Leistiko/Airport Background Information171=31 [KINJ TO: City Manager FM: Airport Manage�� SUBJECT: Airport background information X 1-1911 - 1. Build to BI standards at current location without FAA assistance using $1 Million of city provided furids. We reviewed this option and found we could build, but not to BI, FAA standards. 2. Build to Bll standards at the current location without FAA assistance using $1 Million of city provided flinds. We reviewed this option and the same problem applied as in option 1. 3. Build to B11, FAA standards, with a 5 degree realignment using FAA funding. Tff =*,* Mis OF inoly ne aiToorL 5-ri%Mr7Y=?TT an-purt IT= rejectet oy me entire Council the same as it has been rejected today. We had a public hearing before we got started on the Master Plan Study in 1998 where public input was solicited. We had two public hearings during the development of the Master Plan Study to make sure we were on the right course and we asked for public input. After the Master Plan Study was completed we had a formal hearing before the City Council where public input was solicited. a -- 1- rubY==eir aecision on lovem6er I, 1999. iesolution 4518 is attached as that document. I only present this to you so that you might understand the comments that could come from several council members and members of the public. We went through this same process more than 10 years ago and came to the conclusions attached. When this decision was made, the $1 Million dollars set aside for the airport was used to start the current project. I remain optimistic that we can do it again I I years later. I hope the FAA will stand by us. AMENDEDA RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AIRPORT MASTER PLAN STUDY AS SUBMITTED AND D IDENTIFYING ALTERNATE DEGREE REALIGNMENT,s WHEREAS, the City of Kalispell has completed Phase I and Phase II of the Airport _ster Plan Study dated g ... • WHEREAS, public meetings were held on September 29, 1998, January 27, 1999 and June 15, 1999 where results of the study were presented,and WHEREAS, a formal public hearing was held on October 4, 199,215 before the Kalispell City Council t • public comment a ^• DegreeWHEREAS, the results of the study identified, Alternate 2, Five -FAA s and Alternate viable BE RESOLVED OF MONTANs ASFOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the City Council hereby approves thm findings of the Airport Master Plan Stu&-% dated August, 1999, and amended October, 1999 SECTION II. That s Alternate 2, Five (5) DegRealignment, II, as n preferred althowever,. of the radio towe must be resolved with the x and perhaps MD! before the project can proceed. Boharski Mayor Attest: Theresa. White City Clerk