Eclipse EngineeringECLIPSE
June 23, 2006
Mr. Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager
Kalispell City Airport — S27
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
Re: Proposal for Structural Engineering Services
100-foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport, Kalispell, Montana
We are pleased to provide this proposal for structural engineering services on the above referenced
project. We have based our proposal on our review of the preliminary plan sketch prepared by you. The
drawings show a one-story canopy structure in the shape of a hexagon to provide covered parking/storage
for six small aircraft. The total square footage is approximately 7,715 square feet. Our Scope of Services
includes two phases: construction documents and construction administration. The construction document
phase includes the following and will be completed for the lump sum fee of $5,000.00. The construction
administration phase is considered services produced after the construction documents are finalized. This
phase will be billed on an hourly basis according to our current fee schedule shown on the attached
Agreement for Professional Services. This phase is not included in the lump sum amount listed above.
In addition, reimbursable expenses will be billed as shown in the following table.
PHONE: (406) 721-5733 FAX: (406)721-4988
Scope of Services
Construction Documents
Engineering design of the roof framing, and the foundation. Design of these elements includes all
beam sizes, joists, columns, footings, and all other structural items needed for adequate support of the
2. Engineering design of the lateral force resisting system including braced frames, moment resisting
steel frames (if needed), foundation walls, and anchors to the foundation.
3. AutoCAD drafting of the roof framing plan, foundation plan, lateral force resisting system plan, and all
other plans necessary to complete the construction documents.
4. AutoCAD drafting of structural details and wall sections that are necessary to complete the construction
5. An architectural sub -consultant to produce roofing, flashing, eave, fascia and miscellaneous details to
complete the drawings as well as a code review to satisfy the building department.
6. General structural notes.
7. Two sets of certified calculations with the State of Montana civil engineering seal.
8. Two sets of certified plans with the State of Montana civil engineering seal. It is intended that you will
reimburse us to provide additional sets of plans for certification, if necessary.
9. Our scope of services includes structural and architectural design. We are not qualified to provide
electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, or other non-structural/non-
architectural services and we assume that you will retain such services from other consultants to
complete the design of the building as required by local code.
100-foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport
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The liability extends to only the first building constructed. For each additional building constructed we shall
be compensated $2,500.00 or hold no liability for such additional buildings:
Our Repetitive Building Liability Fee is in addition to our Construction Documents fee, any other additional
services, and the Construction Administration hourly fees described above.
Construction Administration
These services will include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Structural engineering support during the construction phase --including consultation with you and the
general contractor.
2. The structural review of fabricator's shop drawings.
3. Site observations including time for travel and mileage (from Missoula, MQ, Construction observation
reports based on each site observation.
4. Meetings with you or the contractor during the construction phase.
5. Clarification Items to you or the general contractor.
6. Review and response to structural items on the Building Department's plan checklist (if any) and
modifications to structural items on construction documents that must be resubmitted to satisfy the
building department —if applicable.
7. As always, if an error or omission by us is discovered on the drawings after they have been completed,
we shall correct it with revised drawings, a memo or an addendum for no additional fee.
Reimbursable Expenses
Expense Item
actual cost
Plans: Bond (24 x 36)
Bond (30 x 42)
Lodging (per diem)
(reference Agreement for Professional Services
Meals (per diem)
for per diem values)
actual cost
Car Rental
actual cost
actual cost
100-foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport
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The terms and conditions under which these services are offered will be in accordance with the attached
Agreement for Professional Services. If this proposal meets with your approval, please sign the form of
agreement and return a copy to our office. We will meet any reasonable time frame your project dictates.
This proposal is valid for ninety (90) days. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look
forward to providing services for you on this project.
Eclipse Engineering, c.
T L eistiko
Principal Engineer
Client Statement of Agreement
The aforementioned scope of engineering services are consistent with the needs of my proposed project
and I hereby authorize Eclipse Engineering to proceed with the services for the Construction Document
Phase for a lump sum fee of 5,000.00. The construction administration phase is considered services
produced after the construction documents are finalized. This phase will be billed on an hourly basis
according to our current fee schedule shown on the attached Agreement for Professional Services. This
phase is not included in the lump sum amount listed above.
