Aviation Field}
leas and well kept stirpts, It Is sally lacking In n well kept city park
find recrentionnt Fromitl?t for the children. a Several years agn, tiulte a
punt or tiioney wan exiieridatl fit iwautifyfng lt'oodittnd Turk and then
further maintenance cenned. This +can it nlfatnke. Had a small nni+runt I
of work been done nrinually, at alrtail roM, the park rouhl little been ;
kept very pretty nnsl the original invrstntri/t µ-mild not have bn•ril I
toasted. In the w'lnler tune It In used nx a nknting pnrk anti fit very
popular, bath with the old and young, especlrtlly the falter. Thls fall a
new wnrming housp was built, costing $400,00. it In 12xZ4 fret in Fiat,,
wilh Cnniplll'fniCnts for lxwyn nod girl" sari Is well lighte•I nod heated.
The Plectriv lighting for the pnrk In donated throoah flip courtesy of
the Mountnin Stairs flower Von:pnny of thin city. At the pnrk n cmM i
Ing silde w!is cnnetrtictrti ninng the aide hill rind Is very much enjityptl
by the childi-11. (eu the xent Mile of the pnrk, tha small underbrush {
was cut out and hurneit nnil n few blend threes cut ilow'n anti worked I
tip Into afore ivix„ l for t1te sciti'ming house. 'There hnvp been )tit unusunl �
immlter of Flays for skallng sit far this winter. The pond In kept free
of snow, frequently llswfl'-d nail well polirstl. l
Whitt In known an flip Half Park, or Block 23. which Iny" an flip
nest side of Third Avpnliii Ran North. adjoining the ralirrxttl MKtif•or•
way and it iinrt tit the Willer it. (IrIM;i estate, blis )lpen tkinated to i
the city for rcrrrntit,ruti purporps and will hp known an tiriffbn Park. �
Until n i,rtter Inrrii1mi ran 1�e fob tOr 44riitirt Pask D'!il he continued its
a hall park. `
With the city in it hrrtlthy ,growing comiftinn, more nttentinA Miinoftt
IT. paid to flip future development fir our batrks. A renitmntile nniNnl
Pxppliditurn to•nuht not lie felt liml much gooll would result.
" Avlallim Field
For an aviation tield, the ell> his purcha*ed 134'nrres of level gronn:l
at it cost of P$,97n.&i. This land lays south of the city and lwtw'ren the l
Diagonal and P'ntrick t•trrk ronds and In well ndnptpd for n Inniling
Yield. With the trpmpndnus growth tit rommprrinf aviation, the welfare
, of the city Ormands on nviatinn field and It should lie put In condition (
\ for use nPv flifmn apt popsihle.
Main Hirt
-The fill11roVrnletit i7'1tnttr—turret rt{f plici south to the
rtt}' lltltl t:ta i+p�p uua p�rpl,t for isle Iinnl sarfnre whir11 will y
lr glvrn when the tvarill weather returns in the late spring of 1929
Eighth nntl I41111h Streets, lm•tween First A%vimp F,nst and First Avenue
Wrat, ;Is well ns the drivriv:iys through flip Court Houile Park, were
Improved by the cnunly. in that portinn of Alain Street from Sixth to
Eighth Streets, n 16-fait renter grass plot ens construrtesi and Amble
nrnarnentnl light liosttt pinreil three to the block, and from Fotrr•ttt to i
Sixth Streets, "Ingle nriuimpntnt lights weir idnred. three to the bhtrk
on rncli stir or the "beret. The county nino Installed 16 ornamental
light" nlstnbt the court limire drives and oil Iaghth mid Ninth Streets.
Friirn. Wirth to 1•1uhih Streets. 37 clipper wntrr servlres were In.
ntnllyd. Alt h-Is nrtinlirptl by the Main Strret ltevelnpntent Assorlatlon e..
v,•t,rt, paid to df'frri?• their ern rats sharp or the cost rtf the inyirm•prrscnL ;
the prlvnlrlc' mwne,l ►n•tgmrty olmnR the b»jrrmvcuicnt paying Its shnrt,. ;
In the center of slam S'rret, betwPen Fifth and Sixth Strertn, flip 1
23 I
8 '