***Smith/Storm Drainage at Hangar A511RAMM All
June 19, 2009
Fred Leistiko
Kalispell City Airport
P.O. Box 1997
312 1" Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
RE: Storm Drainage at Hangar A5 (#61)
Dear Fred:
When we performed the topo and staking of Hangar #61 for Todd Berg, we provided him with
the four corners stakes and a benchmark elevation for his reference, along with a map showing
contours and surface utility locations.
According to sheet C-8 (Hangar Access Taxiway E Plan and Profile) of the Kalispell City
Airport Improvements project, the plan was for two separate hangars in this location. The
westerly hangar's planned finished floor elevation is shown as 2930.12 and the easterly is shown
as 2929.63. After measuring as -built elevations on 6-19-09 we have found the finished floor
elevation to be 2929.75, which is between the two planned elevations and the adjacent culvert
invert elevation is 2928.49.
We recommend grading the area between the taxiway/hangar and culvert to get water to flow to
the culvert will take care of any ponding in this area. We also recommend that the roof drains be
piped to the drainage swale on the southerly side of the hangar to minimize storm flows near the
son Smit ,-PLS".
�Proj-&—<`Land Surveyor
K Kat -Prof -Data AIR -PORTS KALISPELL CITY 6rv,o619JLltr.dcc
�C. B x 56:3 P.0. 8cx 5100
Helena, uff 59604 Kalispell, uT 59403
14061 44'-5000 FAX 40e; 447-5036 14061 752-5-025 FAX (406} 752.5024