; rgmikelson@gmail.com; phiijerrig@yahoo.com; nkimball@dailyinteriake.com; kuhlpan@cyberport.net; Theresa White; Theresa White; Jane Howington Subject: FW: City Airport Members and Non-members, here's a few good questions, can anyone answer them? I'm sending them on to the city. Scott, Do you know if the city is still taking questions on the airport? I've been so involved with the issues at work and the retirement thing that I haven't thought of much else. Last night, or this morning about 2 a.m. actually, a couple of thoughts came to mind with regard to the airport deal. They're always talking about the airport as being an "enterprise fund" and how it pays for itself. Well, my first question is what exactly is an enterprise fund in the city's definition. I have a good idea of what it is --a separate bookkeeping entity from the rest of Kalispell's finances --but I would like to see the numbers of how the airport pays for itself. The city should have monthly/quarterly/annual financial statements --balance sheets and profit and loss statements --that show how the airport is actually paying it's own way. Have you seen anything like this? If they are still taking questions to address at their next meeting, I would like to add the following to the questions: (1) How does the city define "enterprise fund", (2) Show us the last 2-3 years financial statements that indicate that the airport actually pays for itself, (3) How does the revenue generated by the airport compare to the tax revenue that would be generated if this property were used for residential purposes? The information presented at the meeting last night left me thinking the only reasonable solution to the city airport debacle is to remove this contentious issue from the city agenda and move Red Eagle and the other private airplanes out to GPI. Let these pilots deal with GPI who are informed and knowledgeable on these issues. (I don't think they want that.) I get the feeling that the pilots have been calling all the shots and walking all over these city government people for a long time and just can't come to grips with the fact that somebody has the audacity to challenge them now. They feel a bit threatened --hence, Scott Richardson's tirade last night. Oops, didn't mean to get quite so wordy! Anyway, if the city is still taking questions and comments, is there a particular place to post it? Thanks again for all your work. Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service. Get it now. 1/20/2010 City Council Comments January 9,2009 CPT 7� Contact Information Vince Jennison 406-883-282 - Poison Airport Manager David Cole - 406-841-2770 - Community Development; State of NIT Gary Gates - 06- 9-5271 x 32 - Airports division FAA Brief introduction Originally came to the council regarding regulation of training flights by Red Eagle Aviation- 4,Vv UZ- Was asked by three ci y officials to stew M my participation. 1. Council man - concerned about quality of life on the south side 2. City plannner - concerned about housing grants that may be in jepardy if airport is expanded. 3. Policeman - concerned about public saftey, drug smuggling, homeland security. So, here I am here as a face representing the "silent majority" I have made errors: last summer in an effort to create good will I left a note for the owner of Red Eagle saying, "Great job". What I should have said was, thank you for moving our operations to GPI for two days a week, by doing so you have made a 28% improvement. He has used the note against me ever since. Would like to invite council members to a special meeting, Thursday 7:00- 9:00 at the Winchester room at the Outlaw Inn. Special guests incude Vince Jennison - the manager of Polson Airport and Dave Heine a real estate broker. Jeff Walla of Stelling Engineers called Vince and told him that, "we don't want you saying anything the contradicts what we have been telling the city." As an excuse for not coming, they concocted the story that Vince thought is was a city council meeting. This is a lie. Items of discussion and Possible Ratification ---Clarify questions such as how many legal Kalispell residents keep their airplanes at city airport is a historic district compatible with an airport affected zone? and many, many more unanswered questions ---Legal voting residents should be given primary consideration in city policy. If so, speakers must give their legal residential address? ---The advantages of having the airport operated by the city vs. a separate entity such as red eagle. How to manage its' airport: Vince Jennison ---The next EA - should be "an original work" (David Cole: Head of Community development at Dept of Commerce 406-841-2770) should include - (Gary Gates, consulting) ---firm must be independent - not able to bid on job ---cost of moving Red Eagle to GPI? ---cost of moving all tennants to new location ---time needed to clear court challenges and then build 4 years from time of land acquisition ---At what point to we determine expansion is a "dead horse"/not going to happen? ---What else could the land be used for? ---Survey of legal residents ---Appraisal of the Land Ask for evidence from aviators regarding GPI safety. Has anyone seen written evidence that GPI is unsafe or inconvenient for general aviation? Red Eagle Aviation; appears "ungovernable". They pay the "manager's salary". Development should be the job of the planning dept. and the manager should run the operations. 01-04-2010 KALISPELL CITY RESIDENTSAIRPORT SCOPING OUE57YONS FOR THEKALISPELL CITY COUNSEL MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER. 1. SHOULD KAI ISPELL CITY AIRPORT BE EXPANDED AND RELOCATED FURTHER OUT OF TOWN? 2. SHOULD KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT BE EXPANDED AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION? 3. STUDIES HAVE DOCUMENTED SEVERAL ALTERNATIVE AIRPORT LOCATIONS, ALL OF WHICH WOULD BE LESS COSTLY TO CONSTRUCT, WERE YOU AWARE OF SUCH STUDIES? 4. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE CITY PROPERTY AT THE AIRPORT LOCATION IS BEING USED AT IT'S: HIGHEST AND BEST USE AS AN AIRPORT? 5. DO WE NEED TWO AIRPORTS?? 6. ARE • AWARE 1. !. • PARK 1 • INTERNATIONAL ♦ ! 1. SAID THEY WOULD ACCEPT OUR t A. EON ,: NEEDS OUT AT THEIR AIRPORT? rl 7. • YOU KALISPELL AIRPORT, COUNSEL MEMBERS, MAYOR? 8. IF THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT RELOCATED OUT i OF • l YOU STILL WANT TO BE CITY OWNED AND OPERATED OR COLLABORATE COUNTY? 9. OR: OWNED BY THE CM, BUT OPERATED BY (GPI) GLACIER PARK INTERNATIONAL? 10 OR: ! c ) AND OWNED BY • ) THE AIRPORT SELF-SUPPORTING WITH NO SUBSIDY?CITY 11. SHOULD THE CITY RELOCATE THE CITY AIRPORT, SHOULD THE OLD AIRPORT PROPERTY BE SOLD? 12. ARE THERE INVESTORS TO INVEST AND RELOCATE THE AIRPORT? 13. DOES THE RESIDENTS WANT TRAINING FLIGHTS OUT OF THE CITY AIRPORT? 14. HOW MANY BUSINESSES ARE IN BUSINESS AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 15. SHOULD THE CITY AIRPORT BE LEFT JUST AS IT IS? 16. SHOULD THE CITY AIRPORT BE LEFT AS IT IS WITH SAFETY MODIFICATIONS W/O F.A.A. INVOLVEMENT? 17. SHOULD THERE BE A ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY DONE COMPARING THE EXPENSES OF VARIOUS OPTIONS OF THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT PROPERTY? 18. WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE LENGTHEN OF THE RUNWAY TO 4500FT. OR MORE AND MAKING IT WIDER TO ALLOW B-2 AIRCRAFT TO LAND THERE? 19. SHOULD THE F.A.A. (TAXPAYER DOLLARS, YOURS AND MINE ) SHOULD BE SPENT TO COVER THE PROJECTED EXPANSION AT THE CURRENT AIRPORT LOCATION? 20. HOW MANY FULL TIME JOBS WILL BE CREATED WITH EXPANSION OF THE CITY AIRPORT AT ITS PRESENT LOCATION, VS RELOCATING M. 22. CAN THE CITY AIRPORT LAND BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO A DEVELOPER? 23. HAVE YOU HAD TO SUSPEND CONVERSATION ON YOUR PROPERTY UNTIL A HELICOPTER OR ANY AIRCRAFT HAVE COME OVER? 24. WILL LARGER AND FASTER AIRCRAFT FLY OVER IF THERE IS AN EXPANSION? 25, DO YOU THINK IT'S SAFE TO HAVE HELICOPTER STUDENTS AND AIRCRAFT STUDENTS SHOULD BE FLYING AND PRACTICING OVER OUR HOMES AND SCHOOLS? 26. DID YOU BUY YOUR HOME KNOWING THE LOCATION OF THE CITY AIRPORT WILL BE EXPANDED? 27 DID YOU BUY YOUR HOME KNOWING THAT THEY WANTED TO EXPAND AND BRING IN LARGER AND FASTER AIRCRAFT AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 28 DO YOU KNOW THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO'VE USED THE CITY AIRPORT IN THE PAST YEAR, AND HAVE A TRUE AND ACCURATE ACCOUNTING OF THE INCOME TO THE CITY IT HAS DERIVED? DO YOU FEEL WE SHOULD SPEND THE F.A.A. DOLLARS BECAUSE IF WE DON'T SOMEONE ELSE WILL? 29. IS RED EAGLE INSURED TO WITHSTAND A CRASH OF ONE OF ITS PLANES, OR IS IT THE CIiY'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COVER ALL LEGAL FEE'S AND COSTS? 30. WHAT ARE THE LIABILITY EXPENSE ISSUES OF THE CITY AIRPORT? 31. HOW MUCH ARE THE LEASE AGREEMENTS WITH RED EAGLE AND OTHER BUSINESSES ON THE AIRPORT PROPERTY? 32. HOW MUCH REVENUE IS MADE OR HOW MUCH FUEL IS SOLD AT THE AIRPORT -VS- THE REVENUE IF THE AIRPORT PROPERTY WAS SOLD? 33. WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE FUEL OPERATIONS AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 34. WHERE CAN ONE GET A COPY OF THE LEASE AGREEMENTS OF BUSINESS AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 35. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THERE WAS A FULL INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTING OF THE KAI ISPELL CITY AIRPORT MANAGEMENT BOOKS? 36. WHAT IS THE VALUE OF THE AIRPORT PROPERTY? 37. SHOULD WHO EVER GETS THE BID TO DO THE NEW E.A., ALSO BE ABLE TO BID ON ANY CONSTRUCTION OF THE AIRPORT? 