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KALISPELL (2) S27 MT 38 M FORK I—f 4� N voR FLATHEAD RNER D 1 2 3 SCAW IN MA CAUTION, POOR APPROACHES W POLES ! r \ HOTELS CAUTION N 2 RADIO I TOWERS Lis93 �H�{ 5 SEWAGE PLANT DENT: S27 I ELEV: 2932' '.TAF: 122.8 .IGHTED: Rwy 13/31 R.C. Key 122.8 mes. Lighted beacon :UEL: 100LL, Jet A tEPAIRS: Major ;ERIACE: Rental cars & taxl. Meals )dging adjacent to field. IWNER: City of Kalispell HONE: (406)250-3065 REMARKS: *CAUTION*: Poor approaches. 24 our phone on field. Kalispell weather service & ffice phone number 755-4829. Rwy 13/31 ighted. Rwy 31 threshold relocated 155' for night Aeration. 3445' usable at night. *Local Noise Abatement Procedures in Affect** KALISPELL (2) (CITY FIELD) Nay.Aidsl FCA VORTAC 113.2 (Rad.229 deg., 5.6 NM.) Radio 122.8 GTF FSS RCO 122.5 EFAS RCO 122.0 LOC: 48-10.7 114-18.2