FAA Memo/Northwest Mtn Region Revision to StandardsU.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Subject: ACTION: Northwest Mountain Region Revision to AC 150/5370-10D, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, Notice D-1 From: Civil Engineer, Safety and Standards Branch, ANM-622 To: Manager, DEN -ADO, HLN-ADO, SEA -ADO Northwest Mountain Region Airports Division 1601 kind Avenue S.W., Suite 315 Renton, WA 98055-4056 Date: September 28, 2009 Reply to Attn. of: Attached is the regional modification Notice D-1. All previous notices are now canceled. This revision (Notice D-1) should be incorporated into AC 150/5370-101), dated September 30, 2008, for all new projects under design in the Northwest Mountain Region. This change will be in effect until the next revision. An index is also included. Please distribute these notices to your consultants and sponsors, or include thetas in your predesign or design handouts. An electronic copy will also be sent to each Airports District Office and available on our web page: http: //www. faa. gov/airports/northwest_mountain/engineering/construction_ resources/me dia/notice d 2.doe Any recommended future changes may be sent to Paul Johnson, Safety and Standards Branch. Patel Johnson, P.E. Attachment Northwest Mountain Regional Revision to AC 150/5370-10D, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports AC 150/5370-10A & all changes - Canceled Notice 16 — November 2004 -- Canceled AC 150/ 5370-108, April 2005 - Canceled Notice B-1 - October 2005 — Canceled Notice B-2 - June 2006 - Cancelled Notice B-3 - January 2007 — Canceled Notice C-1 — February 2008 — Canceled Notice C-2 — June 19, 2008- Canceled AC 150/5370-10®, September 2008 Notice ®-1 — September 2009 Mountain Regional Revision to AC 150/5370-1 OD, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports Table of Contents 50-06 CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT AND STAKES.........................................................4 4 PREPARATION"'-101 SURFACE P-152 EXCAVATION AND BA P-153 CONTROLLED LOW -STRENGTH MATERIAL (CLSM)......................................6 P-219 RECYCLED CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE COURSE.................................8 P-301 SOIL CEMENT BASE COURSE..........................................................................9 P-304 CEMENT -TREATED BASE COURSE.................................................................9 P-306 ECONOCRETE BASE COURSE.........................................................................9 P-401 PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS.........................................................10 P-403 PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS.........................................................21 P-501 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT...............................................30 P-603 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT................................................................................38 P-604 COMPRESSION JOINT SEALS FOR CONCRETE PAVEMENTS ....................38 P-610 STRUCTURAL PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE..........................................39 F-163 WILDLIFE DETERRENT FENCE.......................................................................39 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR L-853 REFLECTORS: ..................................... 39 r O. STORM DRAINS r T-901 SEEDING...........................................................................................39 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Northwest Mountain Region Revision to AC 150/5370-1 OD, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, Notice D-1 Note: This revision shall be incorporated into all new projects in the Northwest Mountain Region that do not have specifications developed. The latest notice number used should be noted in the design report or with submission of the specifications to the FAA Airport District Office. This will be in effect until it is revised by a specific change to a specification section in AC 150/5370-10D or until the next Notice is issued. This notice includes all regional specification changes and cancels previous notices. Revisions to paragraphs in previous notices and additions will be highlighted by a vertical bar in the left margin. A vertical bar without text indicated that wording has been deleted from the last Notice. The specification changes are normally a result of problem areas or recurring "modification to construction standards". Designers that would like to have additional changes included should also make the request to the ADO Project Manager. The following revisions are to be made to the standard specification in a section determined by the designer and not included separately as a supplemental portion of s K ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 NOTICE REGARDING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS PLANS Plans and specifications for construction projects to be funded under AIP and PFC's are to include a construction operations and phasing plan to address specific impacts of construction activities on airport operations. The plan may be incorporated into the plans and specifications; however an electronic copy must be submitted to the Airport District Office for coordination with other FAA lines of business. The plan should address estimated dates of runway and taxiway closures and navigational aid shutdown schedules. Show contractor construction routes, address Notices to Airmen (NOTAM), temporary marking and lighting, safety areas, OFZ, temporary threshold displacements, and construction phasing, etc. Address each applicable item identified tin AC 150/5340-12E and submit the safety phasing checklist. Since the construction operations plan serves to mitigate potential adverse impacts on operations, it is imperative that contractor and subcontractor personnel and suppliers strictly adhere to the provisions of the plan. Monitoring of contractor and subcontractor operations during construction is the responsibility of the resident engineer and in order to strengthen the authority of the resident engineer in enforcing the provisions of the construction operations plan the following paragraph shall be included in all construction operations plans involving construction under AIP and P1=C. In the event contractor activities are found to not be in conformance with the provisions of the construction operations plan, the resident engineer will direct the contractor to take the appropriate action. The goal is to prevent accidents. The plans have to be continually reviewed and adjusted at the weekly safety meetings, and have input from various users during the course of the project. Changes to the contract shall be accomplished by a change order, All changes are to be coordinated with the FAA Airport District Office. Include the following (as a minimum) in the contract specifications. "The construction operations and phasing plan has been developed to mitigate the adverse impacts of construction on aeronautical operations on the airport and navigational aids. Strict adherence to the provisions of the construction operations plan by all personnel assigned to or visiting the construction site is mandatory for all construction projects. In the event contractor activities are not in conformance with the provisions of the construction operations plan, the contractor shall immediately cease those operations involved in the violation of the provisions of the construction operations plan and conduct a safety meeting. The owner may direct the contractor, in writing, to immediately cease those operations involved in the violation of the provisions of the construction operations plan. The contractor shall not resume construction operations until an appropriate action is taken as determined by the Owner." 3 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 50-06 Construction Layout and Stakes. Include the following requirements for the contractor's survey at the end of the section for projects that include runways, taxiways or any that have critical grade requirements: Establishment of Survey Control for Construction 1. Utilization of a State Licensed Land Surveyor is required. 2. Horizontal closure accuracy of at least 1:40,000 is required. 3. Vertical loop closure of at least 0.03 foot per mile is required. [NAVD-88 Vertical Datum] [ Vertical Datum] must be utilized where available. It is strongly recommended that a digital level be utilized in obtaining vertical loop closure. 4. The construction survey must use the same primary control as used for the Design Survey. 5. Prior to performing the initial survey, prepare a methodology statement, complete with survey equipment to be utilized and with information as to the accuracy of the equipment. The methodology statement is to be submitted to the project manager for review and approval. 6. Secondary control monuments shall have a minimum foundation depth of [6] [_] feet. Elevations shall be set on secondary control using the NGS style 3D monument set for project primary control. Utility locates are required prior to installing secondary control monuments. 7. Contractor must verify his internal secondary control monuments a minimum of once per month by looping back into primary control. 70-13 Opening Sections of the Work to Traffic. 6th paragraph; Include ",Appendix 3" after "AC 150/5370-2". Modify 2" d note to engineer to read as follows: The Engineer shall include a Construction Operations and Phasing Plan in the bid documents that has, as a minimum, the information contained in the appendix of AC150/5370-2, Operational Safety on Airports During Construction. 120 Nuclear Gages Delete the last sentence in paragraph 120-01, entire paragraphs 120-02 and entire paragraphs 120-03 until PWL concepts are included in the technical specifications. Paragraph 120-01; The following optional requirement can be added to the end of first paragraph: "A field nuclear gauge calibration to a sand cone density, determined by the Engineer, shall be conducted at the beginning of the project for each soil type, subbase, and base course material." 