Donaldson/ALP CommentsFromm:
Rick Donaldson |n.nonn
Monday, July 21`200810:09AM
Gary Gates
FnedLeisUkoMitchell; Nancy Geary
Re: Kalispell City ALP comments
Thanks Gary. Well get on the changes.
Rick D
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
-----OriginaI message -----
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 11:47:12
To: >
[c: <�irport(@kalisgell.cop;
Subject: Kalispell City ALP comments
We had the following initial comments on the Kalispell City ALP:
We recommend that you identify the individual Runway 14 and 32 data
where applicable eg. R/W 32 instrument departures N/A. Also suggest
adding a Note indicating that Runway 14 is designated as primary runway
for departures (see AC 150/5300-13, appendix 2 - section 4 a(2) .
You may also want to consider lower instrument approach minimums for R/W
32 eg, Current technology of LPV procedure (similar to ILS minimums), X
mile vis. would require larger RPZ.
On the Airport data table, the combined wind coverage should be
consistent with the wind rose data (eg' knots vs. mph). Does the
revised 14-32 alignment improve the wind coverage eg' currently less
than 95% for 18.5 kts 1]-]I?
The Non -Standard conditions dispositions box, has many obstructions
listed, please indicate the disposition for these obstructions eg'
Exhibit ^A^ should be revised to reflect the date of acquisition as well
as a future AIP grant column.
On sheet 5, the obstruction tables are not consistent with other
obstruction tables' Please identify elevations at the top's of
on inner portion of approach surface drawing, the property line could be
You may want to consider adding the runway departure surfaces drawing in
The FAA disclaimer should be added to the ALP drawing (similar to master
How is the radio tower relocation/siting evaluation going ?
Nice work on the ALP set' Please provide 6 full size draft sets of the ALP
for FAA airspace coordination and review' Z will be out of the office
until 8/10/08.
Gary M. Gates, P.E.
Airport Engineer and Planner
FAA, Helena Airports District Office
2735 Skyway Drive, Suite 2
Helena, MT 59602