38. WHAT ARE THE GROSS RECEIPTS FOR FUEL SALES FOR 2009 AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 39. WHAT IS THE SALES PROFIT FROM FUEL SALES FOR THE YEAR 2009? 40. HOW MANY CITY RESIDENTS KEEP PLANES AT THE CITY AIRPORT? 41. SHOULD NON-RESIDENTS HAVE A VOICE IN CITY AIRPORT POLICY? 42. HOW MANY YEARS WILL IT TAKE TO ACQUIRE THE NECESSARY LAND FOR EXPANSION? ( CONSIDERING COURT BATTLES ETC. ) ■► ■�� • i i .►•� z.11111 " 000111111 ffiffiliviumt TWAIN "W . i0161 •] 1:1 W.11 44. WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF " PASSING" AN E.A. CONSIDERING THE DEVELOPMENT THAT HAS TAKEN PLACE AROUND THE AIRPORT? 45. ARE A " HISTORIC DISTRICT" AND AIRPORT AFFECTED ZONE COMPATIBLE? 46. DOES THE COUNSEL KNOW THAT THE GLACIER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMPLETELY SAFE AND CONVENIENT FOR GENERAL AVIATION AND AVIATION TRAINING? 47. SOMEONE SPOKE AT A COUNSEL MEETING THAT GPI IS UNSAFE AND INCONVENIENT FOR AVIATION, DID THEY PRODUCE ANY WRITTEN DOCUMENTS TO BACK THERE STATEMENT UP? 48. • WROTE THE AIRPORT, MANAGEWS JOBDESCRIPTION AND DOES THE COUNSEL CHANGED? ..• WHAT ARE ADVANTAGES OF BEING THE FBO RUNNING THE AIRPORT AND SALES OF FUEL) VERSES HAVE r EAGLE AND ASSOCIATES RUNNING 50. IF THE CITY DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS TURNED IN BEFORE THIS JAN. 25 SCOPING MEETING WILL THE CITY HAVE ANOTHER SCOPING SESSION? IF NOT WHY? 51. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT DECISION NOT LEFT IN THE HANDS OF THE VOTERS TO VOTE ON CLOSING IT AND MOVE IT TO GPI OR RELOCATING IT WITH F.A.A FUNDING 3 TO 5 MILES FROM TOWN? 52. WHY HAS THERE NOT BEEN STUDIES DONE ON OTHER USES OF THIS CITY OWNED PROPERTY? 53. HAS THE CITY CONSIDERED JUST ASKING PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE LOWER VALLEY AREA IF THEY WOULD COMBINE THERE PROPERTIES TO SELL FOR A RELOCATED AIRPORT? 54. ARE THERE ANY PLANS FOR TAX REBATES OR COMPENSATION FOR LAND OWNERS WHO HAVE BEEN RESTRICTED FROM SELLING AND IMPROVING THERE PROPERTIES AROUND THE CITY AIRPORT DUE TO THIS BUNGLED IDEA OF EXPANSION? QUESTIONS E-MAILED AND PHONED INTO ME FROM RESIDENTS, PLEASE RECORD AND ANSWER THE RESIDENTS QUESTIONS AT THE SCOPING MEETINGS. SCOTT DAVIS 448 STH. AVE. WEST 6 KALISPELL, MONTANA 59901 406-752-1523 Theresa White From: maryiverson [maryiverson@bresnan.net] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 4:12 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Scoping Session 11/30/09 Attachments: Scoping Session Response.doc 1/20/2010 January 3, 2010 Members of the City Council and Jane Howington, City Manager: I very much appreciated the November 30 Airport Scoping Session and the opportunity to hear the myriad of questions asked by people of varied backgrounds and opinions with regard to our Kalispell Airport. I applaud Jane Howington for suggesting it, and thank her for giving this issue the time frame we need to have all our questions answered. An issue that concerns me is the same one Steve Eckels continues to address. That is, we, the Citizens of Kalispell, want to know the addresses of the speakers at the microphone. It is a very simple and reasonable request. Giving personal addresses or, if not that, voting districts speaks to the question of whose interests are being served by our elected officials. Steve's concern is based on the fact that many aviators and aviation officials at the council meetings and scoping sessions give their business addresses, but we do not know if they are voting residents of Kalispell or not. The citizens of Kalispell have elected our council members to ensure that OUR voice is heard. If people in the outlying areas of the County want to offer an opinion on the airport, that's fine because it offers us helpful information by which we can make decisions. However, our Council members need to remember who they are serving. We want the transparency our Council has promised us. I would also like to thank Council members Kluesner, Hafferman, our Mayor Kennedy, and any others who voted to postpone the offer of the Engineering Contract to Stelling Engineers. The Council needs to address citizen concerns in good faith before we offer the contract. The argument of the others was that they cannot answer all the questions adequately without the consultants. However, offering it "seals the deal" so to speak, and, you never know, the deal may change. The fact that some Council Members wanted to offer it at this time concerns me because it seems that they are not serious about Citizens' need for adequate information. Do they think the Scoping Sessions are just a mere formality and they intend to get what they want no matter what? This is an example of how those in power lose the trust of the citizens. I would like to thank our Council, the members going out and the members coming in for their hard work and commitment to our City. Sincerely, Mary Iverson 1203 4t" Avenue Eask Kalispell Theresa White From: Steve Eckels [eckels@guitarmusicman.comj Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 8:07 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Eckels copy of letter to Jane Hi Jane Congratulations on a brand new year. Tomorrow should be an exciting night with the installation of the new mayor. I'm not planning to attend. I have studied the questions that have been compiled from the scoping meeting and have added some important questions to the list. There is only one question that I would have you answer ASAP and that is the first one. As you recall from the first scoping meeting, the city airport advocates would like to silence this question. How many legal Kalispell residents (voting residents) keep planes at city airport? If you could find this information for me I would appreciate it. Sincerely, Steve Here are the rest of the questions: Should non residents have an equal voice in city airport policy? The Montana Constitution begins, " We the people of Montana grateful to God for the quiet beauty of our state...". Can we really "give thanks to God for the quiet beauty of our state" and at the same time make public policy that creates more noise? Who wrote the Airport Manager's job description and how can it be improved? How can we best use the skills of Colonel Leistiko? What are the advantages of the city becoming the FBO (running the airport), verses having Red Eagle and Associates running it? Would people be apt to move away from the historic district if there is more noise on the south side? What are the gross receipts for sales of gasoline for a year? What is the profit from gasoline to the FBO for a year? How many years will it take to acquire the necessary land at the current site for an expansion? (considering court battles etc.) If the airport flunks the EA (which I believe it will), will the city be interested in building a new airport in cooperation with the county somewhere away from town, or is it better to move the activity to GPI? What is the cost of moving the current tenants to GPI (I understand the city is responsible for this.... but I could be wrong) Did you know that Glacier International Airport is completely safe and convenient for general aviation and aviation training? (there are only 9.5 commercial flights per day average.) Who is spreading rumors that GPI is unsafe and inconvenient, and could they produce a written document to support these claims? What are the odds of "passing" an EA considering the development that has taken place around the airport? 1/20/2010 From: Wayne McMichael [wmcmichael@semitool.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 11:36 AM To: news@flatheadbeacon.com; Jane Howington; Theresa White; Michelle Anderson; edit@dailyinterlake.com Subject: Airport- to grow or not to grow... Having watched this valley grow for 50 years, I can honestly say that the growth here will not end. Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Lakeside, Bigfork, Somers will all come together someday. Inevitably the airport will need to grow with the valley. I do not see the airport being able to expand to the level it will need to at it's present location. It should proceed with relocation, then expansion as needed to fit the needs of the Citizenry of the Flathead Valley. No matter where it ends up there will be businesses around it like hotels, restaurants. This valley is of a size that a 20 minute drive can take you just about anywhere here. This is still better than some locations I have been to. I can remember this being a 3 stop light town and LaSalle was gravel. Look at the valley now. Prudent foresight is required here. Think on a larger scale than "Kalispell city airport but rather Flathead Valley airport. The "City's" airport business could be better served thinking on a larger scale to accommodate the valley. With this in mind then I would look at the lands currently available and at least see if they may be a better proposal than just shrugging it off as not doable.... Growing pains are to be expected but can be worked through. Moving it to a county location may change the "restrictions" . They could probably be grandfathered to prevent this scenario from happening in the future when the valley envelopes the airport in it's new location. If we lay out the ground rules now instead of waiting 15 years .... we will all be further ahead. I spent many an afternoon watching the parachutes over the city airport. The soar planes fill me with awe as they quietly sail overhead. I am neither for or against the airport expansion just voicing that we need to think larger and further... Wayne McMichael Flathead Valley Citizen This email and any attachments are Semitool Inc. proprietary and confidential information. Unless you are the intended addressee, you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. Intended addressees should abide by all appropriate restrictions regarding the dissemination of proprietary and confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by reply e-mail @semitool.com, and delete the message. 