Resolution 5075 - Budget Amendment - SID 344SOLUTION NO, 5075 RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS OF THE CITY O KALISPELL, MON ANA, AS SET FORTH IN THE 2005-2006 BUDGET ADOPTED Y THE CITY CNC, WHEREAS, on August 15, 2005, the City Council adopted Resolution 5034 adopting the annual appropriations of the City of Kalispell for fiscal year 2005 - 00 ; and ER—EAS, iin the budget adopted by the City of Kalispell for the 2005-200fiscal year, certain detailed and itemized estimates of expenditures have proven inaccurate in the operation of said Funds for the 2005-2006 fiscal year, and WHEREAS, at a public hearing held on November 7, 2005, the City Council did consider all ob ect .o .s made to said budget amendment. NOW THEREFORE, E IT RESOLVEDY THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of KALISPELL AS FOLLOWS: SECTION N . Amendments to the 2005-2006 fiscal budget are as follows: 4244-000-3 1030-000 Proceeds of Bonds $4,5507000 4244-41-430315-950 Construction .Account $3, 3, .00 4244-410-420315-352 Bond issue costs 131 NO 4244-41-430315- 20 Transfer to Debt Service Reserve 22 �500 4244-4 .0-430315 -830 Transfer to SID Revolving Fund $ 2 2,7. 500 Total Budget $4,550j000 SECTION 11. That on November 7, 2005 at :00 o'cloc. .M., the City Council authorized and directed the Finance Director to increase the appropriations, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY of KALISPELL, THIS 7TH DAY of Nov Mlffi& 2005, ...................................... ATEST*...................................................................... ......... ................ ... Theresa White City Clerk Pamela B. Kennedy �7 Mayor ............................................................................................................................