4 ANIM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Note: ASTM D 2922 and ASTM D 3017 have been replaced with ASTM D 6938. This should be replaced in all specifications requiring the density and moisture testing of soils and base courses. P-101 Surface Preparation Paragraph 101-1.1, note: Add the following to the note to the Engineer: "Millings from Porous Friction Courses (PFC) should not be recycled into asphalt or bases courses. The PFC is gap graded and also may have excessive fines that have blown into the surface or excessive binder at the bottom of the course. (Refer to P-154 note for use of other millings.) Paragraph 101-3.1 a.; Add the following to the end of the paragraph: "Any under breaking of slabs that are to remain in -place shall result in the entire .slab removal and replacement at the contractor's expense to the next joint." P-152 Excavation and Embankment Paragraphs 152-2.2e and 2.6: Change the last paragraph in the note to the following: "The moisture -density relationship test procedures ASTM D 698 and D1557 (as well as AASHTO procedures) are not applicable for materials with greater than 30 percent retained on the 3/4-inch sieve. Maximum density testing (ASTM D 4253) may be used however it also limits the material retained on the 1-1/2-inch sieve to 30 percent and not all laboratories have equipment to run this test." Paragraph 152-2.5, last paragraph; Delete: "No direct payment shall be made for the work performed under this section." Paragraph 152-2.6; Add the following to the seventh paragraph; "All testing shall be done by a laboratory hired by the contractor. The results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for determination of acceptance." Paragraph 152-2.6; Change the 6th paragraph to read: "On all areas outside of the pavement areas, no compaction will be required on the top 4 inches (100 mm). The lower layers shall be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density from IASTM D 698 for non -cohesive soils and 90% for cohesive soil." Note to Engineer: The compaction requirements should be adjusted for large fills to accommodate settlement. Paragraph 152-2.6; seventh paragraph; Include ASTM D 6938 and refer to Section 120. '47 ANM NOTICE D-1 09109 P-152 Method of Measurement; The Engineer can add "subgrade preparation" to the measurement by square yards. P-152 Basis of Payment; The Engineer can include "subgrade preparation" as pay item. P-153 Controlled Low -strength Material (CLSM) Paragraph 153-3.1, a.; Change strength limits to from "100-200" to "100-300". Change "ASTM C 39" to °ASTM D 4832". P-154 Subbase Course Note to Engineer: Recycled asphalt has been used in place of P-154 material. This is acceptable provided it is approved by the Airport District Office and no more than 50% is blended with new P-154 material. Excessive amounts, under heavy loads and heat, can settle. Although it can be compacted to a modified proctor it will bridge between coated particles and resist compactive effort. Recycled P-402 should not be used under any aircraft pavements since it is gap -graded, unless the virgin aggregate gradation is adjusted to meet the combined blend gradation. Paragraph 154-3.7; Add the following to the second paragraph; "All testing shall be done by a laboratory hired by the contractor. Density test results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." Paragraph 154-3.7; Change the second paragraph in the note to the Engineer to read: "Include testing frequencies per square yard or cubic yard for density acceptance tests and moisture contents, per lift of subbase course." P-208 Aggregate Base Course Note to Engineer: Recycled asphalt has been used in place of P-208 material. This is acceptable provided it is approved by the Airport District Office and no more than 50% is blended with new P-208 material. Even though it can be compacted to a modified proctor, it bridges between coated particles and resists compactive effort. With time, under heavy loads and heat, it will deform. Recycled P-402 should not be in base course since it is gap -graded. Paragraph 208-1.1, 208-2.3, 208-4.1, 208-5.1, and throughout this specification section; Delete "uncrushed". Paragraph 208 2.1; Delete paragraph 2.1. Paragraph 208 2.2; Change paragraph 2.2 to 2.1. 1. ANNI NOTICE D-1 09/09 Table 1; Add to the note to the designer for frost areas: Include ASTM D 422 for the test procedure in this paragraph and in Testing Requirements. Paragraph 208 2.3; Change paragraph 2.3 to 2.2. Add in last paragraph "Tests for aggregates to check gradation shall be conducted by the Contractor at least two per lot. The lot will be consistent with acceptance sampling for density. The samples shall be taken from the in -place, compacted material. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM D 75, and testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C 136 and ASTM C 117." Paragraph 208 2.2, (208-2.3 prior to renumbering) third paragraph, last sentence; Delete: "unless all materials are produced from crushed stone". Paragraph 208 2.4; Change paragraph 2.4 to 2.3. Paragraph 208-3.3b; Delete subparagraph "b. Travel Plant", if designer only wants to include a Plant Mix. References in subparagraph c & 208-3.4 a. to mixing in place should also be removed. Paragraph 208-3.5; Delete the note to the Engineer. Paragraph 208-3.6; 3rd paragraph; Insert the following after the third sentence: "In - place densities and moisture content can be determined using ASTIVI D 6938 provided calibration is done in accordance with Section 120 of this specification." Paragraph 208-3.6; Add the following to the first paragraph; "All testing shall be done by a laboratory hired by the contractor. Testing results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." Paragraph 208-3.7; Add the following to the end of the paragraph: "The grade shall be measured on a 50 foot grid and be within -r0" /--1/2 inch." P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course Include ASTM D 422 in Testing Requirements at the end of the specification. If the base course is below the frost depth delete the footnote in Table 1. Table 1; A finer (locally available) gradation may be included as a leveling course. The material has to have the same quality requirements as the P-209, including equivalent fractured faces, LA wear, well graded, and non -frost susceptible, etc. Paragraph 209-2.1 a.; Change the paragraph to the following: "a. Sampling and Testing. Preliminary test results shall be furnished by the Contractor prior to the start of production. All tests for initial aggregate 7 I,1011ANOWI9[01:90I • W submittals necessary to determine compliance with the specification requirements shall be made by the Contractor. Test results for the aggregates shall be furnished by the Contractor at the start of production and at internals during production. The sampling points and intervals will be designated by the Engineer. The samples will be the basis of approval of specific lots of aggregates from the standpoint of the quality requirements of this section. The Engineer may accept certified state test results indicating that the aggregate meets specification requirements. Certified test results shall be less than 6 months old. Tests for aggregates to check gradation shall be conducted by the Contractor at least two per lot. The lot will be consistent with acceptance sampling for density. The samples shall be taken from the in -place, compacted material. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM D 75, and testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C 136 and ASTM C 117." Paragraph 209-3.5; Add the following to the first paragraph; "All testing shall be done by a laboratory hired by the contractor. Testing results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." ( Paragraph 209.3.5; At the end of the first and second sentence of first paragraph add [ "per each layer„ Paragraph 209-3.5; Revise 4t" paragraph to "In lieu of the core method of field density determination acceptance testing may be accomplished using a nuclear gage in accordance with ASTM D 6938. The gage should be calibrated in accordance with General Provisions 120." Paragraph 209-3.5: change the last paragraph to read: "if a nuclear gage is used for density determination, two random tests shall be made and averaged to represent each sublot." Paragraph 209-3.6; Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "The grade shall be measured on a 25 foot grid and be within +01--1/2 inch. Testing results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." Paragraph 209-3.8; This paragraph can be rewritten to permit the thickness acceptance determined by survey before and after placement. The survey intervals should be selected based on the size of the project and specified. P-219 Recycled Concrete Aggregate Ease Course A ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-219-2.1, Note to Designer; Delete the provision to use ASR PCC in any airfield pavement section. There is too little research and experience, and too much variability in the material and conditions to assume the risk at this time. Change sulfate content from I V to "0.5%" P-219-4.8; Add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "All testing shall be conducted by a laboratory hired by the contractor. Test results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." P-219-4.8, 3rd paragraph; Add the following to the start of the last sentence. "if the re- test does not indicate gradations within the limits of Tablel" P-219-4.8, 6tn paragraph; Add the following at the end: "When using ASTM D 6938 for determination of field density, refer to Section 120 Nuclear Gauge of theses specifications." P-219-4.8, 7th paragraph; ASTM is specified to be used for moisture content. Nuclear gauges are not accurate in mixtures that contain Portland cement. The nuclear gage reads Hydrogen molecules and variations in the amount of cement will be read as variations of water content. P-219-4.9, 1 st paragraph:: Add the following to the end of the paragraph: "The grade shall be measured on a maximum 25-foot grid (longitudinal and transverse) and be within +0 and -'/2 inches. Thickness results shall be furnished daily to the Engineer for acceptance determination." P-301 Soil Cement Base Course Paragraph 301-3.1, 1st paragraph, Add "Tests shall be required for each approved soil which will be included in the treated layer." P-304 Cement -Treated Base Course Paragraph 304-6.1.1; Add Note to Engineer: "ASTM D 6938 may give incorrect moisture readings since the cement variations will cause variations in moisture contents. Moisture content test maybe more accurate with the use of a microwave oven ." P-306 Econocrete Base Course P-306-4.5, 3rd paragraph: Change "over -consolidated" to "segregated". M ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-401 Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements