Olson/Kalispell Airport Project ProposalOLSON LAND SERVICES
March 3, 2008
Ronald E. Olson
860 Strawberry Drive
Helena, MT 59601
Phone (406) 443-4005
Cell (406) 431-6854
Email: ols@bresnan.net
Subject: Kalispell Airport Project
Boyd Darlow
205 Katy Court
Helena, MT 59602
Phone (406) 458-0125
Cell (406) 431-4997
Email: utahjazz@bresnan.net
After reviewing the preliminary Right -of -Way Plans for
Kalispell Airport, there are 10 parcels on the project.
Five parcels are complex acquisitions involving
improvements and/or total acquisitions and 5 are partial
acquisitions. There are also 6 parcels requiring
residential relocations and 3 parcels requiring business
relocations. The following proposal is submitted:
Complex Acquisition Parcels (2E), (2FA), (2JA,2J,2JB),
( 6D, 6+) , (5, SH, 5J, 5GC, 12B) 5 @ $1, 500 = $ 7,500
Partial Acquisition Parcels (2+), (2G), (2M), (5BB), (5HA)
5 @ $1,250 = $ 6,250
Residential Relocations (4 on 5GC), (2 located on 6D,6+)
6 @ $3,500 = $21,000
Business Relocations (2E) , (2FA) , (2JA, 2J, 2JB)
3 @ $2,000 = $ 6,000
Deeds/Easement Preparation 10 @ $125 = $ 1,250
TOTAL = $42,000
Per the attached proposal from William Ferro, MAI, dba
Ferro Appraisal Services, Inc., the cost of the appraisals
is $30,000. J. Michael Joki, MAI, SRA, dba Joki and
Associates Real Estate Appraisers will do the review
appraisals at a cost of $15,000 (500 of appraisal cost).
I am looking forward to working with you in the successful
completion of the right-of-way acquisition on the
Kalispell Airport Project. If you have any questions,
please contact me.
Thank you.
Ronald E. Olson
Professiona/LandAcgmisit/on Services
Toll Free 1-877-406-4005
Fax (406) 458-0125
P.O. Box 2032, Great Falls, MT 59403-2032
(406) 761-4204
February 28, 2008
Mr. Ron Olson
860 Strawberry Drive
Helena, MT 59601
RE: Project Kalispell City Airport
Dear Ron:
Pursuant to our conversation, I am submitting the following bids to per form appraisals for the above
referenced project. The appraisals will be submitted on forms similar to MDT form 455.
Sales catalog $ 5,000
5 Simple Form 455 @ $1,500/ea. 7,500
5 Complex Form 455 @ $3,500/ea. 17.500
Total $30,000
The above estimates are based on the plans you supplied me and my personal inspection of the
project on February 27, 2008. If it is found after a complete inspection of a property that an appraisal
type changes for an individual parcel, the fee for that parcel will be renegotiated.
I hope to be working with you on this project.
By: William Ferro, MAI