Leistiko/List of Kalispell City Airport StudiesFred Lelsfiko From: Fred Leistiko [fleistiko0kaffspell.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12-39 PM To: Jane Howington Cc: Charlie Harball Subject: List of Kalispell City Airport Studies Jane: Listed below are the 8 significant studies conducted over the years on the Kalispell City Airport. When reading the styfies vne rifticzs the hwrzase i?i if the, rel;yAremenv tl'-' mett cy'rrizntF�"A standards. Things have become more complex as the years passed by. 1. 1979- Kalispell City Airport Mini -Master Plan 2. 1993 - Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan 3. 1996 - Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Analy 4. 1999 - Kalispell City Airport Phase I Feasibility/Master Plan Study 5. 1999 - Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study - Final Kalispell City Airport Site Selection Study 7. 2002 - Kalispell City Airport Environmental Assessment 8. 2008- Kalispell City Airport Economic Impact Study I This does not include the implementing legislation to do these studies. There are numerous Resolutions and Ordinances dealing with the airpon which will show up in the History statements. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 0"V- : . 17(0- ,JD 4* 1 A RESOLUTION TO ARM THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, TIONTANA, AS SET FORTH IN THE 2000-2001 BUDGET ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY ACCEPTXNG AN FAA GRANT FOR PLANNING FOR AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT. wHzRz&s, the City Airport is the recipient of a 2001 FAA Grant in the amount of $126,000.00 for the purpose of planning for airport development, and WHEREAS, the grant requires $14,000.00 in matching funds, which has not been budgeted for in the fiscal 2001 budget, and WHEREAS, tax revenue from the Airport TIF fund to date has been $27,000.00, a portion of which can be used for the $14,000.00 matching funds, using a transfer of appropriation - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the City Council hereby accepts FAA Grant DOT-FA01NM-2001, in the amount of $126, 000. 00. SECTION II® That the budget line item for the Grant will be 2185-430-430300-930, Airport Improvements, and the line item for the budget appropriation will be 2185-430-430300-8480. SECTION III® This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage by the City Council. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 2001. 4, 141,11 Boharski Mayor Theresa White City Clerk