Note: The use of fabrics may not be cost effective in retarding reflective cracks and consideration should be given to the difficulty of future cold milling and a cost comparison of additional thickness. Fabrics should never be used with an overlay of less than 3-inches in cold climates. Note: Fog seals on new pavement, immediately after paving, are not recommended especially on runways, even though they may be grooved. This does not include coal - tar seals on fueling and apron areas. Paragraph 401-1.1; Change the note to the following: "This specification is intended to be used for the surface course for airfield flexible pavements subject to aircraft loadings of gross weights greater than 12,500 pounds (5670 kg) and is to apply within the limits of the pavement designed for full load bearing capacity. The dimensions and depth of the "surface course" for which this specification applies shall be that as is defined by the Engineer's pavement design as performed in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6, current edition. For courses other than the surface course, such as stabilized base courses, binder courses and/or truing and leveling courses; for pavements designed to accommodate aircraft gross weights of 12,500 pounds (5670 kg) or less; and for pavements intended to be used for roads, shoulder pavements, blast pads, and other pavements not subject to full aircraft loading, specification Item P-403 may be used. For projects less than 3000 tons, the entire P-401 or P-403 specification should be rewritten or State specification used provided that equivalent quality and density is required and the specification is approved by the FAA (ADO). P-403 could also be used for aircraft less than 12,500 pounds and locally available materials. (Check with the individual ADO if a modification of standards format is required). State highway department specifications may be used for shoulders, access roads, perimeter roads, stabilized base courses under Item P-501, and other pavements not subject to aircraft loading. When state highway specification are approved, include all applicable/approved state specifications in the contract documents." Paragraph 401-2.1 a.; For surface courses on airports with jet aircraft change " 10 percent and 13 percent" to "8 percent and 10 percent", respectively. 10 ANM NOTICE ©-1 09/09 IAfter last sentence add "Clay lumps and friable particles shall not exceed 0.3 percent by weight when tested in accordance with ASTM C-142." Paragraph 401-2.1 b.: Note to Engineer: Change "45" to "40" for the sand equivalent value. IAfter last sentence in first paragraph add "Clay lumps and friable particles shall not exceed 0.3 percent by weight when tested in accordance with ASTM C-142." Remove all of paragraph 2.3, except for the last paragraph and replace with the following in P-401: [401-2.3 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The bituminous material shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M320 performance graded binder designation PG[ ]. A certificate of compliance from the manufacturer must be included with the mix design submittal.] Note to Engineer -- Performance Graded (PG) asphalt should be locally available and specified. A high reliability (98 percent) on both the high and low temperature categories should be used. Theses cements provide benefits for airfield pavements by minimizing low temperature cracking. It is recommended that the designer consult with the state DOT for the binder used for greater than 10M ESALs highways. Using this grade the high temperature should be bumped up one grade for greater than 60K gross aircraft weight. The upper grade should be bumped by 2 for greater than 100K gross weight aircraft. The following table can be used if no DOT information is available. Notify the FAA District Office if these grades are not consistent with those specified or available in the state. State PG Binders for Aircraft Gross Loading 60K and Under Over 60 K Colorado —Western 58-34 64-34 Colorado — Eastern 58-34 64-28 Idaho -- Northern 58-34 64-34 Idaho — Southern 64-34 64-34 Montana — Western 58-34 *64-34 Montana — Eastern *64-34 *64-34 Oregon — Western 64-22 70-22 Oregon — Eastern 64-28 70-28 Utah 64-28 70-28 Washington — Western 64-22 64-22 Washington — S. Eastern 64-28 70-28 Washington — N. Eastern 58-34 64-34 Wyoming — Western 58-34 64-34 Wyoming — Eastern 64-34 64-34 11 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 *Binder may not be available in the state Note: For some binders a synthetic additive may have to be added to meet the high temperature specification. When the temperature values added together exceed 90, the asphalt will probably contain a modifier. In this case include the Elastic Recovery Testing requirements from the paragraph shown below: [The binder (RTFO) aged residue shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO T 301 for Elastic Recovery tested at 25 degrees C. The recovery shall be 50% minimum] I Add the following to the end of the last paragraph: "Engineers may use the local state DOT agency certification program for performance graded asphalt suppliers if the engineer determines it to be acceptable." Paragraph 401-3.2, 1 st paragraph; Change to read: "401-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA. No bituminous mixture for payment shall be produced until a job mix formula has been approved in writing by the Engineer. The bituminous mixture shall be designed using procedures contained in Chapter 5, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete, sixth edition, except ASTM D 6926 and ASTM D 6927 shall be used. The manual hammer in ASTM D 6926 shall be used for the mix design procedure." Paragraph 401-3.2 Job Mix Formula; Change subparagraph h. to: "h. Temperature -viscosity relationship of the PG asphalt cement binder showing acceptable range of mixing and compaction temperatures.,, Paragraph 401-3.2 Job Mix Formula. Replace Table 2 with the following: TABLE 2. MINIMUM PERCENT V©IDS IN MINERAL AGGREGATE Maximum Particle Size Minimum Voids in Mineral Aggregate, percent in. mm Percent 1/2 12.5 15.0 3/4 19.0 14,0 1 25.0 13.0 1-1/4 31.75 12.0 Paraciraph 401-3.2 (next to last paragraph before Table 3) Change to the following wording: "The limits still will apply if they fall outside the master grading band 12 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 in Table 3 except for the top three sieve sizes for each aggregate gradation product starting at the 100% passing band." Note for Table 3. Aggregate -Bituminous Pavements. The region has had a long history of success with coarser gradations that reduce the percentage of fine materials. The following gradations should be substituted for those in the note to the engineer: AGGREGATE -BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS Sieve Size 1-114 in. (31.75 mm) 1 in. (24.0 mm) 314 in. (19.0 mm) 1/2 in. (12.5 mm) 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.600 mm) No. 50 (0.300 mm) No. 100 (0.150 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Asphalt percent: Stone or gravel Slag Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves 1" max 314" max 1/2" max 100 100 76-95 100 --- 60-86 78-95 100 52-77 64-88 79-99 35-60 44-68 58-78 24-46 30-53 39-59 17-37 20-40 26-46 11-27 14-30 19-35 7-19 8-21 12-24 6-16 6-14 7-17 3-6 3-6 3-6 4.5-7.0 5.0-7.5 5.5-8.0 6.0-9.0 6.5-9.5 7.0-1 0.5 The maximum size aggregate selected should not be more than one-half of the course thickness. P-401-3.2 Add to the note to the designer: The 1" band is not recommended for surface courses, especially in areas that have handwork. The use of this band should be discussed with the ADO. The Engineer may include a requirement that the aggregates are handled and furnished to the plant in two or more size groups. For projects with aircraft loading under 12,500, this specification format or P- 403 should be used: however, changes are permitted to conform to the state standard specifications, provided that an equivalent quality requirements including density are specified. These requirements should be written into this specification so the contract stands on its own and not just by reference. 13 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 For projects less than 3000 tons (FOR ALL PROJECTS), the entire P-401 specification or P-403 can be rewritten provided that equivalent quality and density is required and the specification is approved by the FAA (ADO). (Check with the individual ADO if a modification of standards format is required). Paragraph 401-3.2: Change the flow range from" 10-14" to "10-16" for aircraft over 60,000 pounds. The 10-14 limits are difficult to attain using the PG graded binders. Also include a footnote that upper flow limit requirements do not apply for any mix with a polymer -modified binder (where the difference between the upper and lower temperature number is 90 degrees or greater). Paragraph 401-3.4 Test Section. (first paragraph) Change the third sentence: "A cold joint is defined as a construction joint where the first mat surface temperature is less than 185 degrees F." Paragraph 401-3.4 Test Section. (fourth paragraph). Change to read: "If the initial test section should prove to be unacceptable, the necessary adjustments to the job mix formula, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. The initial first test section shall be removed at the Contractor's expense and a second test section shall then be placed. If the second test section does not meet specification requirements, the section shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Additional test sections, as required, shall be constructed and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Any additional sections that are not acceptable shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Full production shall not begin until an acceptable section has been constructed and accepted in writing by the Engineer. Once an acceptable test section has been placed, payment for the test section that meets specification requirements shall be made in accordance with paragraph 401-8.1." Paragraph 401-3.4 Test Section. (second note to the Engineer); Add the following: "For large projects, the test section size may be increased to 300 tons. The smaller test sections may not be as representative of the plant production and paving operation." Paragraph 401-4.2 a. (2) Testing Facilities. Add the note to the designer: These paragraphs should be modified as necessary concerning the contract requirements to provide a laboratory and equipment. The designer should only require an area, but not equipment. It is preferred to not have the contractor provide any facilities for acceptance testing. Delete the requirement for ASTIVI D 3666. The Contractor's EEC laboratory does not have to meet ASTIVI D 3666, unless it is used for the mix design. If the iL! ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 equipment is left in the specification, for QC only, the equipment list should be modified for the ignition oven used for the asphalt content rather than the extraction method. Paragraph 4,0„1,:4_3 a. Include the following requirement for major paving projects: 401-4.3 a. Material Transfer Machines: Material transfer machines shall be used for placing [each] [the surface] course for where the paving lane exceeds [ ] feet. The transfer machine shall have sufficient capability to handle enough bituminous material to allow the paver to obtain a uniform spreading operation. The transfer machine shall remix the material. This above paragraph should be included for long paving lanes such as a runway or parallel taxiway. It can help provide continuous paver movement and uniform mix temperatures and consistent mat density. It can be useful when long hauling distances or cooler weather temperatures are anticipated. The engineer should evaluate the wheel loading of these machines on pavements designed for light aircraft to verify the machines do not overstress the existing pavement. Paragraph 401-4.12, change first sentence in third paragraph to read: "Longitudinal and transverse joints which are irregular, damaged, uncompacted, or otherwise defective or whose surface temperature has cooled to less than 1350 F shall be cut back (3 to 6-inches) to expose a clean, sound surface for the full depth of the course.,, Paragraph 401-4.12. Delete note. Paragraph 401-4.12: Add the last paragraph: "Any laitance produced from cutting joints shall be removed by vacuuming and washing. The joint shall be clean and dry prior to applying the P-603 Tack Coat." P-401-4.13 & Protection. Add note to designer: For lighter weight pavements, that are to be grooved, the designer should consider the use of a higher stability mix using a 75 blow Marshall and the corresponding percentage of fractured face aggregates. Grooving, or other anti -hydroplaning surfaces, is required for runways used by commercial service aircraft and also encouraged for jet or turbo jet aircraft. All 139 Certified runways must be grooved. Contact the FAA (ADO) prior to including grooving requirements for other aircraft pavements. Contracts that contain grooving of asphalt pavements shall have additional requirements included in this specification and the grooving specification for protection of the pavements. The requirement should include removal and 15 ANM NOTICE D-1 09109 replacement of all pavements damaged by the grooving equipment and/or the associated water tenders. The damaged commonly experienced is surface deformation from the equipment or water tender tires (or equipment casters). It maybe advisable to groove later in the fall provided that provisions for final marking have been resolved such that any delays resulting in an increase in final marking costs are paid for by the contractor, including remobilization costs. No grooving will be permitted during freezing or predicted freezing weather conditions. Nighttime grooving may also be effective for cooler pavement temperatures, or lighter weight equipment. P-401; Change the first paragraph to the following: "401-5.1 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. Unless otherwise specified, all acceptance sampling and testing necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this section will be performed by the Engineer at no cost to the Contractor except that coring [and profilograph testing] as required in this section shall be completed and paid for by the Contractor. Testing organizations performing these tests [except profilograph] will meet the requirements of ASTM D 3666. Field or permanent laboratories performing the testing at the project or plant site will be considered to meet ASTM D 3666 provided all testing personnel, laboratory equipment and laboratory supervision are from an ASTM D 3666 accredited branch." Paragraph 401-5.1.a ; Change the bullets to the following: " ® one day or shift's production not to exceed 2,000 tons (1 814 000 kg), or ® a half day or shift's production where a day's production is expected to consist of between 2,000 and 4,000 tons (1 814 000 and 3 628 000 kg) so no lot exceeds 2000 tons (1 814 000 kg), or similar subdivisions for tonnages over 4,000 tons (3 628 000 kg) so no lot exceeds 2000 tons (1 814 000 kg)." Paragraph 401-5.1.a.(1) & (2) Add the following after the second sentence: "Samples will be taken in accordance with ASTM D 979." Paragraph 401-5.1.a.(1); Add the following at the end of the first paragraph: "The manual hammer in ASTM D 6926 shall be used. Mechanical hammers may be used if they are calibrated to the same manual hammer density by varying the number of blows and for each specific mix. " Paragraph 401-5.1.a.(2), Add last paragraph: "Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) will be calculated one time for each sublot. The bulk specific gravity for the 16 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 aggregate can be used unless more current test data is available. The results will be used for quality control." P-401-5.1 b (3): Add the following to the end of the paragraph; "Laitance produced by the coring operation shall be removed immediately." Paragraph 401-5.2.b(5); Change the sixth sentence to read: "In the longitudinal direction, if profilograph measurements are not required, a smoothness reading shall be made by straight -edge at 50 foot intervals, at the center of each paving lane." Paragraph 401-5.2.b(5); Note: The first 2 paragraphs in the note are not to be included in the contract, but rather the note to the Engineer. Change the first paragraph in the note to the following: "The Engineer shall specify the lot size. A minimum of 2,000 square yards (1 650 square meters) is recommended. The lot for the surface smoothness only applies to the surface course. Calculations for payment may have to be separated where the entire lot is not surface course." Paragraph 401-5.2.b(5) Note: (a) Sixth paragraph; Delete the following sentence: "if there is a section of 250 feet or less, the prof llogram for the section shall be included in the evaluation of the previous section." Paragraph 401-5.2, Table 5; Change the upper limit for flow from 16" to "16" for aircraft over 60,000 pounds. Also include a footnote that upper flow limit requirements do not apply for any mix with a polymer -modified binder (where the difference between the upper and lower temperature number is 90 degrees or greater). Paragraph 401-5.2 b.(6); Add the following to beginning of the first paragraph: Grade shall be evaluated following the first days placement and then every 5 days or less so adjustments can be made to paving operations if measurements do not meet specification requirements. The engineer must compare the surveyed grades with the grades shown on the contract drawings and document the analysis. This includes the test section if the test section is part of the airfield pavement. Grade requirements may be modified with approval of the FAA Airport District office for aircraft pavements rated less than 60,000 pounds to the following: Max deviation (inches) Max % before removal Runway and hi -speed exit taxiways - 112 20 Taxiways, aprons, and taxilanes 3/4 25 P-401-5.4: After "5.2.b(2)" add "for stability and flow" and after `°5.2.b(3)" add "for joint density 17 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Paragraph 401_-6.2. Testing Laboratory; Delete the requirement for the contractor to provide equipment for acceptance testing [401-4.2 a.(2)]. The facility (building space) could be provided by the contractor at the designer's option. Paragraph 401-6.3 a. & b.; Change the two paragraphs to the following: "a. Asphalt Content. A minimum of two asphalt content tests shall be performed per lot in accordance with ASTM D6307. The asphalt content for the lot will be determined by averaging the test results. b. Gradation. Aggregate gradations shall be determined a minimum of twice per lot from mechanical analysis of extracted aggregate in accordance with ASTM D 5444 and ASTM C 136 (Dry Sieve)." Paragraph 401-6.5; Change the first three paragraphs on the control chart to the following: "401-6.5 CONTROL CHARTS. The Contractor shall maintain linear control charts both for individual measurements and range (i.e., difference between highest and lowest measurements) for aggregate gradation, asphalt content, and Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA). The VMA for each sublot will be calculated by the acceptance laboratory and monitored by the OC laboratory. a. Individual Measurements. Control charts for individual measurements shall be established to maintain process control within tolerance for aggregate gradation, asphalt content, and VMA. The control charts shall use the job mix formula target values as indicators of central tendency for the following test parameters with associated Action and Suspension Limits: CONTROL CHART LIMITS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENTS Sieve Action Limit Suspension Limit 3/ inch 19.0 mm 0% 0% 1/2 inch 12.5 mm +/-6% +/-9% % inch 9.5 mm +/-6% +/-9% No. 4 4.75 mm +/-6% +/-9% No. 16 1.18 mm +/-5% +/ 7.5% No. 50 0.30 mm +/-3% +/-4.5% No. 200 (0.075 mm +/-2% +/-3% Asphalt Content VMA +/-0.45% -1.00% +/-0.70% -1.50% IN ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Paragraph 401-6.5 Note to the designer: Change 1 inch or 1-1/2 inch" to 1 inch or greater or 1-1/4 inch". Change `f3/ inch 6% 11 W to "3/4 inch 6% 9%". Paragraph 401-6.5 Add a note to the designer: If the sieve sizes are modified in Table 3, the designer should modify these tables to be consistent with the modification. Paragraph 401-8.1 2nd paragraph, last line; Change "See note 2" to "See note 1 ". P-401-8.1 a: In the first sentence in the profilograph note, change "8.1 d" to 8.1 c". Paragraph 401-8.1 b (notes for Profilograph); Change the following paragraphs: "c. Basis of Adjusted Payment for Smoothness. Price adjustment for pavement smoothness will be made in accordance with Table 7. The adjustment will apply to the total tonnage of asphalt concrete and binder material within the surface course in a lot of pavement and shall be applied with the following equations: (Tons of asphalt concrete in the surface course lot) x (lot pay factor) x (unit price per ton) x (smoothness pay factor) = payment for lot" For contracts that pay for binder separate include the following: "Tons of asphalt binder in the surface course lot) x (lot pay factor) x (unit price per ton of binder) x (smoothness pay factor) = binder payment for lot„ Paragraphs 401-7.1 and 8.1; These paragraphs can be modified to pay separate for bituminous material per ton. The measurement for bituminous material should be determined using the asphalt contents from the ignition oven method as specified. The pay adjustments would be also applied to the bituminous material. Note: The payment adjustments and bonuses also apply to leveling courses, even though the density adjustment may not be applicable. If Profilograph price adjustments are specified, the adjustments are only made to the surface course mix and binder. P-401-8.1 a, Table 6; Footnote 2 of the second Table 6 should be deleted and replaced with the same wording provide in footnote 2 of the first Table 6. 