Donaldson/PreapplicationFred Leistiko From: Rick Donaldson 1%}KN Sent :57PM To: Gary Gates; Fred Leistiko SuKa|isPel|CNty-PreapplicaUon Attachments: Preapp-pkg.pdf Gary and Fred, Please review this draft of a PreamoIication for 2009' Let me know if you have any comments that we can discuss before submitting to the City for signature. As discussed earlier, the Sponsor wants to keep in the potential of FAA funding the tower mitigation, but realizes an EA would be required for FAA participation. At this time it is impossible to complete an EA by the FAA's deadline of January 15th and so State Apportionmeril funding will not be available. However, Non -Primary Entitlements (NPE)could be used. The FAA indicates that Kalispell has $198,693 available, as does Lewistown who owes $300,004 in NPE. So, $397,386 is available now. The FAA estimates that there may be as much as $450,000 available to each location by the end of next year - depending on what congress does. That means Kalispell could have as much as $750,000 available in NPE funds by the end of 2009. My understanding is that the City may decide to simply fund the tower mitigation (whatever that may be) without FAA participation in order to omit the EA and expedite the process. In that case, there are more than enough land expenditures to use the NPE that will be available. (The grant application would need to be in by 2/18/09.) If an agreement on the towers can be reached, perhaps FAA funding could be used for the possible 2nd half grant program (Grants applications due by 6/1/09.) Fred, I need to know very soon if you would like us to put together an MT Aeronautics Grant/Loan application. They are due at the end of next week. If so' we need to discuss out tactics for discussing the scope of work' I would also need to get current financials (account balance, revenue, expenses, mills, etc.) Rick Donaldson, P.E. Vice President Airport Division Manager Robert Peccia and Associates P.O. Box 5653 Helena, MT, 59604 (w) 486-447-5000 /fl 486-447-5036 (c) 406-439'4905 1