***Donaldson/Potential Monk Property AcquisitionFred Leistiko From: RickDonaldson [rick@RPA-HLN.COM] Sent: Wednesday, July ■8, 2009 10:33 AM To: Fred Leistiko Cc: Gary Gates; Dan Norderud Subject: Kalispell City Airport - Potential Monk Property Acquisition Fred, Thanks forme call and update today. 1111111�ilill:iilliillliililiillill!2 11111111:11111111 =mow»»; TI U-s—ummarize, tnis acquisition wou 9 rtne tuture plans ot « — porta.<ma:«<«« »>«x:,tt&d»< - even if no further development happens. win participate in tnose costs. zap" e , I -t -k&f tgle I Rick Donaldson. P.E, I Vice President Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. 1 PO Box 5653 1 Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5000 1406.447.5036 (fax) 1406.439.4905 (cell) I rick(c-�rva-hln.con, The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. FISCALIMPACT: The Airport TIF has budgeted $800,000 for airport development in the FY 09/10 Budget. Approximately half of that amount is currently available in the Airport TIF. The cost of land acquisition is an approved use of Airport TIF funds and this purchase would be eligible for 95% FAA reimbursement when the expansion project is given the go ahead by the FAA. Furthermore, this property would be useful to the airport and the City regardless of the expansion project. RECOMMENDATIONS: That the City Council grant the City Attorney and th- • •• Airport Manger permission to negotiate a buy -sell agreement with Mrs. Monk subject to the conditions stated herein and start the process of annexation and TIF expansion. The Urban Renewal Plan update process is currently underway and awaiting the Planning Board public hearing process to be completed before it is brought back to the City Council for approval. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by Council Respectfully submitted, Myrt W, b, Interim -C-ity Manager Fred A. Leistiko, ort Manager CITY OF LI ELL AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT —APRIL 2009 12 2 2 3 8 tj 2 A 4 7 Is , 21 1 �Ji 2 _j I - I Z­ �ED l5ED is c 1 5PAA TAA 5v 5M 5 5l 5XB 5 54 6 M P 50 t' i2 2 12-1 STI 5N 2 2 5 .TA 5-0 5-2 5-2A ' 5.22A A T T� 3 F 7 5-22 55 111A ST. ao lei 127 0 11E 2 2 5 14DA A ic 0 1 Jr, A B A 11CA I 2 j T 1K 8A' 1� IDA IS 14 IF 14CAA 10 iiaS 17 _5 8c As SCBA 8c 2 1AA 2AAJA Ii 3AB 2AAK t A EGG PAR12 3 K AA Sl 34 CORR, 2A AMD 2 2 F 4C Jc Ff --1 23 cy . - 21 Z�j 12S 117'S ff Q�9jo� A :7 1 a i 2' 21 'If I.A. SUB 35 NO 109, , 0 -Z iiiLLL MERGA" A 2E Z, 4 NQ NAMq 2EAD I'I'2EAB 12EAA Kalispell City Limits - April 2009 Airport TIF V lu\ 7- 7A 7AAB ZB 2c ]CD 10 7F8 7CG 5BB I ss I 6D SHA 5H NO 'A V lu\ 7- 7A 7AAB ZB 2c ]CD 10 7F8 7CG 5BB I ss I 6D SHA 5H NO SECTION 20, T28N, R21W TRACT: OWNER NO. i I KALISPELL ELKS BUILDING ASSOCIATION __jA GILBERT& SUSAN BISSELLWIWERS FAMILY TRUST 2+ ROBERT K. & LA BONA MONK 2E MICHAEL S. BARRETT 2FA I: SCHLEGEL & SONS CONTRACTORS, INC_- 2GPETER FENELY & GOLDEN MEADOW PROPERTIES -Zi HUGH R. LOUDEN 2JA HUGH R. LOUDEN 2JB HUGH R. LOUDEN 2M JERRY L. & KAREN K. SLACK KEY MAP ACREAGE PURPOSE OF ACQUISITION 0A0 AVIGATION EASEMENT 0,18 AVIGATION EASEMENT 10.72 RUNWAY 0.81 AIRPORT PROPERTY (CITY OF KALISPELL) -2.33 RACTE I OWNER 'CREAGE BOOK PNOAGE PARTICTING YEAR ACQUIRED IPA PURPOSE OF ACQUISITION NO. 1:60 AIRCRAFT PARKING OR DOC� PROJECT NO- 0L82 SECTION 20, T28N. R 1 F7 —W51'117' rc ID j