***Gates/Kalispell City Airport - KGEZFred Leistiko
From: Gary.Gates@taa.gov
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 3:13 PM
To: Rick Donaldson
Cc: Fred Leistiko; Ryan Mitchell
Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
Fred and Rick, we would object to the new tower location if it would impact a future
instrument approach into Kalispell City. It looks like the "first choice" would not be much
*f an improvement from the current situation.
FAA can conduct an airspace evaluation of the proposed location to confirm airport/airspace
impacts. You would need to complete form 7460 and send to the Air Traffic Division per the
instructions. The analysis generally takes 45-60 days.
Gary M. Gates, P.E.
Airport Engineer and Planner
FAA, Helena Airports District Offict
2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2
Helena, MT 59602
05/16/2008 04:17 -
Rick Donaldson, P.E.
Airport Division Manager
Robert Peccia and Associates
P.O. Box 5653
Helena, MT, 59604
(w) 406-447-5000
"Fred Leistiko"
<f Teistftaftal Ls -*ell. con>
Gary Gates/ANM/FAA@FAA, "Ryan
Mitchell" <Ryan@RPA-KAL.COM>
RE: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
1 w03-uTq-edj&DTj
From: "Fred Leistiho= <fleistikc@kalispeIl.comv
To: "'Rick Donaldson'" xrick@RPA-HL0.[OM>
CC: "'Gary Gates"" <Gary.Gates@faa.govv, "'Ryan Mitchell'"
Date: 5/16/2008 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
This was the "first choice" from the Hatfield & Dawson Study. If it is going to cause a
problem down the road, by all means let's go to the "second choice" which is further south by
several miles and closer to the intersection of Hwy 82 and Hwy 93. It is land owned by the
Lakeside Sewer & Water District. The only reason we looked at the first choice was because
it was much closer to the original towers and would be a better fit. If Gary Gates says NO
*n this site, we will move to the next site.
Fred A. Leistiko,
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
From: Rick Donaldson [mailto:rick@RPA-HLN.COM]
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 1:08 PM
To: Fred Leistiko
Cc: Gary Gates; Ryan Mitchell
Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
We have now superimposed an LPV approach surface that shows the area that would be evaluated
in an LPV survey.
This is a surface with a 40:1 slope and is larger than, and encompasses, the "departure
surface". This new surface is known as the "Vertically Guided Approach Surface" (VGAS).
With the ground elevations we have, we estimate penetrations of the VGAS by the towers of 35'
and 38'. 1 am copying Gary Gates on this, but I am not sure who will be able to give you a
determination of the effect this would have on Instrument Approach Procedure development
minimums. I would say again though, that it is not likely the FAA will want to participate
in relocating towers to a site that limits the airport's future potential.
Ryan, please print a color hard copy for Fred and then call him to let him know it is
Fred, please confirm this is the site you have in mind for starters.
Rick Donaldson, P.E.
Airport Division Manager
Robert Peccia and Associates
P.O. Box 5s
. r'
(f) 406-447-5036
(c) 406-439-4905
From: "Fred Leistiko" <fleist i ko@kali spell. com>
To: "'Rick Donaldson°" <rick@RPA-HLN.COM>
CC: <ryan@rpa-kal.com>
Date: 5/15/2008 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
Have Ryan make me a hard copy and call me when it is ready, I will pick it up. We do not
intend on buying or leasing anything until we know, for certain it will work. This means a
report and engineering from Ben Dawson.
You need to give us your best estimate of the situation so we can pass it on to Hatfield &
Dawson. In the mean time we need to have the ADO and Standards look at it for a future LPV
approach. We want the airport to have an instrument approach from the South and will accept
moderately higher approach minimums, but not something that is close to VFR minimums. I
would be happy with a 400/1 mile vis. Approach. We need to get a decision from the ADO
regarding this site. If they are not happy with it we need to move on to the second location
which is a lot further south, near the lake.
Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. it 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Donaldson [mailto:rick@RPA-HLN.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:10 PM
To: Fred Leistiko
Cc: Gary Gates; Nancy Geary; Ryan Mitchell
Subject: Kalispell City Airport - KGEZ
As requested, we took a look at the "As -Built Topography Site Plan"
by Schwartz Architecture and Engineering and the Hatfield and Dawson Consulting Engineers
Engineering Report in an attempted to evaluate towers if they were placed in the SWI/4 of the
SW 1/4 of Section 34 south of the airport.