Program Guidance Letter 08-05-_ Federal Aviation Administration Memorandum Date: JUL 11 W To: PGL Distribution List From: Frank SanMartin, Manager, Airports Financial Assistance Division, APP-500 Subject: Action: Program Guidance Letter 08-05 We are issuing this Program Guidance Letter (PGL) to clarify guidance on the eligibility of Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS). This guidance will become a replacement of Paragraph 572 of FAA Order 5100.38C in the next handbook change. This guidance is effective immediately and provides clarification on the eligibility of AWOS using AIP grant funds, the use of AWOS that offer added features and current AWOS availability. There has been some confusion among airport sponsors and vendors as to the requirements of AIP eligibility on AWOS installations. This PGL clarifies those areas and will help ensure that AWOS grants are fully compliant. Frank SanMartin Manager, Airports Financial Assistance Division 08-05 Install Weather Reporting Systems (AWOS- XX') SOAR Code: ST/EQ/WX This Program Guidance provides background on weather reporting systems, and updates and revises Paragraph 572 of the AIP Handbook. BACKGROUND ON WEATHER RE PORTING SYSTEMS A pilot approaching or preparing to depart an airport must have accurate local weather information. This is done in one of three ways. In busier terminal areas, the pilot listens to the Automatic Terminal Information Service, or ATIS. The ATIS is a recorded info rm-ati on system that includes weather infonnation, plus runway information, NOTAMS and available approaches. (Since pilots receive the routine inforniation from a recordin-, controllers are freed up for mo� e traffic -specific communications. It also frees up radio space, since it is not on the air traffic control frequencies.) At some airports, weather information comes from the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) or the Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS). The ASOS is an FAA-DOD-NWS joint venture with standard equipment arrangement and features. The ASOS is funded by the F&E program and is not eligible for AIP grant funds and is no longer manufactured. The Automated Weather Sensor System (AWSS) is the follow- on system from ASOS. The AWOS may be FAA -owned or sponsor -owned. At airports without ATIS or AWOS/ASOS, pilots obtain local weather information from a variety of sources including observations reported by the airport UNIM radio operator, Night Service weather briefings, local media, the internet and other sources. PARAGRAPH 572. AUTOMATED WEATHER OBSERVING SYSTEM (AWOS). An AWOS designed in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-16 may be eligible at an eligible airport if there are no FAA-o,,,,,ned and maintained weather reporting systems at that airport (existing or planned.) Either the airport itself or the State under the state sponsorship provision for airport projects may install and maintain the ABIOS equipment. AWOS are not eligible for FAA -takeover under Order 6700.20. 1 When programming an AWOS, users must indicate the type of AWOS being installed, i.e. AWOS-A, AWOS-111, etc. in the Addendum Field. a. TYPES OF ELIGIBLE FAA -CERTIFIED AWOS. The Terminal Program Operations Office, Terminal Weather Group (AJT- 12) is responsible for certifying AWOS manufacturers. As of October 15, 2007, AJT-12 has certified 4 manufacturers for many categories of AWOS. The categories increase in features from the basic AWOS-A to the AWOS III-P-T-Z, plus most recently, an AWOS IV. Not all manufacturers are certified on qlLtypes of A CAS. Appendix A of this PGL lists the certified AWOS and their manufacturers on October 15 2007. It is critical that airport sponsors confirm current certifications with AJT- 12 before bidding an AWOS project. Only FAA -certified equipment meeting the Buy American Preference requirement may be used on AIP grant projects and only manufacturers certified for the particular AWOS being bid are responsive bidders. Only the minimum AWOS that Aill meet the needs of the airport should be specified. The categories of AWOS are: AWOS A: Dual -pressure sensor measures barometric pressure and reports altimeter setting AWOS A-V: AWOS A plus visibility AWOS I.