Additional QuestionsKalispell City Airport Public
Comment — Economic Impact
As concluded in the MDT 2008 Montana Economic Impact of Airports Study
prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates — Kalispell City Airport ranked Number I
in Total Economic Activity for High Volume General Aviation Airports and
ranked Number 8 among all of the 73 airports studied.
What consideration will the City Council be placing on the Total Economic
Impact of the Kalispell City Airport (1) as it now exists and (2) its potential
impact when the new construction is completed and at the point of stabilized
Comment -- Noise and Safety
It is apparent that noise and safety issues are several of the major concerns of the
Quiet Skies Group.
What decline (if any) in the Values of Residential Real Estate, measured in terms
of Dollars and Cents, can be directly attributed to the sound producing effects of
aircraft using Kalispell City Airport?
NOTE: Same question can also be related to the issue of safety.
An opportunity to invest in the long term future of Kalispell with the Federal Government paying
for most of the costs should not be lost.
William C. Paullin
P.O. Box 2918
Kalispell, Montana 59903
they areit
s ; p!located right next t*-
The 2002 Environmental Assessment is a Federal
Document. Will someone please read the very first
page of that document to the public. It gave a very
clear message to the City of Kalispell for the
development of our airport. The City has been
working on those directives, ever since.
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Non -aviation people have a hard time
I would like to thirik that our City Council is
4 le
When z talk about
charging landing and take-off fees for every
user at the City Airport, I think that is as
ridiculous as asking the City to stop and
charge a fee to every car that drives down
the City streets. Every airplane that lands
and buys fuel at the City airport pays a tax to
the City to help maintain the airport. We all
pay gasoline taxes that come back to us in
the form of roads and bridges, and we pay
airline fuel taxes on our ticket purchases that
come back to the FAA for the Airport
Improvement Program. We don't turn back
the money we get for roads - - - why would
we refuse money we could get to improve
and upgrade our airport?
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said is issue
should be given to the voters of Kalispell.
Why would any responsible citizen suggest
that these issues be given to the voters to
decide? That's why we elected you, the
City Council, to make decisions like these.
And it appears that since the 1990's you
have been making decisions about the
progress and improvement of the city
airport. why would you suddenly now
throw up your hands and say we can't make
a decision about this airport? You know the
liability the City faces if it doesn't improve
this airport. You know the huge economic
impact the City faces if it has to buy out all
its airport leases. You know the bond pay
off. You know all the un -reimbursed costs
if you don't follow your long ago approved
plan for improvement and FAA
reimbursement. All the voters don't
necessarily know those contingencies, you
do. We are just asking you to do your job as
elected representatives.
without jet traffic?
What is e safety record
aviationvs. commercial !=
have these figures)
Why should a city have a general aviation