19 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Testing Requirements; Include the following: ASTM D 6307 Standard Test Method for Asphalt Content of Hot Mix Asphalt by Ignition Method Remove: ASTM D 2172 ASTM D 4125 NEI ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-403 Plant Mix Bituminous Pavements Note: Permeable base course has been used in this region but are no longer permitted. They have the potential to strip and we prefer not to risk using them at this time. Note: The use of fabrics in of on the asphalt mat may not be cost effective in retarding reflective cracks and consideration should be given to the difficulty of future cold milling and a cost comparison of additional thickness. Fabrics should never be used with an overlay of less than 3-inches in cold climates. The 403 specification is considered an economical pavement and fabric is not recommended with the asphalt lifts. The use of fabrics should be approved by the FAA -ADO. (This is not the filter fabric that is used on the subgrade.) Note: Fog seals on new pavement, immediately after paving, are not recommended especially on runways, even though they may be grooved. This does not include coal - tar seals on fueling and apron areas. Note: For projects less than 3000 tons (FOR ALL PROJECTS), the entire P-403 specification can be rewritten provided that equivalent quality and density is required and the specification is approved by the FAA (ADO). (Check with the individual ADO if a modification of standards format is required). Remove all of paragraph 2.3, except for the last paragraph and replace with the following: [403-2.3 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL. The bituminous material shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO MP320 performance graded binder designation PG[ ]. A certificate of compliance from the manufacturer must be included with the mix design submittal.] Note to Engineer -- Performance Graded (PG) asphalt should be locally available and specified. A high reliability (98 percent) on both the high and low temperature categories should be used. Theses cements provide benefits for airfield pavements by minimizing low temperature cracking. It is recommended that the designer consult with the state DOT for the binder used for greater than 10M ESALs highways. Using this grade the high temperature should be bumped up one grade for greater than 60K gross aircraft weight. The upper grade should be bumped by 2 for greater than 100K gross weight aircraft. The following table can be used if no DOT information is available. Notify the FAA District Office if these grades are not consistent with those specified or available in the state. 21 ANM NOTICE Q-1 09/09 State Colorado —Western Colorado — Eastern Idaho — Northern Idaho — Southern Montana — Western Montana — Eastern Oregon — Western Oregon — Eastern Utah Washington — Western Washington — S. Eastern Washington — N. Eastern Wyoming — Western Wyoming — Eastern PG Binders for Aircraft Gross Loadiin 60K and Under Over 60 K 58-34 64-34 58-34 64-28 58-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 * Binder may not be available in state. 58-34 *64-34 *64-34 *64-34 64-22 70-22 64-28 70-28 64-28 70-28 64-22 64-22 64-28 70-28 58-34 64-34 58-34 64-34 64-34 64-34 Note: For some binders a synthetic additive may have to be added to meet the high temperature specification. When the temperature values added together exceed 90, the asphalt will probably contain a modifier. In this case include the Elastic Recovery Testing requirements from the paragraph shown below: [The binder (RTFO) aged residue shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO T 301 for Elastic Recovery tested at 25 degrees C. The recovery shall be 50% minimum] Paragraph 403-2.3 Add the following to the end of the last paragraph: "Engineers may use the local state DOT agency certification program for performance graded asphalt suppliers if the engineer determines it to be acceptable." Paragraph 403-3.2; Change the first paragraph to read: "403-3.2 JOB MIX FORMULA. No bituminous mixture for payment shall be produced until a job mix formula has been approved in writing by the Engineer. The bituminous mixture shall be designed using procedures contained in Chapter 5, MARSHALL METHOD OF MIX DESIGN, of the Asphalt Institute's Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2), Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete, sixth edition, and shall meet the requirements of Tables 1, 2 and 3. The procedures in MS-2 shall be modified to use ASTM D 6926 and ASTM D 6927. The manual hammer in ASTM D 6926 shall be used for the mix design procedure." 22 ANM NOTICE ©-1 09/09 Paragraph 403-3.2 Job Mix Formula; Change subparagraph h, to: "h. Temperature - viscosity relationship of the PG asphalt cement binder showing acceptable range of mixing and compaction temperatures." Paragraph 403-3.2 Job Mix Formula. Replace Table 2 with the following: TABLE 2. MINIMUM PERCENT VOIDS IN MfNERAL AGGREGATE Maximum Particle Size Minimum Voids in Mineral Aggregate, percent in. mm Percent 1 /2 12.5 15.0 3/4 19.0 14.0 1 25.0 13.0 1-114 31.75 12.0 Para_ graph_ 403-3.2 (next to last paragraph before Table 3) Change to the following wording. "The limits still will apply if they fall outside the master grading band in Table 3 except for the top three sieve sizes for each aggregate gradation product starting at the 100% passing band." Note for Table 3. A re ate -Bituminous Pavements. The region has had a long history of success with coarser gradations that reduce the percentage of fine materials. The following gradations should be substituted for those in the note to the engineer: 23 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Sieve Size 1-114 in. (30.0 mm) 1 in. (24.0 mm) 314 in. (19.0 mm) 112 in. (12.5 mm) 318 in. (9.5 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 8 (2.36 mm) No. 16 (1.18 mm) No. 30 (0.600 mm) No. 50 (9.300 mm) No. 100 (0.150 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Asphalt percent: Stone or gravel Slag Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves 1 " max 3/4" max 112" max 76-95 100 --- 60-86 78-95 100 52-77 64-88 79-99 35-60 44-68 58-78 24-46 30-53 39-59 17-37 20-40 26-46 11-27 14-30 19-35 7-19 8-21 12-24 6-16 6-14 7-17 3-6 3-6 3-6 4.5-7.0 5.0-7.5 5.5-8.0 6.0-9.0 6.5-9.5 7.0-1 0.5 The maximum size aggregate selected should not be more than one-half of the course thickness. The Engineer may include a requirement that the aggregates are handled and furnished to the plant in two or more size groups. P-403-3.2 Add to the note to the designer: The 1" band is not recommended for surface courses, especially in areas that have handwork. The use of this band should be discussed with the ADO. The Engineer may include a requirement that the aggregates are handled and furnished to the plant in two or more size groups. P-403-3.2 Add to the note to the designer: For projects with aircraft loading under 12,500, this specification format should be used; however, changes are permitted to conform to the state standard specifications, provided that an equivalent quality requirements including density are specified. These requirements should be written into this specification so the contract stands on its own and not just by reference. For projects less than 3000 tons (FOR ALL PROJECTS), the entire P-403 specification can be rewritten provided that equivalent quality and density is Rz! ANM NOTICE D-1 09109 required and the specification is approved by the FAA (ADO). (Check with the individual ADO if a modification of standards format is required). Paragraph403-3.4 Test Section. (first paragraph) Change the third sentence: "A cold joint is an exposed construction joint where the first mat surface temperature is less than 185 degrees F." Paragraph 403-3.4 Test Section. (third & fourth paragraphs). Change to read: "The test section shall be considered acceptable if the average mat density of the test section cores is greater than or equal to 98 percent and the average joint density of the test section cores is greater than or equal to 95 percent. "If the initial test section should prove to be unacceptable, the necessary adjustments to the job mix formula, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. The initial first test section shall be removed at the Contractor's expense and a second test section shall then be placed. If the second test section does not meet specification requirements, the section shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Additional test sections, as required, shall be constructed and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Any additional sections that are not acceptable shall be removed at the Contractor's expense. Full production shall not begin until an acceptable section has been constructed and accepted in writing by the Engineer. Once an acceptable test section has been placed, payment for the test section that meets specification requirements shall be made in accordance with paragraph 403-8.1." Paragraph 403-4.2 a. (2) Testing Facilities. Add the note to the designer: These paragraphs should be modified as necessary concerning the contract requirements to provide a laboratory and equipment. The designer should only require an area, but not equipment. It is preferred to not have the contractor provide any facilities for acceptance testing. Delete the requirement for ASTM D 3666. The Contractor's QC laboratory does not have to meet ASTM D 3666, unless