- Wind Speed, Wind Gust, Wind Direction, Variable Wind Direction, Temperature, Dew Point, Altimeter Setting, Density Altitude gi AWOS 11: Same as AWOS I d- Visibility, Variable Visibility 0 AWOS 1113: Same as AWOS 11 + Cloud Height & Sky Condition a AWOS ITT-R: Same as AWOS III + Runway Surface Condition a AWOS 111-P: Same as AWOS III + Present Weather Identification Sensor 0 AWOS 1.11-P-R: Same as AWOS 111-P + Runway Condition Sensor 2 AJT- 12, the Tenninal Weather Group falls within the Air Traffic Organization (AJO-0); Terminal Services (AJT-0); Terminal Programs Operations Office (AJT- 1). 3 AWOS III and better report obscurations such as fog, mist, freezing fog, and haze. The algorithm is based on visibility and temp/dew point depression. * AWOS III- P-T: Same as AWOS III + Present Weather & Lightning Detection * AWOS III-P-T-R. Same as AWOS ill-P-T + Runway Condition Sensor * AWOS 111-T: Same as AWOS Ill + Lightning Detection * AWOS III-T-R: Same as AWOS 111-T + Runway Condition Sensor ® AWOS III-P-T-Z: Same as AWOS Ill + Present Weather & Lightning Detection, Freezing Rain Detection * AWOS IV: Same as AWOS-P-T-Z + Runway Condition Sensor AWOS equipment may only be bid for the certification that it has received. In other words, if a manufacturer' s equipment is certified as an AWOS I and it is bid on an AWOS III-T-R proposal, the bid must be considered nonresponsive. M111111111ri 11! 11m rt� AWOS may broadcast via the Unicom frequency or over a dedicated radio frequency. Airport sponsors may not limit a bid for an AWOS based on themethod of radio transmission. Automatic telephone answering systems or radio transmitters are eligible as an allowable cost to an AWOS. c. Operations and Maintenance Sponsors are required to operate and maintain AWOS equipment during its life cycle. The special condition required for navigation aid projects (Appendix 7) shall be in each AWOS grant. Inspection by FAA may also be required. ffim wm_ EmNaHammm= A standard specification for AWOS acquisition and installation is being prepared by AAS-100. Once issued, this specification must be used for all AS projects. Caution must be used when modifying the specification to avoid inadvertent sole -source procurement of the equipment. a. AWOS Selection There are different AWOS configurations and capabilities available for nonfederal installations. For most airports, an AWOS A or AWOS A-V will provide the capabilities needed, therefore a benefit -cost analysis is not needed to program an AWOS A or AWOS AN using AIP grant funds. B However, to request grant funding for a more advanced AO, an airport must submit a positive benefit -cost analysis using the instructions in FAA Order 7031.2C — Airway Planning Standard Number One; Terminal Air Navigation Facilities and Air Traffic Control ServiCeS4 (APS- 1). When airports requests a more advanced AWOS, regions must ensure that the AWOS selected is justified by an operational need at the airport and supported by a complete, positive benefit -cost analysis. When preparing the BCA, airports must include the full costs of the AWOS, including all fixed costs and variable costs, not simply the incremental cost increase over the basic cost of an AWOS A or AWOS A-V installation. 4 Available on-line at http://mvw.faa.gov/regulations_policieslpolicy_guidance/benefit—cost/media/'703 I.pdf Appendix A List of Current Certified TWOS Manufacturers As of October 15, 2007 This list is provided to illustrate the AWOS certified manufacturers on October 15, 2007. It will not be updated and may not be used as the means for determining whether bidders are responsive. Airport sponsors must verify the current list of certified AWOS manufacturers when preparing the bid documents. t6 2 tn + + E U > + 0 CZ Manufacturer 71 COO E E 'R C > (101 q> .q o Vs v 0 V > t 1� Potomac Aviation X X (Supi�rAWOS) Manufactured in �Fa land Belfort X X Manufactured in N�-I,isala X X X X X X X ni,eAnufacfure,i in Finia'nd Al X X X X X X X Manufactured in California A waiver to Buy American Preference Requirements on All? projects through December 2012 was issued Z� to Vaisala for AWOS 1, 11, 111 and above on December 27, 2007. All Vaisala AWOS III or above may include runway condition sensors. (Source: ATO-Ti AJT- 12, October 15, 2007)