1/20/2010 12/21 /09 Eckels Council Input Fact check - FAA Enforcement It was stated at last week's city council work session that the FAA enforces regulations nationwide. The FAA would like you to think they enforce regulations - but they do not have equipment, or personnel to do so. City Airport is classified as an uncontrolled airport. Having an uncontrolled airport in the middle of a crowded city is "unwise" at best and "troublesome." Citizen's Task Force The city manager mentioned the idea of a citizens' task force to help regulate flight activities. To brainstorm on this idea we would need the following: 1. A city staffperson should be located at the airport during operating hours. 2. A telephone. The city staff person would answer phone calls from citizens regarding flight noise and altitude. 3. A training box. Training flights and touch and go practice would be limited to a "training box" as suggested by Cindy Martin, general manager of GPI. When John Doe flies outside of the training box at 3:05 PM, the concerned citizen picks up the phone, calls the airport, and reports to the staff person. The staff member immediately talks with the pilot educating them on city procedures or issuing a fine for repeated infractions. 4. Responsibility - I strongly believe it the city wants an airport they must staff it. Currently, it is being "managed" by the FBO otherwise known as Red Eagle. (See the answer book address and phone number). Meanwhile our manager's energies and talents are focused on "development" (which is not in the job description). Regarding the Environmental Assessment <In the EA document there will be thousands of words on paper — the text will be mostly boilerplate with a few facts plugged in here and there The most telling and important facts are the addresses of our local aviation officials) fficials What is the unspoken message of these residences? ---The airport manager, Fred Leistiko north Kalispell ---The airport board chairman, Scott Richardson - north Kalispell rlvoA ---The owner of the FBO/flight school, Jim Pierce - Big Fork ti Actions speak louder than words. Dpite all the data that will be provided to the council, I feel that the addresses or these aviation officials provide the following message. "LIVING IN THE AIRPORT AFFECTED ZONE IS OK FOR OTHER PEOPLE, BUT THE QUALITY OF LIFE THERE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR US." All of these airport advocates go through the trouble to commute to work near the airport and commute away from the airport to live. Actions speak louder than words. Put first things first How can we move forward when we do not have the land needed for the project? It appears the land may be impossible to acquire without condemning peoples property. I believe Kalispell residents would not tolerate such action. ---Appraise the property. The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number Aviators want the council to think that their rights are being infringed upon because of developing neighborhoods around the airport. Unfortunately, they think they own the airport (see the Interlake Answer Book). Remember the "pig farm" analogy. The airport is not owned by a poor pig -farmer who is being forced to quit farming because of development*<These 77 acres worth, let's estimate 30,000,000 million dollars are owned by 22,000 residents and 11,000 voters. Therefore, community decisions must be made based on the greatest good for the greatest number. Each and everyone listening to this broadcast has a share of approximately . n the 77 acres at 1880 Highway 93 South. Barb Eckels: Shouldn't we wait until after the answers from the scoping session are provided to the public before moving forward with an EA? Council Input As we think about our noise ordinance, I respectfully suggest we keep some of the following thoughts in mind. ---As a music teacher and musician I think about the relationship between sound and emotion. To the musician, organized sound is a tool used to convey emotion. Some sounds create tranquility, such as the sounds of a gentle breeze and waves lapping at the shore, as exemplified by the artwork on the wall of the council chamber. Other sounds create nervousness and agitation. Sound is a very real phenomenon - picture a fisherman on a tranquil lake. A large motor -boat passes by creating a wake that rocks the fisherman's boat and scares the fish. This is a precise analogy of what happens with sound. Waves from "second hand sound" rock the boats of all those in their path. Please keep this visualization in mind as you consider the importance of this subject. Regarding the future airport regulations, I would like to share some thoughts that were raised by Cindy Martin the general manager of Glacier International Airport when I talked with at length today. As you all know, my main concern with aviation noise has always been the "necessity" of having touch-and-go training flights over the residential areas. 'You've heard it before, but I will say it again that there are times in the summer when planes will fly over our house every five minutes. We live near St. Matthew's church and are nowhere near the airport. Pilots like to ask, why did you move near the airport? We are nowhere near the airport but Jim Pierce of Red Eagle Aviation told us we are right on the path for approaches. While Red Eagle has since made some improvements during a couple of weeks last summer, without proper regulations there is nothing to stop them from circling every five minutes next I 1. Cindy Martin may be a good resource person for thinking this issue through. Cindy is the general manager of Glacier International Airport. Her phone number is 406-257-5994 (press 8). ---She took issue with, and was dismayed by the claim made by some pilots that training at Glacier Airport was "inconvenient". She made it unequivocally clear that the Glacier has more than enough capacity for training exercises. Further, she disputed the argument that Glacier was inconvenient in any of the other ways we have heard from aviators at recent meetings. She says GPI would not enter our city discussion uninvited, but that if we approached her, she would be happy to answer questions and share ideas. She reminded me that people do not own the air over their houses - so that control of aviation must be exerted on the ground level. 2. Keep in mind that many aviators compare themselves to pig -farmers who are being surrounded by development. The thinking is that it is unfair for those who move in around a farm to complain about noise and smell. There are two important differences between the "Pig farm" analogy and the City Airport. First - in the case of the city airport the "so called pig fanner" is proposing an expansion and change of use. And secondly, and more important, whereas the pig fanner is a private entity, the city airport is a public entity - a public infrastructure like a road or building. As such, the "so called pig farm/airport is owned by 22,1000 citizens and 11,000 voters. Please avoid any appearance of the "wag the dog" syndrome in any new noise regulations. In other words the 22,000 owners of the airport need to be making decisions - not simply the well -organized aviation association. 3. Finally, there is a lot of talk about the economic contribution of city airport. I will not dispute this. I do wonder about economic value of the citizens on the ground. Please consider the economic value of those on the ground. Theresa White From: Jane Howington Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 8:12 AM To: Theresa White Subject: FW: kalispell airport FYI From: Nancy Kimball [maiIto: nkimball@dailyinterlake.com] Sent: Sunday, December 06, 2009 2:41 PM To: Jane Howington Subject: Fwd: kalispell airport Hi Jane -- Here's another email regarding the airport, again just in case it has any bearing on your process. Being from a bush pilot in Africa who was trained at Strand Aviation, this one brings an interesting twist. Thanks, Nancy Begin forwarded message: From: "rijks.agrometeo" <rijks.agrometeo@wanadoo.fr> Date: December 5, 2009 4:17:00 AM MST To: <nkimball@dailyinterlake.com> Cc: <aopahg@aopa.org> Subject: kalispell airport Bonj our, Just want to say how far the benefits of Kalispell City airport have reached. I followed my pilot's training at Kalispell in 1981 with instructor Ken Byers of Strand Aviation, I have flown since then many many hours, mostly in the Sahel, first for the development of the Senegal River Basin and later for the strengthening of the meteorological and hydrological networks, and the training of techniciens and engineers to do meteorological data analysis for application for better food production in these semi -arid areas. At the moment I work the major part of my time as a volunteer on the Sudan-Tchad border to teach refugee women how to use solar cookers in the desert area where there is no wood to cook the food brought in by the World Food Programme of FAO/UN. If refugee women did not have this solar cooking technique, they would have to go out for many miles every day to search, often in vain, for just a little bit of wood and run a 50% risk of being beaten or raped or killed by errant scoundrels. Just to say how much I am grateful to the City of Kalispell and Ken Byers to have given me a chance to become a long-term bush pilot. I do hope that you