Kalispell City Airport
Printed Name
100•foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport
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The Agreement
This agreement is made by and between Eclipse Engineering, Inc., of 229 East Front, Missoula, Montana, 59802, hereinafter
referred to as EE, and the above listed client hereinafter referred to as CLIENT. This agreement between the parties consists of
these terms and the attached proposal and any exhibits or attachments noted in the proposal. Together, these elements will
constitute the entire agreement, superseding any and all prior negotiations, correspondence, or agreements either written or oral.
Any changes to this agreement must be mutually agreed to in writing.
Standard of Care
Services provided by EE under this agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily
exercised by members of the engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the
project. CLIENT shall examine and respond to EE's submissions; and give prompt written notice to EE whenever CLIENT
observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the work.
Basis of Fees for Professional Services
CLIENT agrees to pay EE a Jump sum and/or hourly rates for the scope of work as described in the attached proposal. Hourly
rates shall be as summarized below for all services rendered by principals and employees engaged directly on the Project.
These rates are subject to change without notice. Hourly rates for the various categories of employees are summarized as
Employee Billable Hourly Rate
Troy Leistiko, SE, PE
Rolf Armstrong, PE
Nick Burnam, PE
Brian Hanson, PE
Jesse Fortune, PE
Gretchen Iman, PE
Lynn Gmeiner, EIT
Jennifer Brandt
Ben Powell
Additional Services
CLIENT agrees to pay EE for additional services based upon the hourly rates as listed above. Additional services include
services resulting from significant changes in the scope, extent, or character of the portions of the project designed or specified
by Engineer or its design requirements including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, Owner's schedule, character of
construction, or method of financing; and revising previously accepted studies, reports, Drawings, Specifications, or Contract
Documents when such revisions are required by changes in Laws and Regulations enacted subsequent to the Effective Date of
the signed agreement or are due to any other causes beyond Engineer's control.
100-foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport
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Reimbursables Per Diem Table
-Overnight per diem = $150.001da
Lodging $106.00
Meals $44.00
Billing and Payment
EE shall submit monthly statements for services rendered and for reimbursable expenses incurred. If CLIENT disputes the
amount of the billing, CLIENT will notify the EE in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of bill of the dispute.
In the event of late payment, an interest charge at the rate of 1.5% per month will accrue on the unpaid amount For purposes of
this Agreement, Late Payment shall be defined as thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the approved bill. CLIENT
agrees that failure to pay EE within ninety (90) days may be considered a breach of this agreement.
CLIENT shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to EE. This agreement may be
terminated by EE in the event of substantial failure of performance by CLIENT, or if CLIENT suspends the work for more than
three (3) months.
In the event of termination, EE will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination. If the agreement is terminated
by CLIENT, EE shall also be entitled to reasonable termination expenses, including, but not limited to the cost of completing
records, and reports necessary to document job status at the time of termination.
Legal Relations
EE shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done.
EE hereby agrees to indemnify and hold CLIENT harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of EE, their agents,
employees, or both in performing the work required. Any and all employees of EE engaged in the performance of work or
services required by this agreement shall be considered employees of EE only and not of the CLIENT.
The CLIENT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the EE harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of CLIENT,
their agents, employees, or both, in performing the work required.
EE is and shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the CLIENT only as to the
results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms of
this agreement. EE shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations,
being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limited to, worker's
compensation with statutory limits, and unemployment insurance.
This Agreement applies to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignees of the
respective parties.
Attorney's Fees and Costs
In the event it becomes necessary for either Party of this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or
conditions of this Agreement or to give any notice required herein, then the prevailing Party or the Party giving notice shall be
entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
100-foot Hexagon Canopy
Kalispell City Airport
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