Danielson/Tax Advantage QuestionFromm: KeUieDanielson [kdanie|mon@koisoeicon] Sent: Thursday, 03.20084:08PK8 /o: FreoLe/sowo Subject: FVV:tax advantage question FYI KeUie Danie|aon, CEoD Dinactor, Community@ Economic Development City ofKalispell, Montana 408-758'7743 Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 4:06 PM To: Kellie Danielson Subject: RE: tax advantage question The land isstill taxed the same way asimproved property for real estate. The "va|ue"ismultiplied bv3.O7%toarrive at ataxable value. The big question would be how is it valued by the Dept of Revenue? Commercial, residential or ag value would probably affect the taxes generated. For City special assessments vvedocap vacant land a12acres toencourage annexation. Once the property is subdivided, like Old School Station, the caps don't apply because each parcel is less than 2 acres. Residential properties are capped at Y2 acre; no cap for commercial -except for Forestry, capped at $300. Hope that helps. From: Ke|UeDanieb0n [nmaiKn:kdaniebon@kdisoeUzono Sent: Thursday, July O3,2OU83:44PIVI To: Amy Robertson Cc: Fred Leisbkn Subject: tax advantage question zM Fred asked me this question but it should be directed to you and I can learn from the answer as well. Fred stated "raw land istaxed otwhat rate when itieannexed into the oKv?' Furthermore, Fred stated that the assessment orthe tax rate is "capped at two acres." Is this true? Kellie Kel|ieDanielson, CEcD Director, Community & Economic Development City ofKalispell, Montana