Red Eagle Upgrade Invoices14�4 I - . # Fred Leistiko, Manag1 Kalispell City Airport Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 Eagle Aviation. We briefly discussed this about 6 months ago, but I failed to get you the info you and Charley requested then. There were also some budgetary problems for you then also. This invoice spells out what we did to improve the system for the city. I think you w agree that this was done in both our interests. I Professionally, '--70�Mands P.L.S. 1880 Highway 93 South Kalispell, MT 59901 p: 406.755.2376 f: 406.755.5231 CITY OF KALISPELL PO BOX 1997 KALISPELL, MT 59903-1997 Invoice: 07-221539 Date: 10/24/2007 2/8/2006 0000051970 $199.50 CP/Line Test Labor/Reports/Line Tightness test; Line leak detector function test 3/2/2006 0000052521 $250.00 Compliance Inspection and State Paperwork 3/6/2006 0000052559 $54.00 Service Maint. Labor: Reconfigure bypass data 3/20/2006 0000052842 $70.00 CP Test 4/8/2006 0000053211 $886.59 Service Maint. Labor; black tee, jomar ball valve, black 90'S, black nipples, aviation nozzle, nozzle swivel 4/11/2006 0000053345 $15,565.00 Project Billing — Replace Fuel System 4/17/2006 0000053451 $28.00 Service Maintenance and Labor 5/28/2006 0000054309 $1228.50 Service Maint. Labor; Probe, misc parts, tank monitor showed float missing 7/9/2006 $61.80 8/6/2006 $61.80 8/31/2006 0000056693 $3,000.00 Dispenser 11/07/2006 0000058267 $56.00 Service Maintenance Labor; won't dispense fuel, tested 5/31/2007 0000062728 $213.55 Service Maintenance Labor; filter, changed filter out on dispenser 7/16/2007 000006364/ $177.00 Service Maintenance labor; CP/Line test Labor; performed tightness test and line leak detection test TOTAL $21,851.74 Kalispell City Airport S-27 www,redeagleaviation.com Red Eagle Aviation, Inc. 1880 Hwy 93 South Kalispell, K8T5g0O1 ph:4DG-755-237O fax 406-755-6231 Sold To: City CfKalispell pOBox 1AO7 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 Invoice: 07-221539 Ship To: City Of Kalispell 1012412007 1K11AN Line#, Type Item/Description Cr?Aircraft Quantity Units Unit Price Extended I Misc, Buildling Maintenance Operations (Fuel) 1.00 Each 21,851.74, 21,851.74 Subtotal 21,851.74 Total Due 21,851.74 Red Eagle Aviation thanks you for your business, Printed: 10/25/2007 Page: 1