Davis and Eckels CommentsJeff Walla, Civil Engineer of STELLING ENGINEERS, INC. of the Kalispell office called Mr. Jenson the Polson Airport Manager, who was going to speak at Quiet Skies Public Meeting this Thursday the 14th. At the Outlaw Inn. And told him I don't want you to speak at that meeting I don't want you to contradict what Stelling Engineers has told the city of Kalispell. I called Mr. Walla and asked him why he called Mr. Jenson and advised him not to speak at the Public Meeting. He said Mr. Jensen is a client of theirs and he didn't tell him not to speak at the meeting. He said he inform Mr. Jenson that he wasn't speaking to the City Council and suggested that Mr. Eckels lied to Mr. Jensen. I said Mr. Jensen knew he wasn't speaking to the City Counsel for over a week and it was even in the news paper, and what business is that of yours anyway? Again he said Mr. Jenson and the Polson Airport is there client. I then told Mr. Walla that Mr. Eckels talked to Mr. Jenson at great lengths about Quiet Skies and what the meeting was about. And Mr. Jensen was excited about coming up to speak. And today he told Mr. Eckels that you said Stelling didn't want him to talk and contradict what Stelling Engineers has told the city. Mr. Walla then hung up on me. Question: 1. What does (Walla) Stelling Engineers don't want the City to know? 2. What's Mr. Walla or (Stelling Engineers) motive to silence Mr. Jensen from telling the public/City about airport management and how they determined to locate there airport? 3. Why would Stelling engineers (Walla) not want to re -locate the City Airport? Because of this action, the city Council should not allow Stelling Engineers to have anything more to do with the Engineering Issues or drafting of any future E.A.'s of the City Airport issue. City Council Comments January 9 Contact Information Vince Jennison 406-883-2 82 - Poison Airport Manager David Cole - 06-8 1-2770 - CommunityDevelopment; State of NIT Gary Gates - 06- 9-5271 x 32 - Airports division FAA Brief introduction Originally came to the council regarding regulation of training flights by Red Eagle Aviation v . evodw Was asked by three city officials to step up My participation. 1. Council man - concerned about quality of life on the south side 20 City planer - concerned about housing grants that may be in jepardy if airport is expanded. 3. Policeman - concerned about public saftey, drug smuggling, homeland security. So, here I am here as a face representing the "silent majority". I have made errors: last summer in an effort to create good will I left a note for the owner of Red Eagle saying, "Great job". What I should have said was, thank you for moving our operations to GPI for two days a week, by doing so you have made a 28% improvement. He has used the note against me ever since. Would like to invite council members to a special meeting, Thursday 7:00- 9:00 at the Winchester room at the Outlaw Inn. Special guests incude Vince Jennison - the manager of Polson Airport and Dave Heine a real estate broker. Jeff Walla of Stelling Engineers called Vince and told him that, "we don't want you saying anything the contradicts what we have been telling the city." As an excuse for not coming, they concocted the story that Vince thought is was a city council meeting. This is a lie. Items of discussion and Possible Ratification ---Clarify questions such as how many legal Kalispell residents keep their airplanes at city airport is a historic district compatible with an airport affected zone? and many, many more unanswered questions ---Legal voting residents should be given primary consideration in city policy. If so, speakers must give their legal residential address? ---The advantages of having the airport operated by the city vs. a separate entity such as red eagle. How to manage its' airport: Vince Jennison ---The next EA - should be "an original work" (David Cole: Head of Community development at Dept of Commerce 406-841-2770) should include - (Gary Gates, consulting) ---firm must be independent - not able to bid on job ---cost of moving Red Eagle to GPI? ---cost of moving all termants to new location ---time needed to clear court challenges and then build 4 years from time of land acquisition ---At what point to we determine expansion is a "dead horse"/not going to happen? ---What else could the land be used for? ---Survey of legal residents ---Appraisal of the Land Ask for evidence from aviators regarding GPI safety. Has anyone seen written evidence that GPI is unsafe or inconvenient for general aviation? Red Eagle Aviation; appears "ungovernable". They pay the "manager's salary". Development should be the job of the planning dept. and the manager should run the operations.