it is used for the mix design. If the equipment is left in the specification, for QC only, the equipment list should be modified for the ignition oven used for the asphalt content rather than the extraction method. Paragraph 403-4.3 a. Include the following requirement for major paving projects: 403-4.3 a. Material Transfer Machines: Material transfer machines shall be used for placing [each] [the surface] course for where the paving lane exceeds [ ] feet. The transfer machine shall have sufficient capability to handle enough bituminous 25 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 material to allow the paver to obtain a uniform spreading operation. The transfer machine shall remix the material. [Transfer machines shall have the capability of discharging bituminous material from the side in order to maintain a fresh tack coat.) This above paragraph should be included for only long paving lanes such as a runway or parallel taxiway. It can help provide continuous paver movement and uniform mix temperatures. It can be useful when long mauling distances or cooler weather temperatures are anticipated. The engineer should evaluate the wheel loading of these machines on pavements designed for light aircraft to verify the machines do not overstress the existing pavement. Paragraph 403-4.12. change first sentence in third paragraph to read: "Longitudinal and transverse joints which are irregular, damaged, uncompacted, or otherwise defective or whose surface temperature has cooled to less than 1850 F shall be cut back (3 to 6-inches) to expose a clean, sound surface for the full depth of the course." Paragraph 403-4.12. Delete note. P-403-4.13 & Protection. Add note to designer: For lighter weight pavements, that are to be grooved, the designer should consider the use of a higher stability mix using a 75 blow Marshall and the corresponding percentage of fractured face aggregates. Grooving, or other anti -hydroplaning surfaces, is required for runways used by commercial service aircraft and also encouraged for jet or turbo jet aircraft. All 139 Certified runways must be grooved. Contact the FAA (ADO) prior to including grooving requirements for other aircraft pavements. Contracts that contain grooving of asphalt pavements shall have additional requirements included in this specification and the grooving specification for protection of the pavements. The requirement should include removal and replacement of all pavements damaged by the grooving equipment and/or the associated water tenders. The damaged commonly experienced is surface deformation from the equipment or water tender tires (or equipment casters). It maybe advisable to groove later in the fall provided that provisions for final marking have been resolved such that any delays resulting in an increase in final marking costs are paid for by the contractor, including remobilization costs. No grooving will be permitted during freezing or predicted freezing weather conditions. Nighttime grooving may also be effective for cooler pavement temperatures, or lighter weight equipment. Add the following if grooving is required in addition to the designer's additional wording for protection: 1403-4.13 SKID RESISTANT SURFACES/SAW-CUT GROOVING. Deleted reference to grooving in this specification. W ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-403; Change the first paragraph to the following: "403-5.1 ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING AND TESTING. Unless otherwise specified, all acceptance sampling and testing necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this section will be performed by the Engineer at no cost to the Contractor except that coring [and profilograph testing] as required in this section shall be completed and paid for by the Contractor. Testing organizations performing these tests [except profilograph] will meet the requirements of ASTM D 3666. Field laboratories at the project or plant site will be considered to meet ASTM D 3666 provided all testing personnel, laboratory equipment and laboratory supervision are from an ASTM D 3666 accredited branch." Paragraph 403-5.1 a ; Change the bullets to the following: " - one day or shift's production not to exceed 2,000 tons (1 814 000 kg), or - a half day or shift's production where a days production is expected to consist of between 2,000 and 4,000 tons (1 814 000 and 3 628 000 kg) so no lot exceeds 2000 tons (1 814 000 kg), or - similar subdivisions for tonnages over 4,000 tons (3 628 000 kg) so no lot exceeds 2000 tons (1 814 000 kg)." Paragraph 403-5,.1_.a.(1) & (2): Add the following after the second sentence: "Samples will be taken in accordance with ASTM D 979." (previous change removed) Paragraph 403-5.1.a.(4). (a); Add the following to the end of the paragraph: "The manual hammer in ASTM D 6926 shall be used. Mechanical hammers may be used if they are calibrated to the same manual hammer density by varying the number of blows and for each specific mix." Paragraph 403-5.1.a(4); Add the following: "Paragraph 403-5.1.a.(4) (d): "Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) will be calculated one time for each sublot. The bulk specific gravity for the aggregate will be used unless more current test data is available. The results will be used for quality control." P-403-5 2 b (4): 61" line after "direction," add "if profilograph measurements are not required". After "made" add ",by straight -edge measurements at 50 foot intervals". Paragraph 403-5.2 b.(5); Grade requirements may be modified with approval of the FAA Airport District office for aircraft pavements rated less than 60,000 pounds to the following: 27 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Max deviation (inches) Max % before removal Runway and hi -speed exit taxiways - 1/2 20 Taxiways, aprons, and taxilanes 3/4 25 Paragraph 403-6.2. Testing Laboratory; Delete the requirement for the contractor to provide equipment for acceptance testing [403-4.2 a.(2)]. The facility (building space) could be provided by the contractor at the designer's option. Paragraph 403-6.3; Change the two paragraphs to the following: a. Asphalt Content. A minimum of two asphalt content tests shall be performed per lot in accordance with ASTM D6307. The asphalt content for the lot will be determined by averaging the test results. b. Gradation. Aggregate gradations shall be determined a minimum of twice per lot from mechanical analysis of extracted aggregate in accordance with ASTM D 5444 and ASTM C 136 (Dry Sieve). C. Air Voids. A minimum of two air voids tests shall be performed per lot in accordance to ASTM D 3203. Action limits shall be between 2.6% and 4.2%. Suspension limits shall be between 2.0% and 5.0%. d. Moisture Content of Aggregate. The moisture content of aggregate used for production shall be determined a minimum of once per lot in accordance with ASTM C 566. e. Moisture Content of Mixture. The moisture content of the mixture shall be determined once per lot in accordance with ASTM D 1461 [or AASHTO T110)." Add the following to beginning of the first paragraph: Grade shall be evaluated Add the following to beginning of the first paragraph: Grade shall be evaluated following the first days placement and then every 5 days so adjustments can be made to paving operations if measurements do not meet specification requirements. following the first days placement and then every 5 days so adjustments can be made to paving operations if measurements do not meet specification requirements. Paragraph 403-6.5 Add a note to the designer: If the sieve sizes are modified in Table 3, the designer should modify these tables to be consistent with the modification. Paragraph 403-6.5,; Change the first paragraph and table to the following: "403-6.5 CONTROL CHARTS. The Contractor shall maintain linear control charts both for individual measurements and range (i.e., difference between highest and lowest measurements) for aggregate gradation, asphalt content, and VMA. The VMA for each sublot will be calculate by the acceptance laboratory and monitored by the OC laboratory." CONTROL CHART LIMITS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENTS Sieve Action Limit Suspension Limit 3/4 inch 19.0 mm 0% 0% 1/2 inch 12.5 mm +/-6% +/--9% % inch 9.5 mm +/-6% +/-9% No. 4 4.75 mm +/-6% +/-9% No. 16 1.18 mm +/-5% +/-7.5% No. 50 0.30 mm +/-3% +/-4.5% No. 200 (0.075 mm +/-2% +/-3% Asphalt Content Voids in Mineral Aggregate VMA +/-0.45% -1.00% 1 +/-0.70% -1.5% Paragraph 403-6.5 Notes on page 24; change action limit for 3/4 inch sieve from 26% to 6%. Paragraphs 403-7.1 and 8.1; These paragraphs can be modified to pay separate for bituminous material per ton. The measurement for bituminous material should be determined using the asphalt contents from the ignition oven method as specified. The pay adjustments would be also applied to the bituminous material. Testing Requirements; Include the following: ASTM D 6307 Standard Test Method for Asphalt Content of Hot Mix Asphalt by Ignition Method 29 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-501 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Change the referenced paragraphs to the following: Paragraph 501-2.1,a.; Include ASTM C 1260 and ASTM C 1567 in the referenced test methods. Note to Engineer. Reactive aggregates are encountered in the Northwest Mountain Region, and these requirements should be strictly enforced. Testing using ASTM C 1260 and ASTM C 1567 should be based on maximum expansion of 0.10 percent at 30 days in a sodium hydroxide soak solution. If there is a chance that Acetate or Formate type pavements deicers may be used by the airport, the duplicate modified ASTM C 1260 or ASTM C 1567 testing should be specified using the deicer as the soak solution (in addition to the standard sodium hydroxide soak solution). Potassium Acetate is normally the pavement deicer that is to be specified and tested per Engineering Brief 70 except at a maximum expansion of 0.08 at 30 days in the deicer solution. Research is currently underway for a new ASR test for PCC exposed to the Acetate and Formate deicers. Testing of sources may be necessary during the design phase to evaluate whether a mix can be designed using available materials in a Potassium Acetate soak solution. Prior to finalizing this section of the specifications, the Engineer should check with the FAA ADO or regional office for the most current requirements to be included. Replace paragraph 501-2.1 a. with the following: "a. Reactivity: Fine and Coarse aggregates to be used in all concrete shall be evaluated and tested by the Contractor for alkali -aggregate reactivity in accordance with ASTM C 1260. The laboratory conducting the tests shall be accredited under ASTM C 1077. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be evaluated separately in accordance to ASTM C 1260. In addition each aggregate source shall be evaluated separately. Test results that have a measured expansion of less than 0.10 percent at 28 days meet the requirements of these specifications. Should any of the test data indicate an expansion of greater than 0.10 percent, the aggregates shall be rejected or additional testing, by the Contractor utilizing ASTM C 1567 shall be performed. ASTM C 1567 shall be used to include one of the three options (or approved combinations of the options) below for each individual fine and course aggregates. The test requires at least one comparator reading every 3 or 4 days and a comparator reading at 28 days after the zero reading. The report shall include a graph of percent length change data at each reading from the time of the zero reading to the end of the 28-day period. (1). Proportioning of Mortar. Utilize the contractor's proposed low alkali Portland cement and Class "F" flyash in combination for the test proportioning. The laboratory shall use 1 part of cementitious materials 30 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 (the contractor's proposed percentage of Portland cement plus flyash) to 2.25 parts of graded aggregate. Use a water-cementitious materials ratio equal to 0.47 by mass. The cementitious material combination shall be determined that will meet all the requirements of these specifications and that which will lower the expansion to less 0.10 percent at 28 days for each individual aggregate. Class "F" flyash shall be used at a minimum rate of 20 percent of the total cementitious material by mass. (2). Proportioning of Mortar. Utilize the contractor's proposed low alkali Portland cement and ground granulated blast furnace (GGBF) slag cement in combination for the test. proportioning. The laboratory shall use 1 part of cementitious materials (the contractor's proposed percentage of Portland cement plus GGBF slag) to 2.25 parts of graded aggregate. Use a water-cementitious materials ratio equal to 0.47 by mass. The cementitious material quantity shall be that which will meet all the requirements of these specifications and that which will lower the expansion to less than 0.10 percent at 28 days for each individual aggregate. (3). Proportioning of Mortar. Utilize a high alkali Portland cement (0.9% total alkali +/- 0.1%) and a lithium nitrate admixture. The lithium nitrate admixture may be used in combination with either Class "F" flyash, Class N pozzolan, or ground granulated blast furnace (GGBF) slag, at a dosage rate as recommended by the supplier. The dosage rate is defined in terms of percent of the standard dose. (100% of the standard dose is equal to 0.74 moles of lithium ion per mole of the sum of the sodium plus potassium ions supplied by the Portland cement. This is equivalent to 0.55 gallon of the lithium nitrate -based admixture described below for every pound of sodium equivalent in the Portland cement. The sodium equivalent is the mass of sodium oxide plus 0.658 times the mass of potassium oxide in the Portland cement. The metric equivalent is 4.6 liters of the lithium nitrate -based admixture per kilogram of sodium equivalent supplied by the Portland cement.) The lithium admixture shall be a nominal 30 percent aqueous solution of Lithium nitrate, with a density of 1.2 kilograms per liter, 10 pounds per gallon, and shall have the approximate chemical form as shown below: Constituent Limit (Percent by Mass) LiNO3 (Lithium Nitrate) 30 +1 0.5 SO (Sulfate Ion) 0.1 (max) Cl (Chloride Ion) 0.2 (max) Na (Sodium Ion) 0.1 (max) K (Potassium Ion) 0.1 (max) 31 ANM NOTICE ©-1 09/09 The lithium -nitrate admixture supplier shall provide a trained representative to supervise the lithium nitrate admixture dispensing and mixing operations. The laboratory shall use 1 part of cementitious materials (the contractor's proposed percentage of cement, flyash, pozzolan, and/or slag) to 2.25 parts of graded aggregate. To maintain the 0.47 w/c, the water content of the lithium nitrate admixture shall be included as part of the total mixing water. This is equal to 70% of the weight of the lithium nitrate admixture if done on a mass basis, or 85% of the volume of the lithium nitrate admixture if done on a volume basis. In addition, include the lithium nitrate admixture in the NaOH soak solution at 0.37 Li: 1.0 Na molar ratio times the decimal equivalent of the percentage of the standard dose used in the mortar, while maintaining the NaOH concentration at 1 normal. (71 ml of the lithium nitrate admixture contains 0.37 mole of Li ion. 40 g of NaOH equals one mole of Na ion. Thus the modified soak solution will contain 40 g of NaOH, and 71, multiplied by the decimal equivalent of the standard dose, ml of the lithium admixture per liter.) (Note - The mass of sodium equivalent in the mortar, which is used to calculate the volume of lithium admixture to add to the mortar, is based on the mass of sodium equivalent from the Portland cement only, and does not include the mass of sodium equivalent from any supplementary cementitious components.) (Note — the molar sodium equivalent is the number of moles of Na plus the number of moles of K. On a weight basis, the sodium equivalent equals the total alkali content of the cement, i.e., the wt% Na20 + 0.658 * K20. Thus the number of moles of sodium equivalent in the cement equals the grams of sodium equivalent divided by 31 (Na20 has a molecular weight of 62, and contains 2 moles of Na per mole). The number of moles of Li in a 30 wt% aqueous solution is 4.35 moles per kg of solution, or 5.22 moles per liter of solution.) If any of the above testing options does not lower the expansion to less than 0.10 percent at 30 days for individual aggregate the aggregate shall be rejected and the contractor shall submit new aggregate sources and retest. The results of testing shall be submitted to the Engineer for evaluation and acceptance. Aggregates from different sources shall be weighed and batched separately at the concrete batch plant." 32 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Paragraph 501-2.1 b; Include the following at the end of the paragraph and prior to the table: The amount of deleterious material in the fine aggregate shall not exceed the following limits by mass: Material Percentage by Mass Clay lumps and friable particles ASTM C 142 1.0 Material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200 sieve) ASTM C 117 3.0 Lightweight particles ASTM C 123 using a medium 0.5 with a density of 2.0 Mg/cubic meter (Sp. Gr. of 2.0)) Total of all above 3.0 Paragraph 501-2.1 c, 2"d paragraph: Include Class "5S" for the deleterious materials. This class will limit the potential for Popouts. Where the elimination of popouts is critical the following table can be used for cold climates instead of the coarse aggregate requirements for deleterious provided in ASTM C 33. Prior to specifying this table aggregate investigations should be made to evaluate source availability. LIMITS OF ❑ELETERIOUS MATERIALS IN COARSE AGGREGATE FOR AIRFIELD PAVEMENTS Maximum Percentage by Mass Clay lumps and friable 0.2 particles (ASTM C 142) Shale (a) (ASTM C 295) 0.1 Material finer than 0.075 mm 0.5 (No. 200 sieve) (b) (ASTM C 117) Lightweight particles (c) 0.2 (ASTM C 123) Clay ironstone (d) 0.1 (ASTM C 295) Chert and cherty stone (less than 0.1 2.40 Mg/cubic meter density SSD (2.40 Sp. Gr.)) (e) (ASTM C 123 followed by ASTM C 295) Claystone, mudstone, and 0.1 siltstone (f) (ASTM C 295) Shaly and argillaceous 0.2 limestone (g) (ASTM C 295) Other soft particles 1.0 COE CRD-C 130 Total of all deleterious 1.0 substances exclusive of material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200 sieve) 33 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 a. Shale is defined as a fine-grained, thinly laminated or fissile sedimentary rock. It is commonly composed of clay or silt or both. It has been indurated by compaction or by cementation, but not so much as to have become slate. b. Limit for material finer than 0.075 mm (No. 200 sieve) will be increased to 1.5 percent for crushed aggregates if the fine material consists of crusher dust that is essentially free from clay or shale. c. The separation medium shall have a density of 2.0 Mg/cubic meter (Sp. Gr. of 2.0). This limit does not apply to coarse aggregate manufactured from blast -furnace slag unless contamination is evident. d. Clay ironstone is defined as an impure variety of iron carbonate, iron oxide, hydrous iron oxide, or combinations thereof, commonly mixed with clay, silt, or sand. It commonly occurs as dull, earthy particles, homogeneous concretionary masses, or hard-shell particles with soft interiors. Other names commonly used for clay ironstone are "chocolate bars" and limonite concretions. e. Chert is defined as a rock composed of quartz, chalcedony or opal, or any mixture of these forms of silica. It is variable in color. The texture is so fine that the individual mineral grains are too small to be distinguished by the unaided eye. Its hardness is such that it scratches glass but is not scratched by a knife blade. It may contain impurities such as clay, carbonates, iron oxides, and other minerals. Cherty stone is defined as any type of rock (generally limestone) that contains chert as lenses and nodules, or irregular masses partially or completely replacing the original stone. f. Claystone, mudstone, or siltstone, is defined as a massive fine-grained sedimentary rock that consists predominantly of indurated clay or silt without laminations or fissility. It may be indurated either by compaction or by cementation. g. Shaly limestone is defined as limestone in which shale occurs as one or more thin beds or laminae. These laminae may be regular or very irregular and may be spaced from a few inches down to minute fractions of an inch. Argillaceous limestone is defined as a limestone in which clay minerals occur disseminated in the stone in the amount of 10 to 50 percent by weight of the rock; when these make up from 50 to 90 percent, the rock is known as calcareous (or dolomitic) shale (or Claystone, mudstone, or siltstone). Paragraph 501-2.5; Change "Item P-605" to "[Item P-604] [Item P-605]" Paragraph 501-2.7, second paragraph; Change next to last sentence to the following: "Before delivery to the construction site each each dowel bar shall be epoxy coated in conformance with ASTM A 7751A 775M." Paragraph 501-3.1; Add the following to the note (end of second paragraph) to the Engineer: "The flexural design strength specified shall not exceed 650 psi unless it is approved by the FAA Airport District Office. Approval will be based on evidence that local materials can be utilized to consistently produce above the lower design strength limit." Paragraph 501-3.2 b, Note: Delete 1 St sentence "Due to .... 