Bissell CommentsI would like to respond to recent criticisms of Fred Leistiko, Kalispell City Airport Manager by City Airport critics. As a past member of the City Airport Advisory Board, I know first hand that the airport manager works for the city manager and the City of Kalispell. He can not make major decisions about the future of the City Airport on his own. The City Council has approved everything Mr. Leistiko has accomplished in the past five years, usually following the advice of the Airport Advisory Board. The council has by Resolution or Ordinance passed Standard Operating Procedures, fee structures, lease documents, budgets, an Airport Affected Area ordinance, an Airport Redevelopment Plan and the Airport Tax Increment District. These were all conducted in accordance with any other city business and are all public record. I'm not sure why personal attacks are necessary. Gilbert Bissell Former Chairman Kalispell City Airport Advisory Board