will decide to continue to give such chances to many, even if they come from Europe and go to work in the worst security regions of Africa. To me this is part of America's technical and human heritage shared with the whole world. And you just need a well functioning airport to continue to play that role. Best regards, Derk Rijks Agrometeorological Applications Associates B.P. 102 F-01213 Ferney-Voltaire Cedex France Tel +33 450 40 88 41 Fax +33 450 40 88 42 Mobil +33 6 85 70 6188 Email: rijks.agrometeo@wanadoo.fr Nancy Kimball 1/20/2010 Kalispell City Reporter Daily Inter Lake 727 East Idaho P.O. Box 7610 Kalispell, MT 59904 Phone: 406.758.4483 Fax: 406.758.4481 1/20/2010 Theresa White From: Danlynne [hisway@montanasky.us] Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 11:58 AM To: Theresa White Subject: airport comments Attachments: City airport.doc Dear City Council, I have been unable to attend the meetings because of working evenings, but do appreciate the website information available about the proposed expansion. As part owner of Hammitt Corp. property, please allow me to comment on the proposed expansion with the above attachment. Thank you, Danlynne K. Smith 1/20/2010 Hammitt Corporation 1125 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 December 3, 2009 City Council C/O Theresa White 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, Montana 59901 Dear Council Members: Hammitt Corporation owns the property that Scarff Auto recently has occupied. We understand that property is being considered in the expansion proposal of the city airport. Please consider the following items: ® The airport is very useful to the business and private sector of our community. ® Until recent years, the airport was on the outskirts of town, and posed no problem to the majority of the city, only advantages. ® Commercial properties along highway 93 have excellent access to the community and to those who buy in the community, our residents and tourists. ® Our particular holdings at 1212 S. Main and 1300 Airport Road with access to V Ave. W. are excellent commercial properties, in a central business location, with high traffic visibility. These lands need to remain active commercial properties in the near and distant future. It is not wise to put land of this type, already in use, under any possible restriction from that use in the future. ® The proposed airport expansion is moving north toward the heart of the city. ® The city has developed mostly north with commercial and residential, but is now due to go south. ® Our valley commerce involves much tourism. Tourists would enjoy an airport on the outskirts of the city, not in the city where they would expect to see the city's historic buildings, good shopping, and entertainment. In the best concern of all involved, we would like to offer two ideas: Or 1. Expand the airport south 2. Sell the airport property and buy open land at the edge of the city limits, building the new facilities to meet future demand. The airport is necessary for business concerns, but should not be expanded in a way that will hurt the businesses that already exist. Nor should the airport expansion plans limit what other businesses plan for their future development. If the airport is a thriving and necessary entity of our city, then it should be able to carry the weight of building a new facility, but one that will not take away from already established business. Thank you for your work and consideration. Sincerely, Danlynne K. Smith Co -Director and stockholder of Hammitt Corporation Therese White From: Steve Eckels [eckels@guitarmusicman.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 3:57 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Eckels reflections on the Scoping Meeting Airport Information Meeting Reflections By Steve Eckels 619 Second Ave. W. Kalispell, MT I would like to compliment Mayor Pam Kennedy and City Manager Jane Howington for hosting an information -gathering meeting regarding the Kalispell City Airport. There was one oddity. During the afternoon preceding the event, I talked with the facilitator about my concern that speakers provide their residential addresses. My concern was based on the fact that many aviators at council meetings give their business address and we don't really know if they live in Kalispell or not. He assured me directly that it was "proper" City Council procedure to present your residential address when speaking. In fact, he gave me a case history of another city issue in which those speaking were required to do so. I was unpleasantly surprised then at the beginning of the meeting when he stated that the rules were changed and people would not be required to give their addresses. When I asked him what had changed since our conversation he said, and I quote, "someone in power told me that this is the way it would be done." To make the story even more interesting he said he was not permitted to tell me who. Frankly, I felt as though I were taking part in a John Grisham novel. The truth can be stranger than fiction. Folks, this is an example though of how those in power lose the trust of the citizens. In one breath, the facilitator announced that they wanted as transparent process as possible and in the next breath, he stated that speakers did not have to reveal their town of residence, and there was a mysterious invisible power that controlled his actions. Wow. You may have noticed in the Daily Interlake report there were no addresses. The concern of course is that out of town folks are having an inappropriate influence on a local matter. The public might like to know that pilots are worried that the airport might "go away". I am not sure why they fear this. They probably know more than I do about various pressures the airport faces. There was also lots of concern about the facts and information that is available to folks to help them make a decision. To help our city government make an informed decision I have drafted a survey and have asked for answers. I feel that our local citizens might like to know this information too before spending millions A dollars of government money. I hope these questions are relevant and useful to our community. I Iepend on aviation and admire pilots, so please do not take this editorial as a complaint. It is based on 1/20/2010 my concerns' that things are done carefully, responsibly, and with the best interest of the greatest number of people in mind. At the end of this editorial is a copy of the six citizen assurances that we have presented the city and federal government. As I told the assembly at the meeting, I personally am all for airport expansion if they can meet and guarantee these assurance in writing and with factual documentation. You should know that the federal government has rejected these assurances. According to our city attorney, the city is not able or willing to sign the assurances at this time. First, I will present the user survey and then the "public assurances." First the survey: 1. Number of year-round Kalispell residents who use the city airport: A. Business Names; Addresses B. Other Names; Addresses 2. Number of year-round city airport users who are not Kalispell residents: A. Business Names; Addresses B. Other Names; Addresses 3. Residential address of owner of our flight training school/fixed based operation FBO: 4. Estimated revenue that could be generated by charging reasonable take -off and landing fees to non-residents, tourists, etc.: 1/20/2010 5. Names of year round pilots who live in the "airport affected zone". This document is a draft Government Resolution that states the city, county and federal officials are willing to assure the following citizen protections. The assurances must be supported with factual written evidence. The assurances will be signed by the appropriate government officials. Failure to sign the document means that the city, county and federal governments are not able to assure these protections. The City, County and Federal Aviation Administration assures the public: 1. Less noise: The expansion of the airport will result in noise that is equal to or less than the current amount of noise. The city will re -draft the "airport affected zone" to reflect the anticipated noise reduction, before any further steps are taken towards expansion/realignment. 2. Greater Safety: The expansion of the airport will result in greater safety to people on the ground. 3. Will not have a negative affect property values: The expansion of the airport will not have a negative affect on Kalispell's "charm factor" or property values. 4. Humanitarian Fund for Accidents: In the event of a crash, the city and federal government will reimburse people on the ground for damage or injury. The city will maintain a humanitarian emergency fund for this purpose. (Since aviation is so safe, why should the city worry about signing this one? Why should people on the ground be responsible for accidents caused by the select few that use the airport?) 5. Maintain airport with staff and office, and charge landing and take off fees to non-residents: The city will generate money from the airport in the form of reasonable take off and landing fees. The money will be reinvested in the airport -affected zone to upgrade neighborhoods and to help flight schools adjust to training operations a Glacier international or elsewhere. (There is a fee to use the Buffalo Hill Golf Course. Why should we not charge a fee for the specialized users of the airport?) There would be a city office and staff person at the airport to collect fees and answer telephone complaints. The airport office will be staffed by a city official during airport operations. 