CITY OF KALISPELL 213 20U5262162001Sep 19, 2005 A RPZ, APPROACH PROTECTION OBJECT FREE AREA (CFA) T-ITY OF KALISPELL CITY 035 20GS26216200 - Sep 19, 2005 _IDA IF CITY OF KALISPELL F7777 I 22.36 200 135 Jul 24, 1924 RPZ, APPROACH PROTECTION T -- - 2A CITY OF KALISPELL. i - 9 9 201 156 — Aug 06, 1 R-2-8- OFA, BRL BUILDING RESTRICTION LINE (BRL) CITY OF KALISPELL 6 55 479 662 Jan 17, 1966 BRL, TRANSITIONAL SURFACE RD CITY OF KALISPELL 1.68 200423813120_ Aug 255, 2004 RUNWAY 2F CITY OF KALISPELL 4.67 2004238131201 Aug 25, 2004 AIRCRAFT PARKING 3- -i�CITY OF KALISPELL T 4i-411 (COS 122) 1 Jul 10, 1995 FBO BUILDING & PARKING 7CB 'CITY OF KALISPELL OA3 479 Ei�2 Jan 17, TRANSITIONAL SURFACE CITY OF KALISPELL 29-90 201 1594 Aug 10, 1924 APRON, HANGARS PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED SECTION 20, T28N, R21W TRACT: OWNER NO. i I KALISPELL ELKS BUILDING ASSOCIATION __jA GILBERT& SUSAN BISSELLWIWERS FAMILY TRUST 2+ ROBERT K. & LA BONA MONK 2E MICHAEL S. BARRETT 2FA I: SCHLEGEL & SONS CONTRACTORS, INC_- 2GPETER FENELY & GOLDEN MEADOW PROPERTIES -Zi HUGH R. LOUDEN 2JA HUGH R. LOUDEN 2JB HUGH R. LOUDEN 2M JERRY L. & KAREN K. SLACK KEY MAP ACREAGE PURPOSE OF ACQUISITION 0A0 AVIGATION EASEMENT 0,18 AVIGATION EASEMENT 10.72 RUNWAY 0.81 RUNWAY -2.33 -1 AIRCRAFT PARKING 1.67 RUNWAY & TAXIWAY 1.16 AIRCRAFT PARKING 1:60 AIRCRAFT PARKING 1-01 OFA & BRL 0L82 i RUNWAY W, ff W' No t M)OWNIM e -n W ;3sNg-E - I PEI - NGS BENCH MARK "V 382 RESET" LEGEND �-- R-- 75.00` L- 65.27' U6 DESCRIPTION I--E)USTING FUTURE ULTIMATE Ismool L= 223.69' T= 117.33' A- 4243'19' BUILDING AND STRUCTURES r S SAME Is=20'10101' A] RCRAFT PAVEMENT T-- 22.04` F7 —W51'117' AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE S03'31'55"W SAME Sa�.T1' OBJECT FREE AREA (CFA) (NOT SHOWN) —OFA(F)— —OFA(U)— ------ RU WvVAYrrAXIWAY SAFETY AREA (RSA) (NOT SHOWN)RSA(F) — —RSA(U)— RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE (RPZ) (NOT SHOWN) BUILDING RESTRICTION LINE (BRL) (NOTSHOWN) —SRL(F) — —SRL(U)— PAVED ROAD SECTION CORNER NOTE: BEARINGS AND DISTANCES FOUND PER 2007 FIELD SURVEY BY ROBERT PECCIA AND ASSOCIATES (BEARINGS ARE GRID, DISTANCES ARE GROUND) cilb Ira f74 -AA 03'25'451 P ori OWN, 55.71' k --- -:1 f 200 0 ZOO 400�h_ - (SCALE IN FEET) T 28N, R 21 W Eo L o L CC L Lu 09 L uj co SHEET 8 8 OF 9 �-- R-- 75.00` L- 65.27' EXISTING WASTEWATER VREATM ENT PLANT) T= 34 . 86' 300.00' 49'51139' Ismool L= 223.69' T= 117.33' A- 4243'19' 211.19' 106670' L= 43.38 Is=20'10101' T-- 22.04` 55.71' k --- -:1 f 200 0 ZOO 400�h_ - (SCALE IN FEET) T 28N, R 21 W Eo L o L CC L Lu 09 L uj co SHEET 8 8 OF 9 R- 75.001 CITY PROPERTY L= 102.38' T= 60.97' EXISTING WASTEWATER VREATM ENT PLANT) 300.00' 78'12'56' R= 100.00 L= 223.69' T= 117.33' A- 4243'19' L= 43.38 T-- 22.04` —W51'117' S03'31'55"W Sa�.T1' 503'31'55"W ------ 55.71' k --- -:1 f 200 0 ZOO 400�h_ - (SCALE IN FEET) T 28N, R 21 W Eo L o L CC L Lu 09 L uj co SHEET 8 8 OF 9 TA NA Date: July 8, 2009 City of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Telephone (406) 758-7000 Fax - (406) 758-7758 To: Mayor Kennedy and City Council members From: Amy Robertson, Finance Director->— Myrt Webb, Interim City Manager' RE: Budget Update It's too early in the month to nail down any specific numbers; however, the process is underway. We have payroll this week which will have to be prorated 70% to