Mitchell/Old Landfill Feasibility AssessmentFrom: Ryan Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 2:11 PM To: James Patrick; Fred Leistiko Cc: Greg Staffileno; Dan Baker; David Plehn; Rick Donaldson; Jason@rpa-kal.com Subject: Kalispell City Airport - Old Landfill Feasibility Assessment We are investigating the options and feasibility for constructing building/parking lots on the old [ltv landfill near the airport. We are working with Tensar Corporation, Geopier Corporation and 5K GeotechnicaI to provide you with good information and average costs associated with doing so. We do not have all the information compiled yet, but are working on it. As soon has we get more information from Tensar, 6eopier and SK we should be able to give you some information. Thanks and please call if you have any questions. Ryan E. Mitchell, PE, PLS Kalispell Office Manager Robert Peccia & Associates 406-752-5025 Kalispell Office 406-212-3682 Cell 406-752-5024 Fax 1 Fred Leistiko From: Ryan Mitchell, P.E., P.L.S. [ryan@rpa-kal.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:24 PM To: James Patrick; Fred Leistiko Cc: Greg Staffileno; Rick Donaldson Subject: Kalispell City Airport - Geopiers David PIehn with Geopiers called. We discussed the project and a rough estimate of costs would be about $40/merticaI foot for Geopiers (price does not include grade beams). Assuming 25-foot deep piers, each pier would cost $1000 each. With a I0-foot x 19-foot grid for piers, this would equal about $40/sf of building for just the geopiers. Now, if we can figure out rough costs for grade beams and parking lot/roadway improvements we should be able to get an idea of what the increase in construction costs would be on this site on a square foot of building/parking lot/roadway would be versus "good" ground. We will keep working on it. Thanks, Ryan E. Mitchell, PE/ PLS Kalispell Office Manager Robert Peccia & Associates 406-752-5025 Kalispell Office 406-212-3692 [eII 406-752-5024 Fax 0