6. Restrict or eliminate training flights over city limits: The city will restrict or eliminate flight training over the city limits, including helicopters and any touch-and-go flights. Snowmobiles and cigarette smoking are illegal in public spaces for a reason — the airspace belongs to the federal government (public). The flight school may be reimbursed for the inconvenience with revenues generated through take off and landing fees. Signatures Date: 1/20/2010 Nate Parish, 1818 Bluestone Drive January 215t, 2009 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, Should the City Airport be moved from its present location to a new one or just gotten rid of all together? No, I am a resident of Kalispell and I live less than a mile away from the airport. I personally never notice the air port sounds or disruptions of the airport. The airport has been at that location for more than 75 years. That airport has been there much longer than the houses and its common sense that if you buy a house next to an airport, that airport is going to have traffic and its going to be loud. It makes no sense that you buy a house close to an airport and then complain about the noise that airport makes. The sewage plant next to the airport is way more of a disturbance then the airplanes flying around over head. As a resident of South Meadows, the sub -division that is located very near the Kalispell City Airport, I can say that I have gotten very used to it, and don't even notice it. The sound of airplanes in my opinion is much less of a nuisance then the rotten smell coming from the sewage plant. I also believe that the Kalispell City Airport does not need to be expanded. Most of the people who use that airport are flying smaller planes and therefore there is no reason for it to be expanded. if you are flying a jet or a larger airplane than you should be landing at Glacier International Airport. Don't get me wrong I think that the City airport should be properly up kept and the proper amount of money should be paid for that, but there is no reason to waste the taxpayer's money on expanding the airport when it doesn't need to be done. I believe that the City airport is something that is very important in this town, but I do not believe that it should be moved, or expanded to hold larger planes. If you think that the airport is too loud, than don't buy a house next to it, and if you think that the airport needs to be expanded than I believe that is a massive waste of money when the big airplanes can just as easily go to Glacier. Sincerely, Nate Parish FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: • Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as -proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—topics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. Name Date Garrett Azbill 175 Many Lakes Dr. 1/20/10 City of Kalispell, MT Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Dear Mayor of Kalispell, I personally believe that the airport should be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades. With all do respect to the owners of the houses by the airport, the airport was there before any of the houses and if they don't like the noise of an airport why did the move next to one. This is just like what happened in Arizona and Luke Air Force Base the base was built before the city was and people who moved next to the active Air Force base wanted the base to move. Personally when I lived in Arizona only about 20 miles from the base it made me feel safer seeing four F-16 fly by the neighborhood everyday. If the people don't like the noise of the jets then they should move or stop complaining. The airport was there before any houses and what would be more cost effective a few people moving or living with the noise or moving an airport with the planes, jet fuel, and electronics. Plus having to rebuild runways, hangers, and the towers. Sincerely, Garrett S. Azbill FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—tot)ics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. 1;/LI Z Jsbi�' Name Date Arthur Bielz 1930 Hwy 2 West 20 Jan, 2010 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, I have been reading the articles in the Daily Interlake about the city airport and the renovations they want to make. My opinion is that they should leave the runway where it is and make some improvements to the facility. I read on the city's website that a long time resident has lived near the runway for what seems like most of his life. He has lived near the downwind and base approaches of the airport and hasn't really been bothered by the noise the aircraft generate. He also states that most of the noise complaints are over exaggerated. My opinion is that we should upgrade the facility to bring in more tourism and increase the local business' revenue. I work at Cafe Espresso in the Kalispell Center Mall and most of our income is based on the tourism season. If we expand the runway to increase traffic, it would in turn increase our revenue and our business will do better in the slow months. In conclusion, we should improve the city airport so that local businesses will do better in the slow months and our popularity as a tourists' getaway will increase. If we don't expand the runway, then not as many people will discover this town and will miss out on all the things we have to offer like Glacier Park and Lone Pine. Sincerely, Arthur Bielz FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject, there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell_hot—topics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. Name Date Gregory Michael Seaman 538 South Foys Lake Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 1/20/2010 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, I am writing on the issue of the Kalispell City Airport's future. I have used our City airport countless times while flying with my father in our Piper Turbo Aero. I have not seen any problems with the Airport's location, or Airspace Class. However, there has been controversy over whether the City Airport should be moved and built to B-2 FAA Standards, maintained where and how it currently is, or upgraded to fit B-2 FAA Standards. First of all, problems have risen to provoke change in the Airport's status and location. Noise Pollution is a problem being looked at. Noise Pollution is when noise levels rise above a certain decibel around 100dBA. People who live around the airport are concerned about the disturbance of the Airport noise. Some realtors and buyers consider Noise Pollution to decrease the value of a home. Although this is not a concern of mine, a find it very hard to believe that noise can effect someone so much as to find a home less valuable or livable. Another concern is In -City Crashes. I have lived in Kalispell since I was born in 1991, and I can recall only one case which was a Pilot error which could have occurred even if the airport hadn't been located where it is. On the other hand, I see relocating the Kalispell City Airport as a costly venture that would impact very few, and do little to improve City Life in Kalispell if not downgrade it for citizen's by decreasing their accessibility to the skies. The Cost to remove the airport from its current location, then construct a brand new airport (not to mention that a new airport would not even be located within Kalispell's City Limits) would be extremely expensive, and overall unnecessary. As for the theory of Noise Pollution, it is unreasonable that a City Airport can create that big of a disturbance. As for my opinion, I believe that maintaining the airport as it is now is the most viable plan for Kalispell. There should not be a change in the location because there is not serious enough reason to do so. I do however deem that the airport could do with more funds to create a better flying environment. Conversely, I do not believe that an Airspace upgrade is necessary because larger aircrafts could potentially pose as a problem. Noise Pollution could become a relevant problem, and the airport could become more and more crowded. In conclusion, I believe that there should be no significant changes to the City Airport's location of Class. I would leave it how it is and maybe increase its funds. Sincerel , FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's fixture. