Dawson/Itemization of AM Tower Site DevelopmentCost Estinates From: Benjamin Dawson, Hatfield & Dawson Engineers To: Kalispell City Airport This is a complete list of the possible costs to replicate the current KGEZ radio tower array at the new location. The towers will be the same height, aligned on the same azimuth as the current towers. These prices are the worst case scenario. Initial Site land survey $ 2,500 Engineering analysis of site suitability $ 4,000 Antenna system design $ 8,000 FCC application for CP engineering $ 4,500 Estimated legal costs for CP application $ 2,500 Site prep (land clearing, grading, etc.) $ 12,000 Site survey for facility layout 4,000 Land use application, including environmental $ 10,000 Equipment building design and building permit application $ 5,000 Equipment building construction, 'including HVAC & Class 2 $100,000 Tower specification and design $ 5,000 Tower manufacture $ 70,000 Tower erection and ground system installation $ 76,000 Ground system materials $ 20,000 Antenna feed system design $ 4,000 Antenna feed system manufacture $115,000 Transmission lines and sample system lines $ 3,400 Electronic equipment *installation, including feed system $ 31,000 Antenna system adjustment and commissioning $ 12,000 Engineering analysis for license application $ 2,000 Estimated legal costs for license application $ 2,500 Total Estimated Cost $493,400