White/Urban Renewal Revenue BondsCity of Kalispell
Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903--1997 - Telephone (406)758-7700 Fax (406)758-7758
May 13, 2005
Mae Nan Ellingson
Dorsey & Whitney, L.LP
Millennium Building
125 Bank Street, Suite 600
M issoula, MT 59802
Re: Urban Renewal Revenue Dond_, (Kalispell City Airport Redevelopment Plan)
Dear Mae Nan:
Enclosed is the majority of the old Resolutions, Notices, and Minutes relating to the
creation of the City Airport Redevelopment Plan. I am unable to locate a couple of things,
specitically the comments from the City/County Planning Board as referenced in Ordinance 1242.
and a certificate ;howirig Ordinance 1260 was filed with the taxi ng,jurisdiction. I have recl,resterf
th:. Flathead County Planning office and the 'Fri -City Planning r►ffice check their records for t;h-1
corranhents. but unfortunately that was when the City and County got along and the records 6avc
bra n scattered since then.
1 nh sending the following records ir, two separate boxes. Ple_ise let _ne knok�, if only olt to
t;rives. 1 also spoke with Stacy and asked her to return ali of the looui-d documcrits wneit o❑
have finished review them.
• Notic-,;, of Public Hearing dated September 67 1994 and Affidavit of Publication
• Council Minutes of September 19, 1994
G Resolution 4180 - Airport Neighborhood Plan!Mast,�:r Plan Amendment
a Resolution 1060A --- County Commissioners/Master Piait Amendment
Resolution 4256 - Binding of Blight within the Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex
Redevelopment Plan Area
• Notice of Public Hearing dated May, 1996 and Affidavit of Publication
* Council Minutes of June 17, 1996
Council Minutes of July 1, 1996
Ordinance 1242 -- Approving the 1Calispell City AirpoWAthletic Complex
"l Redevelopment Plan Analysis
aOrdinance 1260 - Proving Segregation of and AppFcation of Tax. Increment
• Resolution �945 the Expendihfre of Funds for Airport In rastructu,-e
Bound Documents
® Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan
® The "Kalispell City" Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis
® Kalispell City Airport Site Selection Study
• Kalispell City Airport Final Environmciital Assessment
• Kalispell City Airport Feasibility/Master Plan Study
v Kalispell City Airport North End Surfacing Improvements
I believe you already have all of the newer documents, but please let me know if there is
anything missing,.
Theresa White
City Clerk