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject, there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—toi)ics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. Name Date Clayton Taylor 930 Woodland Ave 1/20/2010 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Ave East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, The Kalispell City Airport is on of Montana's highest ranking general aviation airport in providing an economic boost to its region. It even rates well in the same categories as Montana's commercial airports. There are seventy planes based on it and around thirty of them are business planes. There are almost forty three landing and takeoffs a year. Overall there was ten point one million dollars in total impact to local pay rolls. Non commercial flights in 2008 pumped 2.798 million into local payrolls. There are about 286 people who worked full-time, par -time, or seasonally at the airport. By shutting down or moving the airport there would be around 286 jobs lost and over ten million dollars in local payrolls lost. There has been a debate about the airports location. Some people say it is to loud and a bother to the community. I have friends who live in south meadows which are right across from the airport. None of them say the airport bothers them and it isn't very loud. I don't believe the airport should be moved. But I don't think the airport should be expanded either. Because Glacier Airport isn't very far and Kalispell City airport is already big enough. There are already over forty three thousand operations a year. I don't believe they need to expand. The airport gives jobs, money, and good aviation opportunities for the community. Kalispell City Airport should stay the same. Sincerely, Clayton Taylor FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell_hot—topics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet, of r' 1 Name Date Kayla Seaman 538 South Foys Lake Drive Kalispell, MT 59901 January 20, 2010 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, I was born in Kalispell in 1994 and have been raised a good ole Montanan. I attend Flathead High School as a sophomore looking into a profession in podiatry. My father and my mother both grew up in Kalispell. As a teenager my father began taking flying lessons and has been flying since; as an instructor in college, flying my family to watch my eldest brother's baseball games around the states, to flying cross country for fun. He is my inspiration to continue the family tradition of love for aviation. Being a sophomore in an only junior/senior class, I came in as the youngest but with the most motivation to get my pilots license and learn more about aviation. Talking a few weeks ago my instructor, Mr. Chuck Manning addressed a problem or concern in the community. He explained the situation of the Kalispell City Airport and urged us students to gain further knowledge and share our opinions. As a good way to show the city our passion and dedication to aviation now and in our future, he asked us to write a letter to express our personal view on this subject. The Kalispell City Airport has been in its present locality for over 75 years and is one of the oldest General Aviation airports in Montana, as well as one of the busiest GA airports in the State. The airport lies in the middle of Kalispell, a town with some of the greatest recreation facilities in the United States, making Kalispell City Airport the entrance to Northwest Montana. Rumors and news have spread throughout the city on the Kalispell City Airport recently. Many viewpoints have come to attention on whether the City Airport should be left as is and maintained in its present location, be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location, or should the Kalispell City Airport be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location within the Flathead Valley. As a Flathead student whom is interested in aviation, I have researched the possible outcomes and have decided that the City of Kalispell should leave the airport as is and maintain it in the present location with no upgrades. I support my decision because the noise is not as loud as people complain it is, therefore it is not needed to be moved, but since there are complaints, B-2 would be a mistake because B-2 allows larger aircrafts to land. I am sure you already know all about B-2 so I will not going farther in depth. Another supporting reason is that people are worried about in -city crashes, but crashes are rare compared to car wrecks. The only crash I can recall in my lifetime inside Kalispell city limits was a few years back when they man crashed into a home near Flathead School. That could have been avoided, so with better awareness with the pilots and their aircrafts. Another defense regards the property. We already have a FBO, a runway, and hangers. Relocating would only cost the tax payers more and would be only affect the few that live near the current location. Also, what would the point be of having a City Airport if it is not inside the city limits? Those are some ideas to think about and consider when deciding on the outcome of your city's beloved airport. Well thank you for giving me your time to explain my idea and decision. Sincerely, Kayla Seaman FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? 0 Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterfake.com/ - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". • http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—to-oics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. ame ate Mitchell S. Schaller, 2146 Merganser Drive 1/20/10 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, I have read the articles from the Daily Interlake about this subject and it has come to my attention that the city wants to make red eagle into a larger airport making from a class B-lairport into a classB-2 airport. That would mean jet traffic would be going over my house daily. I would not mind that so much because the reconstruction would attract more attention to the flathead valley increasing our tourism. Increasing more tourism helps our economic situation but it would also upset some of the people living south of Kalispell city airport. Another solution I see the council is coming up with is move the city airport to another location I believe that would cost more to move an entire airport then to extend a runway to make room for the new traffic but then again all of the people currently out at Kalispell city airport would not move they would take the easy way out and just quit. I would like the Kalispell city airport not to turn into a class B-2 airport I would like the council to make a separate airport in a different location perhaps west of town behind Lone Pine or near the flats near Kila. Making more airports increase the amount of tourism in our little valley thus making more air traffic and making the new airport into a class B-2 airport. This is my solution to the problem of expanding the Kalispell city airport. In conclusion simple just remake a new class B-2 airport out of town a ways but not to far so the general public does not have to travel but still has not enough noise to be a huge problem. r FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.conV - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—tol)ics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. 1 t { Name Date Orion Hutchin 3393 Lower Valley Road 1/20/2010 City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor and Council, As a born Kalispell young man I've been watching this town change and grow. My family hasn't always been involved in aviation until recently my older brother found a great passion for flying and becoming a pilot. His passion started when he got into aviation in high school. He gained his flight experience and CFI at the local Kalispell city airport through a local business Red Eagle. We aren't wealthy and our family worked hard to get him into what he loved. Therefore I certainly think that the airport should remain at its currant location. The reasons why the airport should remain at the currant location is it is an accessible convenient location, allows the middle class like my brother and I to get into the world of flying, Lastly it is a positive asset to the inner city and was established before the neighborhoods. One of the issues that have been brought up is the noise of the planes that are coming in and out of the airport. That has already been discussed in that there is restricted flying on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. The airport has been willing to help out in attempts to cut down the noise and yet the people against the airport aren't willing to compromise and the planes that are flying are not the larger jets. Another concern is an accident in the inner city area. Planes rarely crash and the odds that a plane will go down and kill a person. People are much more likely to die in a car wreck in town. Therefore those concerns really are unrealistic in attempting to close or move the airport. The airport at the current location is a very accessible place for the majority of the valley. The concerned folks that have issues with the airport have had the choice to move into the neighborhood since the airport has been their long before that of the incoming people. The airport is also a place for local businesses and there are special services offered at the airport which if it were to be moved some businesses would lose business due to the fact they would be further away from their clients. With the economy has it is, it would not be financially responsible to spend all the money to move the airport when we already have the airport in a good spot to help our local businesses. A major concern for me is that if it is moved some of the flight schools and programs that offered at the current location would not be able to survive in a different environment. I believe that those opportunities are good for the youth in the city and help my generation get into the business, recreation, and joy of flying. Plus if it is moved that it would probably become more of a private airport and the middle class and less fortunate would not be able to take part in the activity and that would be another lost opportunity in the valley which I surely hope doesn't happen. Their for the airport should stay at its current location for the greater good of the city and the people that call this their true home. Sincerely, Orion Hutchin FHS Aviation Semester I — Current Event Writing Project The Kalispell City Airport (S27) has been in the news lately. Community members are voicing their points of view on the airport's future. These viewpoints are being represented in both the news media and at public meetings. Articles on this subject have appeared in the Daily Inter Lake (DIL) reported by DIL reporters and also by the public at large. As students interested in aviation, what is your opinion after reading the DIL, articles and reading the public scoping meeting comments on the Kalispell City website? