Don't Confuse Me with FactsI would like to address the 11 issues Mr. Scott Davis presented in his Letter to the Editor
on Friday, November 06, 2009. It is obvious that Mr. Davis does not understand what an
airport is and how it functions in our society. Airports are a part of our transportation
system just like roads, railroads and rivers are. The overhaul and upgrade of the City
Airport is no different than the expansion and upgrade of Highway 93 South in our City.
There are a lot of options available when you upgrade and rebuild something to meet
modem day standards. The new runway can be 3700 feet, 4200 feet or the maximum of
4700 feet, whichever we choose. However, because of the number and makes of the
aircraft based at the airport the FAA said that we need to build the new runway to BIl
standards for safety reasons.
Mr. Davis wants to reduce noise and increase safety in his second demand. When he was
asked if he has seen or read the new Airport Layout Plan that the FAA and the City had
worked up, his response was NO. DON'T CONFUSE ME WITH FACTS. Actually
the plan moves the runway a 1,000 feet further away from the City to reduce noise and it
toes incorporate all the safety areas and safety zones required by FAA regulations. It
2-Iso incorporates a new PAPI system to assist pilot in maintaining the correct angle of
9pproach over the City to ffirther reduce noise.
When Mr. Davis was asked whether he had actually read the FAA Grant Assurances he
stated that he had not. Mr. Davis needs to spend some time talking to airport managers
around the State and Nation that have accepted FAA funding to improve and upgrade
their airports. Ask them if they lost control of their airport. He will be surprised to learn
that the Glacier Park International Airport Manager did not loose control of her airport by
accepting funding to upgrade the main runway last summer. Check Polson, Missoula,
Great Falls, Bozeman.
Mr. Davis and his supporters obviously don't understand our City Government. The
Mayor, whoever he or she is, is one vote of nine votes on the City Council and they can
not make unilateral decisions on their own. The new council members and the remaining
council members need to review the decisions made years ago to set the wheels in motion
to upgrade and improve this asset that belongs to the City of Kalispell.
Maybe Mr. Davis and his supporters need to spend some time at the City Airport which is
located right next to the City Sewer Plant. Maybe he needs to talk to some of the people
who used to play soccer and baseball on the city airport property. Because, unless his
sense of smell is shot, he will surely change his mind about the best use for this property
that sits right next to the City's toilet. Would he live there? I can just hear the children
saying, "let's go out and play, swim, next to the City septic tank. Oh yes, let's make it ?,
tourist attraction, a rest stop or visitor center. I don't know what Mr. Davis's home
smells like, but I wouldn't want our center of attraction being next to our septic tank.
Mr. Davis didn't seem to be very concerned about the condemnations that took place to
widen and upgrade Highway 93 and the By Pass. Airports are a part of this countries
transportation system and we all use them like our highways, free of charge. Unless you
are going to stay for a while, then we charge you a tie -down fee. The airport collects tie -
down fees, land lease fees, hangar storage fees, commercial fees, fuel tax fees and yes the
owners pay property taxes on their hangars and their aircraft.
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engineering firrn from Helena, Montana. This decision set the wheels in motion to
improve and upgrade an asset of the City. When asked if he had read the Environmental
Assessment that has the acoustical diagrams drawn out in it, Mr. Davis said NO.
Also, Mr. Davis wants to have someone live on the airport 24 hours a day to run a toll
booth to collect a fee every time an airplane takes off and lands. What part of "Public
Airport" does he not understand. Next, Mr. Davis will want a toll booth at the Highway
93 South entrance to the City of Kalispell to charge everyone entering and exiting the
City a fee. Oh, by the way, you can not use 3 d Ave. East because it is a quiet zone.
What world does Mr. Davis live in. The FAA is a Division of the U.S. Department of
Transportation in the Federal Government 'ust like the Montana Aeronautics Division is a
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Mr. Davis wants all elected officials and supervisors to sign a liability statement that
there will be less noise, he will be safer, his property values won't decrease, he won't be
responsible for accidents or injuries, everybody pays fees for using public services and he
wants 24 hour supervision. Sounds like he wants the City turned into a daycare center for
the retired. at world does Mr. Davis live in.
Mr. Davis wants a written public explanation of council members decisions regarding thv
airport. Why just the airport? Mr. Davis, for your information, these are called
RESOLUTIONS and ORDINANCES and they are available back to 1945 or so. If you
pou 9&ase call the Clerk of Council at the C Hall
and she will direct you where to find them. This is Government
upgradeIf the residents of Kalispell really want to help the Council and Mayor work on the
Airport Project, then they need to attend the first of several Town hall meeting on
November 3 O'h to get educated on just what the of the City Airport
Facts will be presented • at that meeting.