Detailed Cost Estimate RequestA 1) Gary needs a detailed cost estimate on the tower gation. My last email from you 4/2/08 indicated Ben Dawson was going to provide that to you along with other informatioir "Ben: I just got out of budget hearings and need to get some information from you. A. Any idea on when you can finalize and prioritize the locations I sent you? require a visit to the sites? B. The FAA has agreed to help fund the tower relocations and I need estimates to submit a pre -application for funding. C. I will need to have some bid figures by June Ist to be eligible for this years funding from the FAA. Is this possible? D. I will get to work on the land portion as soon as you can get back to me on the locations suitability." T haven't seen any information from that request. �M- Gary asked that this information be compared to outright radio station purchase (appraisal original proposal.) 2) Concerning the Preapplication: A Preapplication does not need to be completed to maintain the NPE fund See #3 below. i I do not think there is any way a grant can be issued for 2008 based on Gary's email. You have several sites being evaluated by the broadcast engineer. Once you have a list of feasible sites, you will need to have an Environmental Assessment completed and a FONSI determination obtained before the land is acquired in fee or easement. Then the land can be acquired and towers relocated. The reasoning is that if you already have the land, the EA could be skewed to support that location among other things. Maybe the EA for the location that you propose purchasing for tower relocation has environmental impacts that can not be mitigated. As you know, EAs do not happen overnight, primarily because there are large time frames to have public input, agency input, and to have public hearings. I believe any EA to relocate Stokes' towers will be very controversial and therefore long and expensive. I did talk to Gary Gates this morning to discuss it. He concurs in the sequencing mentioned above. Gary indicated he would be calling you today to discuss. If you think this tower relocation feasibility based on the broadcast engineer's input is enough to take to the judge for a condemnation order, I would say do that. I say this because an EA on the sites could tie things up for quite a while and possibly be an unnecessary cost if you end up just buying the station outright. Plus, if the EA has to be tied to the Airport's EA, it could cast an unfavorable light on the airport project and any EA updates for the airport property itself. However, they may require an EA to show that the sites feasible to Dawson are also feasible from an environmental standpoint. We could put together a Preapplication in the absence of information from Dawson from #1 above., based on the estimates in your 3/20/08 email to me. That would more than account for the NPE funds available. However, Gary indicates that they have the ability to "program" work based on the Preapplication you already have on file with them. Alternately we could revise it and he could program off that. If a revised Preapplication were to be submitted, I would anticipate these as the work items at a minimum: EA cost $?? KA Broadcast engineer costs ?? Land easement $50,000. Towers $50,000 each; Equipment (microwave) $280,000; RPA assistance with tower mitigation for FAA project administration ?? Land Acquisition reimbursement (Last summary was 10/19/06 at $1,415,143.00 purchased already) 3) Regardless of what we do for #2 above, a simple written letter stating the "..intention t* use or carryover funds.." needs to be sent to the FAA by you or the City. The FAA is not specific on this form and so I have drafted a simple notice to them for you. See attached for editing and printing on City letterhead. $222,481 is available to Kalispell City now under the 75% extension plus $222,481 that could be returned from Lewistown totaling $444,962. There is a chance this may be extended to the 100% level in June which would make each of those $300,000, or $600,000 tot,71. Please contact me if you would like to discuss. Otherwise, we'll see you in Seattle. Rick Donaldson, P.E. Airport Division Manager Robert Peccia and Associates P.O. Box 5653 Helena, MT, 59604 (w) 406-447-5000 (f) 406-447-5036 (c) 406-439-4905 rick@rpa-hln.com From: "Fred Leistiko" <fleistiko@kalispell.com> To:<rick@rpa-hln.com>, <ryan@rpa-kal.com> Date: 4/15/2008 8:05 PM Subject: FW: ACTION: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information I don't want to miss these deadlines because we want to use NPE for the tower mitigation process. What do you need from me? I will leave for Seattle conference on Sunday and return to Kalispell on the 24th. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 -----Original Message ----- From: John.Styba@faa.gov [mailto:john.Styba@faa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 4:10 PM To: Subject: ACTION: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information 3