Airport Staff CommentsWe, on the staff of the City want the best advice we can get when it comes to
upgrading and improving the City Airport.
My job is to take care of the airport in the best way I can. If I didn't support the
airport 100%, then I wouldn't be doing my job. We all know that the City is not in
the financial position to fund this badly needed upgrade, but it needs to be done
as witnessed by the complaints of noise by some residents. The federal
government has the funds available to upgrade our airport and is willing to spend
it on an airport of this caliber.
The final decision will not be mine to make, but we want the decision makers to
have the best possible information available to them when the time comes to
make the decision. The first EA that was done in 2002 found that the project
would have no significant impact on the environment. The project has been
delayed a sufficient amount of time necessitating a new and updated EA. This
happens sometimes, you do an EA to make sure everything is a go, and with
enough delays, the EA's life runs out and you need to do another assessment.