Radio Station Sale AdBrad Tyer rbtyer Ilm-ssoufanews.com, -: Stoke selling station - August 28, 2007 10:03-78 AM MDT pawl pelars epee;ors®missdulane vs.com> ( =it9 Anachments..18. 1 KB See below• bt F389'n forwarded message: From; Meiiy I lafblr,,nler r m � Date: Auvsi 28, 2J07 4.&5 :13 Aid TOO!ai To: l3rad TYer Subject: Fwd: pass this an to the news department r�raLt. SY .a C,2fla-ri is ;02r. M1f En OA passed f - an Io mc, sta= ,llougnl youd be lwun:mitra hr Erie str€a of Johr Sirmes iicsrisc.., it ?.�4i•r ;#r-::]i'•� Iq;'u:arr5ri; :riess%0". From: h 1 -It 1 i Kr s �, i -i r P 4A To. Subject: pass this on to the news department holly, Your news dcparhnent will probably be interested in this bit Ifyou don t remember, the owner, John Stokes, got lots ofpress for his radical views. Also, did you get my response to your last email? Coll me. Kalispell, Montana . Class B - AM "America's oldest independent station, KGEZ located on 6 acres of prime high density developable road frontage in Kal€spelt, Montana. Water and Sewer 3 freeway access points. Possible 2 million dollar tax write off. W€fl sell land for 4 miiJ€cn and FCC licensed station comes wilh it at no charge. Purchaser can sell the land for minimum of 2 million.. move station to new facilities or town or relocate within developed property. The broadcast towers remain in their permanent location. Can broadcast additlona€ stations from existing towers - or May put and let land further apprec€ate. Restrictive covenant to exclude land sale to neighbonng property owners_ KGEZ America's oldest independently awned radio station in America's last best place." For pricing and more information, contact Beth Griffin via cmait or ca31 770-831-8924 JamestownlSalamanca, NY - Class 81 - CP 60dBu signal over nearly the entire southern tier of NY! Asking 5500,000. For more information, contact Beth Griffin via gau]j or call 770-831-8924, Sailer Financing availablel .Adiri Mountain BargAin- Class A - CP Mo,� it to Ve,mcw or tip and do— hhcNorth av A,king $110,000 Far mor, information, cnniacl Belli Griffin in na or call 770.83 i-8924 Seller financing availablel Roosevelt, Utah - C1 Up and running successful station - awned lower Asking $1 million. For mare infcrmation, contact Beth Griffin via rma, or call 770-631-8924.