Dawson/Site AnalysisFred Leistiko
From: Fred and Connie LeisUko[fleisU nde.net
Sent: Friday, Chctober17. 2008 10:41 PM
To: e/
Subject: Fw: Site Analysis
----- Original Message -----
From: "Benjamin Dawson" «dawson@hatdaw.com»
To: "Fred and Connie Leistiko" xfIeistiko@centuryteI.netv
Sent: Friday' October 17^ 2008 2:42 PM
Subject: Site Analysis
> Fred
> Using the metes and bounds data you provided, we have made an Autncad
» drawing of the parcel which you have optioned. On this drawing we have
x placed the tower locations for a replication of the present KGEZ
» antenna. This appears to be the minimum distance between towers and the
x only orientation which will meet the assorted protection and service
» requirements of the F[[. Using these tower locations, we have drawn a
» 50 foot radius, where the ground system should not be buried more than a
> few inches. This radius does not extend off the property, but nearly
> does so. We have also shown the arc where one of the three guys for
x each tower must be located assuming that the other two guys for the
> towers need to remain on the property. The actual orientation of the
> guys is immaterial from an electrical standpoint. This guy anchor
x distance assumption, 200 feet, is 62.5% of the tower height, which is
> not ideal mechanically and will run the tower physical loading up above
> the minimum, but should not be unreasonable or all that uneconomic.
» Finally, we've shown the radius of a full I/4 wavelength ground system
» around each tower. As you can see, these radii extend well off the
> property. Some truncation - a few percent of total area - is possible,
> but we would want to review any truncation requirement very carefully.
x At this point, you need to determine just what the realistic guy wire
» anchor location and ground system extension situations really are, and
» when you've done that, we can proceed.
» Regards,
> Ben