Quiet Skies Public Hearing AnnouncementThe Kalispell City Council will decide on a $l®9 million bond issue to begin
reconstruction and expansion of the City Airport, with the potential to
accommodate executive jet aircraft. Please be present to voice your comments,
submit them in writing, or contact the City Council. This may be our final opportunity to
have a say about a bigger, busier, noisier, and more expensive City Airport.
Highest and Best Use - There has been no evaluation of alternative uses for this
city -owned, 80-acre parcel, with a current real estate value estimated at $10 to $20
million and not on the tax rolls. This is a prime site, with an excellent location and
all services, capable of producing large business income and tax revenue.
N systematic evaluation of publicopinion has been done, as required by
I FAA -,
Studies have documented several alternp trt locationsall of
which would be less costly to construct.
Glacier Park International is willing and fully capable of handling all
traffic from the City Airport.
® Safety - A highly developed commercial and residential area surrounds this parcel.
Remember the plane crash last August that killed two people within three blocks of
Flathead High School? Is this the safest or best location for a larger airport?
o we need twoairports? Kalispell is the only Montana city to have both a city
(general aviation) and commercial airport.
® Total cost to taxpayers to reconstruct and maintain this proposed
expansion? Nobody knows for sure.
.Ask the City Council these questions:
Is this the highest and best use for this valuable land?
® Is this the best deal for taxpayers?
® Is this airport reconstruction the safest thing we can do for our city?
1. Do you feel Kalispell needs this airport?
2. Should the airport be sold/leased and operated privately?
3. Should the City own and operate the airport?
If soil rhoula the airport be gelf-guppor6ng with no City mbsidy?
5. Should small jets be allowed?
6. Who should payfior the operation of the airport?
11701M MM
—No —
Yes —No
Yes Na
All City Residents
Would you be interested in attending a meeting with other interested parties
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