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you do research on the topic to form your opinion: ® Should the City Airport be left as is and maintained in its present location and configuration with no upgrades? ® Should it be upgraded to meet B-2 FAA standards at its present location as proposed? ® Should it be relocated to meet B-2 FAA standards to a new location somewhere in the valley? Here are two websites you may choose to research in order to be better informed on the subject; there may be others. ® http://www.dailyinterlake.conV - go to advanced search and type in "City Airport". ® http://www.kalispell.com/manager/kalispell—hot—to-pics—news.cfm Your assignment is: Write a formal letter to the Kalispell City Mayor and Council expressing your view on the subject and defend your view with supporting research. Letter Format: (Your Name and Address) (Date) City of Kalispell Mayor and Council 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 - Dear Mayor and Council, (Letter body) Sincerely, (Your name) If you would like your letter to be delivered to the City of Kalispell Mayor and Council, please sign and date this instructional sheet. Name I/ - Date Page 1 of Theresa White From: Steve Eckels [eckels@guitarmusicman.com] Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 1:33 PM To: Jane Howington; Theresa White Cc: Scott Scott Subject: Eckels requests To; Jane Howington Re: Airport documents Hi Jane I hope you had a restful weekend and are ready for another exciting week in city government. I am requesting some materials to help me prepare for the Council meeting tonight. I will stop by city hall at 3:30 to pick up the following: 1. A copy of the lease agreement between the city and Red Eagle Aviation 2. A list of all modifications done to the airport since 1993 (as referenced in the conditional use laws) 3. The paperwork and certificates for the the fuel storage tanks at the airport. It occurred to me that one reason the fuel at Glacier Airport is more expensive is because they have their tanks properly inspected and updated. 4. The date and author of the Airport manager's job description. I feel a lot of the current headaches would have been avoided if the city was running the airport (the FBO/selling the gas) instead of having a private middle man. I look forward to seeing you at 3:35. I will also be visiting with Tom Jentz. Perhaps the three of us can get together. Excerpts From the Kalispell Zoning Law 27.20.010: Intent. A public district to provide and reserve areas for public uses in order to preserve and provide adequate land for a variety of community facilities which serve the public health, safety and general welfare. Such public uses would include schools, public buildings, parks, and open spaces, etc Z7.20.030: Uses Which May Be Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. 1). Airports, hangers and landing fields. ;2). Amusement park or zoo and similar out-of-doors activities. '3). Assembly halls, coliseums, stadiums, convention hall facilities. ). Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums, crematories. ?0/2010 (5). Colleges, university - public and private. (6). Community center, gym, swim pools - operated by public and quasipublic. (7). Community residential facility for eight (8) or fewer persons. (8). Community residential facility for more than eight (8) persons. (9). Electrical distribution station. (10). Electric light and power generating station. (11). Foster or group homes serving eight (8) or fewer persons. etc..... (1). No structure, building or land shall be used, constructed, altered, or expanded where a Conditional Use Permit is specifically required by the terms of these regulations until a Conditional Use Permit for such use has been authorized by the city council AND issued by the zoning administrator. (2). (Grandfather clause) Any use which was lawfully established prior to the adoption, extension or application of these regulations and the use is now permitted by these regulations subject to a Conditional Use Permit, may continue in the same manner and to the same extent as conducted prior to said adoption or extension of these regulations without securing a Conditional Use Permit provided that BEFORE the structure or building in which said use is conducted may be altered, added to, enlarged, expanded, or moved from one location to another on the lot, or before said use may be expanded within the building or extended 1/20/2010 1/20/2010 From: Steve Eckels [eckelsgguitarmusicman.com] Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 1:23 PM To: Michelle Anderson; Theresa White; Jane Howington Cc: Scott Scoff Subject: Eckels Request/Thanks To: Tom Jentz Re: "Conditional Use Grandfather Exemptions" Hi Tom I hope you enjoyed a restful weekend. Thanks again for the crash course in zoning you gave me Thursday and for the study materials. I have had a chance to study the zoning laws and it appears to me that grandfather clause only applies when there are no "changes, used, constructed, altered, or expanded". If this is true, then the airport has been running without the necessary conditional use permit if any changes have taken place after 1993 when the law went into effect. To save on red tape, Is there an unwritten policy that unless the public complains, the regulations are ignored? I would like a copy of the remedies/penalties that are enforced when an entity is not in compliance with regulations (I would like this, even if you think the airport is in the clear for some reason.) I will stop by Tuesday at 3:35 to pick up the regulations. Thanks again and best wishes. Steve 1/20/2010 From: Scott Scott [maxwells nortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:19 AM To: bidcaller659hotmail.com; f.thomas@centurytel.net; zatmike@centurytel.net; m.paulson@bresnan.net; maryiverson@bresnan.net; hammerquistl2@yahoo.com; fredh@bresnan.net; robertt@montana.com; fschroeter@centurytel.net; kyv59903@centu rytel. net; wisebunch@bresnan.net; joanskare@centurytel.net; peg gylee@ marketyou rart. com; mjdardis@yahoo.com; crystal lynn seiler; pauline m@cyberport.net; mojocat@aboutmontana.net; admason @centurytel.net; jpress@centurytel.net; douise@gmail.com; susanneoconnor@centurytel.net; roxiebrothers@centurytel.net; Scott Davis; phil.cjpllc@yahoo.com; jo- blake@bresnan.net; tom_smithlin@hotmail.com; linda3979centurytel.net; siblerud@bresnan.net; Marye Flowers; joblake@bresnan.net; eckels@guitarmusicman.com; theprofessor529yahoo.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.com; marilynmm@bresnan.net; djeep@bresnan.net; wmcmichael@semitool.com; rgmikelson@gmail. com; phiijerrig@yahoo.com; nkimball@dailyinterlake.com; kuhipan@cyberport.net; ceaton@interbel.net; citymayor@kalispell.com; Theresa White; Theresa White; Jane Howington; enelson@flathead.mt.gov; gary.gates@faa.gov; kofi@kofiradio.com; kals@kals.com; news@kcfw.com; news@kpax.com; news@kaj.com; petercarroll@flatheadlaw.com; tammi@fisherlaw.org; yorkie_mt@hotmail.com Subject: City Airport Quiet Skies Members and Non -Members Tonight at the Outlaw Inn at 7:00 pm we are having a Quiet Skies Informational Option Meeting, concerning the relocation of the Kalispell City Airport. Our guest speakers are going to be Mr. Craig Eaton, Mr. Eaton was instrumental in getting the Eureka City/County Airport developed, he headed the possitions as Airport Manager, Mayor of Eureka, Counsel Member, Airport Board Member, Concern Citizen, and he's also an Aviator. We are so happy that he has agreed to speak tonight on his adventures in building and relocating and establishing an Airport there in Eureka. We of Quiet Skies feel that Mr. Eaton is a wealth of information very much needed for the citizenry and our Counsel Members and Mayor to help make decisions on our issues with our City Airport. Also speaking is Mr. Dave Heine, Dave is a real state broker here in Kalispell, I asked around to a number of offices and they all directed me to Mr. Dave Heine, of Western Brokers of Kalispell. I had a very pleasant meeting with Dave and I asked him where is there room enough to put an Airport around Kalispell. Mr. Dave Heine has located number of locations, shovel ready so to speak, no condemnation, no negations with a number of property owners. And I think we all will be surprised at the fantastic locations. His presentation will follow Mr. Craig Eaton. There will be question and answer segments between all speakers. This public meeting is only concerning topics and discussions of re -location of the Airport, moving the Airport to GPI. If time willing, we do want to touch on peoples ideas and wants for the city property at this location for the future. Such as what should be replace at this location to generate revenue for the city. Please come and bring family and friends, it's your meeting. See you all there. FE-11 rr Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 1/20/2010 Theresa White From: Barbara Eckels [barb @guitarmusicman.com] Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 1:32 PM To: Gary.Gates@faa.gov Cc: Jane Howington; Theresa White; Thelma Keys -Nicol; Michelle Anderson; Teresa Parker; Kristi Curtis; Judi Funk; Katharine Thompson; Dan Diehl; Terry Mitton; Nancy Kimball; dtesta@flatheadbeacon.com Subject: Eckels/Kalispell To Gary Gates/FAA Airports Division: cc: City officials re: Airport modifications since 1993 From: Steve Eckels, Kalispell Hi Gary I have done some checking with our zoning department and have discovered that the Kalispell City Airport has never obtained a "conditional use