***Gates/Notice to SponsorsA r T From: Gary.Gates@faa.gov Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:29 AM To: Rick Donaldson Cc: Fred Leistiko; James Patrick Subject: Re: Kalispell City: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information Attachments: NPF-CARRYOVER.doc The intent of John's message is that we need a preapplication by May Ist for all projects that will be granted this year. For those projects that will go this year, we need environmental completed, contracts executed and bids opened (as applicable) etc. no later than June 1, 2008. For those locations that cannot meet that deadline or donot intend on a project this year, we need an indication that you intend on carrying over the funds for use next year. An e-mail response from the owner or designated representative regarding the carry over of funds works for us. Please let me know if we need to discuss. Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602 cro "Fred Leistiko" <fleistik27kalisvell.com> cc Gary Gates/ANM/FAA@FAA, "James Patrick" <jpatrick@kalispell.com> Subject Kalispell City: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information I am glad you asked. I have been thinking the same thing and was dissecting Gary's last email to me on 3/28/08 about your projects yesterday. Here is how I see it (at least in the near term): 0 37 1 E�� K Broadcast engineer costs ?? Land easement $50,000. Towers $50,000 each; Equipment (microwave) $280,000; RPA assistance with tower mitigation for FAA project administration ?? Land Acquisition reimbursement (Last summary was 10/19/06 at $1,415,143.00 purchased already) 3) Regardless of what we do for #2 above, a simple written letter stating the "..intention tw use or carryover funds.." needs to be sent to the FAA by you or the City. The FAA is not specific on this form and so I have drafted a simple notice to them for you. See attached for editing and printing on City letterhead. $222,481 is available to Kalispell City now under the 75% extension plus $222,481 that could be returned from Lewistown totaling $444,962. There is a chance this may be extended to the 100% level in June which would make each of those $300,000, or $600,000 total. M Rick Donaldson, P.E. Airport Division Manager Robert Peccia and Associates P.O. Box 5653 Helena, MT, 59604 (w) 406-447-5000 (f) 406-447-5036 (c) 406-439-4905 rick,@rpa-hln.com ttherwise, we'll see you in Seattle— From: "Fred Leistiko" <fleistiko@kalispell.com> To:<rick@rpa-hln.com>, <ryan@rpa-kal.com> Date: 4/15/2008 8:05 PM Subject: FW: ACTION: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information I don't want to miss these deadlines because we want to use NPE for the tower mitigation process. What do you need from me? I will leave for Seattle conference on Sunday and return to Kalispell on the 24th. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 -106-250-3065 -----Original Message ----- From: John.Styba@faa.gov [mailto:john.Styba@faa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 4:10 PM To: Subject: ACTION: Notice to Sponsors/Consultants - Critical 2008 Information 3 On April 4, 2008 the FAA issued a Federal Register Notice announcing June 1, 2008, as the deadline for each airport sponsor to notify the FAA whether it will use its fiscal year 2008 entitlement funds. June I was established as the deadline when considering that the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) was extended for 9 -months (October 1, 2007 June 30, 2008) into the middle of a fiscal year, and the uncertainty about additional statutory action before the end of the fiscal year. If a sponsor does not notify the Helena ADO in writing by June 1, 2008 of their intention to use or carryover funds, FAA will be unable to take the necessary actions to designate these as protected carryover funds and these funds would not be carried over to FY -2009, if FAA spending authority from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund is not extended beyond June 30, 2008. Additionally, the Helena ADO is requesting that all Pre -applications, including any proposed entitlement transfer agreements, be submitted to the Helena ADO no later than May 1, 2008. Submittal by this deadline will provide adequate time to process Pre -applications and obligate grant funds by June 20, 2008. The Helena ADO is also requesting that all bids be opened by June 1, 2008 and that Applications for Federal Assistance be submitted to this office no later than June 4, 2008. All grant offers made by the Helena ADO must be returned to the Helena ADO by June 20, 2008 In Summary: . By May 1, 2008 All Pre -applications and Entitlement Transfer Agreements must be submitted to the Helena ADO. By June 1, 2008 All bids must be opened. By June 1, 2008 Sponsors must notify the Helena ADO in writing (e-mail is satisfactory) of their intention to carryover entitlement funds to FY -2009, if no projects are proposed for FY -2008. . By June 4, 2008 All Applications for Federal Assistance must be submitted to the Helena ADO. . By June 20, 2008 All executed Grant Offers must be returned to the FAA. Please review all documents carefully and follow the Helena ADO Guidance provided at our various seminars. Incomplete pre -applications or applications may jeopardize our ability to effectively and efficiently process grant requests. Also, grant offers signed by the wrong parties, incorrectly sealed, and dated may cause problems if received late in the process. Please call the Helena ADO at 406-449-5271, if you have any questions. John Styba 0