Gates/Aeronautical Study� 17,1 13' 0 1 (WED) 15: 0 8 AIRPORTS DIST OFFICE TEL:111) 0 44 () i , � oij! U. S. Department AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE of Transportation 2725 Skyway Drive, Suits 2 Helena, IVIT 50602 Federal Aviation Administration OPTIONAL FORM 99 (7-9D) January 27, 2000 FAX TRANSMITTAL ;?of poet 1x TO, From Mr. Chris A- Fax Kukulski, City Manager F0 1 Fax 9 City of KalispeU NSN 75413-6--317-736B 5I99-101 -4 P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has conducted an aeronautical study - -asp (C ort S No. 99-ELN-0023-NRA) for proposed improvements at Kalispell City Airp ; 27)), with mspect to the surrounding environs including Glacier Park Int'l Airport (FCA) an the adjacent radio broadcast towers immediately south of the existing city airport. The results of this study have determined that the existing radio towers in their current configuration and height are an obstruction to air navigation as defined by Federal Aviation Re I - - - - 7r, _21: :;d:1111 Airport Improvement Program flunds, without the City removing the radio tower obstructions. This determination is based on the following conclusions: 1. Realigning the runway heading so as to clear the towers from the Part 77 approach surfaces will not eliminate the towers as an obstruction to navigable airspace. The towns will still penetrate FAR Part 77, horizontal surfaces. 2. A reduction in the height of the towers in their current location and configuration will not significantly lessen their impact as a potential hazard to air navigation. 3. Future instrument operations are feasible provided the radio towers are removed and instrument procedures and operations are developed to prohibit conflicts with existing operations at FCA. These conclusions were reached after consideration and review from various divisions within the FAA- Comments from the FAA Flight Standards District Office, are attached which summarize specific concerns regarding the proposal. This determination does not mean FAA approval or disapproval of the physical development involved in the proposal. It is a determination with respect to the safe and efficient use of airspace by aircraft and with respect to the safety of persons and property on the ground. Additionally this determination has considered matters such as the effect the proposal would have on existing or planned traffic patterns of neighboring airports. No evaluation of ffie environmental aspects of the propose was made in reaching thiz, determination. Therefore, this determination is not to be construed as approval of the proposal from an environmental standpoint under Public Law 91-190 (National Environmental Policy Act of 1969). and heliports which should be maintained clear of obstructions. Of prime importance ari. the approaches that should be kept clear of all obstructions below a 20:1 surface (out 20 and up 1) to the runway surface. These swfaces should clear roadways and railroads by 15 ft and 23 ft respectively (17 ft for interstate highways). The horizontal surface as fefined by Part 77, lies 150' above the airport elevation. interested parties as a result of this determination. If you have any questions, please contact this office at (406) 449-5230. Sincerely, 1 Enclosure cc- (w/copy of enclosure) Flight Standards District Office Montana Aeronautics Division Morrison Maeirle Inc, Helena, Kalispell