permit". I think the staff was under the assumption/opinion that the airport was grandfathered in with "no conditions regarding changes". I know there have been a number of construction projects at the airport since 1993 when the law went into effect 17 years ago. I would like you to provide me with an itemized the list of projects that have occurred during this time. I will be checking with the zoning department and city officials as to the necessary remedies for the public and for the FBO which has been operating under this assumption of immunity. The purpose of the conditional use permit is "to protect the public health, safety and welfare". I would refer you to Kalispell Zoning ordinance 27.2 "P-1 Public". (see below) Airports are required to have the permit BEFORE "a structure (such as runway) or building is altered, added to, enlarged, expanded or moved. The grandfather provision applied so long as there are no changes to the structre. (See general provisions 24.34.010.) This makes sense to me. Otherwise an entity could grow in an ungovernable manner. Therefore, to repeat - I would like to obtain an itemized list from you of city airport modifications that have been done since 1993. I am perplexed as to why this law was neglected and what it says about the whole atmosphere going on here in Kalispell. I would like to make a presentation to the City Council on Tuesday evening, and would appreciate your prompt attention to my request. Sincerely, Steve Eckels Excerpts From the Kalispell Zoning Law 27.20.010: Intent. A public district to provide and reserve areas for public uses in order to preserve and provide adequate land for a variety of community facilities which serve the public health, safety and general welfare. Such public uses 1/20/2010 would include schools, public buildings, parks, and open spaces, etc 27.20.030: Uses Which May Be Permitted By Conditional Use Permit. (1). Airports, hangers and landing fields. (2). Amusement park or zoo and similar out-of-doors activities. (3). Assembly halls, coliseums, stadiums, convention hall facilities. (4). Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums, crematories. (5). Colleges, university - public and private. (6). Community center, gym, swim pools - operated by public and quasipublic. (7). Community residential facility for eight (8) or fewer persons. (8). Community residential facility for more than eight (8) persons. (9). Electrical distribution station. (10). Electric light and power generating station. (11). Foster or group homes serving eight (8) or fewer persons. etc..... 24.34.010 General Provisions. (1). No structure, building or land shall be used, constructed, altered, or expanded where a Conditional Use Permit is specifically required by the terms of these regulations until a Conditional Use Permit for such use has been authorized by the city council and issued by the zoning administrator. (2). (Grandfather clause) Any use which was lawfully established prior to the adoption, extension or application of these regulations and the use is now permitted by these regulations subject to a Conditional Use Permit, may continue in the same manner and to the same extent as conducted prior to said adoption or extension of these regulations without securing a Conditional Use Permit provided that BEFORE the structure or building in which said use is conducted may be altered, added to, enlarged, expanded, or moved from one location to another on the lot, or before said use may be expanded within the building or extended over the lot on which said use is located, a Conditional Use Permit shall be secured from the zoning administrator. 1/20/2010 12-21-2009 CITY COUNSEL MEETING NAME AND ADDRESS Hello, Mayor and Council Members and City Manager. I would like to add some more information and assistance in helping the Counci! with the scoping sessions of the Kalispell City Airport Issue. complexities and problems that are evolving with this existing Airport THAT Much MORE information and ideas are needed to be heard to help with finding a solution. I think we are all painful aware that the idea of expanding the airport at its present location is not a popular subject and has many problems. I'm not one for wasting time and mincing words, so I'll be direct and to the point. Please know I'm not telling anyone what to do or how to do it, I'm just sharing my 1j1T#JJJ*Sk 2 -11 J -,#�* -*I- 2 A -f *X90 -Td-li -X90bV i 4 44- ir-A��ftl*rd -if. OW& 0 this out as part of the scoping processes. I think the expansion of the airport at this location is an obvious no go. First, the residents and a number of the city council members have spoken and do not believe in THE condemnation of people's property to accomplish this, as it is not warranted. First the cost to purchase such amount of property is cost prohibitive ( 70 plus acres are needed ), second, it would take years to get through the courts, as the Wise family said they would fight this to the end. Third, I do not believe the F.A.A. would fund such adventure with the known present growth, and the time it would take to get the property a new E.A. would again be out dated and may say no to the idea. It's a known fact that there ARE no other cities in the State of Montana that HAVE two GA operational Airports. Saying that, I'm WORKING TO convince the ability of the powers to be, to justify condemnation in this matter is a necessary good for the people. Many that I have talked to, do not believe so. NOW I WOULD LIKE to lightly to touch on the Noise issues and Safety Issues - the expansion at this location would NEITHER FIX PROBLEMS AND PERHAPS WOULD MAKE more problems, as bigger and more aircraft would be landing, so expanding and re -aligning the runway would MAY REDUCE NOISE FOR SOME BUT ADD NOISE FOR OTHERS - THIS IS A ZERO SUM GAME., I DO NOT QUESTION THE SAFETY OF AVIATION, BUT FROM A PROBABILITY AND RISK STANDPOINT THERE WILL BE GREATER RISK - THIS IS A FACT. Sure WE MAY GET a longer runway but we WOULD ALSO GET faster and heaver and nosier aircraft flying over our heads. The Daily Inter Lake did a survey called: WHAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT? Last time I checked and it hasn't changed for some time, But 31% voted to Expand it, 9% voted to move it, 22% voted to Close it, 35% voted to Leave it Alone and 2% Don't know. There's many ways to look at a chart, but it obvious 68 % of the people vote NOT to expand it. With using this model, to me I believe it should be Closed, Moved, and Expanded SOMEWHERE ELSEL It would be a Win/Win for the aviation community and the many Residents of Kalispell. It would reduce Risk factors and Noise issues of faster and larger aircraft. There would be no Condemnations, no court battles, and no wasted costs of extra and future E.A.s, and not to mention the cost of purchasing 70 plus acres from property this close in town. And the inability for future growth is limited. And who wants an airport in the middle of town anyway. TO PUT IT IN THE WORDS OF ONE CITY PLANNER "THIS IS A SILLY Leaving it alone is not in the best interest of the City, the Residents and the aviation community. First it's not the best uses of that City property, too much liability and maintained costs. It's too small to produce money revenue now or in the future -vs- developing that property for other uses. It's also not in the best interest of the aviation community, it's limiting there abilities to grow in the future. The risk factor is high, people are annoyed with the sounds of buzzing aircraft ( planes and helo's ) from the flight school Closing it is a touchy subject; it could be the only option we have left if we do not agree to move it. If we put it to a vote to the residents such as Move it or Close it, I think it would be voted to be to move it. To vote to expand it or Leave it alone, the Residents and/or the City loses, and so will the aviation community, the vote would be to leave it alone. And if it was to be put to vote to expand it or Close it, and the voters would vote close it. This is just my opinion, but I'm also out here talking to the voters, daily. So in search of my own answers to share with you, I read and studied the old site selection study, The Feasibility/Master plan study, Contacted and questioned Mr. Gary Gates of the F.A.A. and others, Contacted a Real Estate Agent that was highly recommended in this area of issue, and had personal and candid contacted with a Airport Engineering firm. And many other contacts with the residents of Kalispell to find out what they think and want. ( in all professions) I would be more than happy to sit down and share any and all the underfor Hotel and condos and businesses, etc., est. 2 mil.,( total around 8 mil., That about the cost of just the purchase of the property's in town if you even can gE it.) ) And I'm sure there's other costs to be tagged on, but I believe we can com in way 15 plan now.old site selection studysupportsf • •: for • ' business applya not •s • of to pay s opportunity that we need to take advantage of now, we are running out of second chances. This should have been done in 2002. is shrinking and we will lose out. There is one other location that could be an option, but # piece • ` property as the owners have other plans for the surrounding property, it maybe a good idea or maybe not, we need to talk to them and I have not made contact with them. I will explain wha I know. Here is a • of the properties for # to • !at andlike I saidI would be more than happy to help the counsel to get needed information that I spokE of or •^ Donald Scott Davis 448 5th. Avenue West ,QL•. • ..O 406-752-1523 �p F-47 41 cr (D f+ 17 f+ n 0 A, liq