10-20%". Paragraph 501-4.1 c, 16t paragraph; Add the following to the end of the paragraph: "A statement, technical data, or certification shall be provided by the equipment manufacture indicating the equipment is capable of paving the thickness and mix properties specified." 34 ANM NOTICE D-1 09109 ara ra h� "Aggregates g p :, aragraph 501-4.5• Add the following to the end of the first p . from different sources shall be stack iled wei hed and batched separately at the concrete batch plant." Paragraph 501-4.8 a.; Change the 2"d sentence in the second paragraph to "The space from the outer edge of the pavement to longitudinal unit shall not exceed 9 inches for slipform and at the end of the dowels for the fill-in lanes." Paragraph 501-4.10. f.; Delete the following sentence: "if free -sliding plastic -coated or epoxy -coated steel dowels are used, a lubrication bond breaker shall be used except when approved pullout tests indicate it is not necessary." Paragraph 501-4.10 g: Add the following at the end of the second paragraph: "Grout disks may be necessary to retain the grout in the hole until it hardens. Any dowels with voids in the grout shall be cut off and a_ new dowel installed next to it." Paragraph 501-4.10 h: Add the following after the fourth sentence: Early -entry saws may be used, subject to demonstration and approval of the Engineer. No change to the sawcut depth shall be permitted, however the total cut depth can be accomplished on a two-step process but within 24 hours of placement. Paragraph 501-4.13. Saw -cut grooves, Change the last paragraph to the following: "Saw -cut grooves shall not be closer than 3 inches (76 mm) or more than 9 inches (229 mm) to transverse paving joints. Grooves shall not be closer than 6 inches (152 mm) and no more than 18 inches (457 mm) from in -pavement light fixtures. Grooves shall be continued through longitudinal joints. Cleanup of waste material shall be continuous during the grooving operation. Waste material shall be disposed of in an approved manner. "Taste material shall not be allowed to enter the airport storm or sanitary sewer system." P-501-4.14 a; At the end of the first paragraph add; "The use of flyash or set -retarding admixtures may delay the occurrence of bleed water. Curing shall be applied after the bleed water is gone from the surface." Paragraph 501-4.14 (d) (1); Move and change this paragraph to "501-4.17 a. Protection in Cold Weather" Paragraph 501-4.14 e; Move this paragraph to a second paragraph under 501-4.14 with no numbering, 35 ANNI NOTICE D-1 09/09 Paragraph 501-4.17; Add the following to the end of the paragraph; "Damaged pavements shalt be removed and replaced at the contractor's expense. Slabs shall be removed to the full depth, width, and length of the slab. The Engineer may evaluate the damage to determine if diamond grinding can correct the surface and provide the required smoothness, grade, and thickness required by the contract. All embedments in the pavement surface shall be made by diamond coring or sawing in a manner that will not chip or spall the surface." Paragraph 501-5.2 e. (3); Add the following to the end of the 2nd paragraph and include in the note for the profilograph option, 2nd paragraph: "The surface of the ground pavement shall have a texture consisting of grooves between 0.090 and 0.130 inches wide. The peaks and ridges shall be approximately 1/32 inch higher than the bottom of the grooves. The pavement shall be left in a clean condition. The removal of all of the slurry resulting form the grinding operation shall be continuous. The grinding operation should be controlled so the residue from the operation does not flow across other lanes of pavement. Records shall be maintained showing all smoothness measurements." Paragraph 501-5.2 e. (3), subparagraph (f); This short section should be evaluated as a short section rather that being combined, Delete this paragraph. Paragraph 501-5.2 e. (4) Add the following to beginning of the first paragraph: Grade shall be evaluated on the first day of placement and then every 5 days or less so adjustments can be made to paving operations if measurements do not meet specification requirements. The engineer must compare the surveyed grades with the grades shown on the contract drawings and document the analysis. Vertical Deviation; Add the following at the end of the paragraph: "Vertical survey shall be conducted on the high point of each joint intersection and compared to the plan elevations to determine the vertical deviation. The finished grade of each lot will be determined by running levels at all joint intersections to determine the elevation of the completed pavement. The Contractor shall pay the cost of surveying and shall be performed by a licensed surveyor. The documentation, stamped and signed by a licensed surveyor, shall be provided by the Contractor to the Engineer. When more than 15 percent of all the measurements within a lot are outside the specified tolerance, or if any one shot within the lot deviates 3/4 inch or more from planned grade, the Contractor shall remove and replace the deficient slabs to the full width, length and depth of the slab. Patching shall not be permitted. Isolated high points may be ground off provided that the course thickness is not greater than'/a inch deficient in the design thickness." 36 ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 Paragraph 501-5.2 e (3) and (4) Records shall be maintained that show all smoothness and grade measurements. Contracts can be modified to require the contractor to submit the measurements. Paragraphs P-501-6.2 a (2) and 501-6.2 b (2): Include the following at the end of the paragraphs; "If an electronic moisture meter is used , a control chart shall be produced indicating moisture readings and calibration reports entered for the project records." Paragraph 501-6.3 b: Change the table to the following: CONTROL CHART LIMITS Control Parameter Individual Measurements Range Suspension Limit (between 2 consecutive tests Action Limit Suspension Limit Slip Form: Slump 0 to 1.5 inch (0- 38mm) 0 to 2.0 inch (0- 50mm 1.5 inch (38 mm) Air Content +/- 1.2% +/- 1.8% 2.5% Side Form Slump 0.5 to 2.0 inch (13- 50mm) 0 to 3.0 inch (0- 75mm) 1.5 inch (38mm) Air Content +/-1.2% +/- 1.8% +/- 2.5% The individual measurement control charts shall use the mix design target values as indicators of central tendency for the air content. 37 ANM NOTICE D-1 09109 P-602 Bituminous Prime Coat Note: Prime coats provide protection of pavements from weather and traffic and provide bonding to the aggregate base. In some instances they can be eliminated from an airfield pavement section with approval from the Airport District Office. The elimination can be considered for aircraft under 12,500 pounds or under asphalt stabilized base courses. Table 1: Include MC grade cutbacks as an option to the designer. Paragraph 602-3.4; Replace the second paragraph with the following: "The contractor shall furnish the vendor's certified test reports for each lot of bituminous material. The engineer may use the local state DOT agency supplier certification program for approval instead of the test reports. Any of the certifications shall not be interpreted as a basis of final acceptance. Samples may be taken and tested for verification by the engineer when material is delivered to the site." P-603 Bituminous Tack Coat Paragraph 603-3.4; Replace the second paragraph with the following: "The contractor shall furnish the vendor's certified test reports for each lot of bituminous material. The engineer may use the local state DOT agency supplier certification program for approval instead of the test reports. Any of the certifications shall not be interpreted as a basis of final acceptance. Samples may be taken and tested for verification by the engineer when material is delivered to the site." P-604 Compression Joint Seals for Concrete Pavements Paragraph 604-4.5; Add a note to provide that for grooved pavements, the seal be installed below the maximum groove depth. Paragraph 604-5.1 b (2); Change to the following: "(2) Conformance to stretching and compression limitations shall be determined by the engineer. After installation, the distance between the marks shall be measured by the contractor on the pavement. If the stretching or compression exceeds the specified limit, the seal shall be removed and replaced with new joint seal at no additional cost to the owner. The seal shall be removed up to the last correct measurement. The seal shall be inspected by the contractor a minimum of two times per shift for elongation requirements. Measurements shall also be made as directed to determine conformance with depth and width installation requirements. All preformed seal that is not in conformance with specification requirements shall be removed and replaced with new joint seal at no additional cost to the owner. " W ANM NOTICE D-1 09/09 P-610 Structural Portland Cement Concrete Paragraph 610-2.1; For small and non -critical quantities of concrete, this paragraph can be revised to use state criteria or past performance for the ASR criteria. F-163 Wildlife Deterrent Fence Page F-163-3 & 4; Delete the drawings form the specification and include the details on the plans. Plans and Specifications for L-853 Reflectors. Note: The Engineer should use the generic specifications for reflectors (as well as other equipment) from the FAA approved equipment list. Contract specifications and Plan Drawings should not be written for a specific manufacture or sole -source. Paragraph 701-3.5, 4"' paragraph, last sentence; Change "diameter of 12 feet" to "diameter or 12 feet". L-108 Underground Power Cade for Airports Paragraph L-108-2.2, second paragraph: Change: "J-C-30" to "A-A-5944". Make the same correction to the Materials Listing at the end of this specification. L-110 AIRPORT UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL DUCT BANKS AND CONDUITS Paragraph L-110-2.3: Change "article 347" to "article 352" T-901 Seeding I Paragraph 901-2.1 and 905-1: Change "A-A-2671 "to "Fed. Spec JJJ-S-181" nz'