FY2009 and 30% to FY2010. We hope to have a first check run by Friday or Monday to start paying June's bills. Interest statements are due and the Court hasn't brought over their June revenue yet. We hold the books open 60 days after fiscal year end to accommodate posting all of the fiscal year expenses. Tax revenue is the big unknown until we receive our July 15' distribution from the County. This year, in particular, because the tax due date of May 31s' fell on a weekend. That means the tax collections from the mail and the bank wires received June 1st are receipted at the County in June and given to us in July. The County provided us a cash advance on those taxes June 30t' which helps our cash flow but until we have the reports to determine which funds the money belongs to we can't post the revenue. We back the accruals in after we get the report and post the revenue after the 15'. TWO OPTIONS FOR RESERVES: There are two funded positions, one in fire and one in police, which are currently vacant. Not filling those two positions would save the General fund approximately $120,000. Westside Tax Increment distribution: This is the final year for the Westside TIF district. The last bond payment will be made in June. Currently we have a couple of budget items committed for approximately $375,000 for public works projects. Upon completion of those and the final debt payment we should have about $1,800,000 remaining. A distribution of that money would put about $350,000 in the General Fund and $44,000 in the health fund. A partial distribution can be done at any time. $1,000,000 distribution would give the General Fund $194,623 and Health $24,390. Once the district has sunsetted the City share of annual increment should be about $60,000 to our levied funds. Con't In regards to the budget, we have timing issues with receiving our values from the Department of Revenue to set the mill levy — this year the end of August. The County needs the tax assessment files by the 25'' of August. We provide the entire data base for every tax bill to County Data Processing; this takes time. The Council will need to adopt the rates for the special assessments prior to adopting the budget in September. It is only necessary to adopt the resolutions for the City Specials that change — we are requesting to adjust the garbage rate, forestry rate and to add the BID assessment. We propose having these resolutions on the August 3' council meeting. They can be discussed at the work session on July 27'. By the meeting on the 27'' we should have a pretty good idea of what the cash reserve/cash carryover is for the end of 2009. Predicting the cash reserve for the end of 2010 will necessitate knowing what the Department of Revenue numbers are. We used 3% in our Preliminary budget for estimates. In order to grow the reserve we need the expenditures to be less than the revenue. Currently interest, court fines, planning fees are all less than were estimated last year. For the meeting on July 27' we will provide an updated revenue/expenditure recap with the actual to date. Thank- y1wa.- and Council Members. As stated in our MEMO toPCounc�l we are asking the Council's permission , - to move forward on thiss acquisition to negotiate a Buy -Sell agreement that we can bring back to the Council for approval at a later date. We have had some preliminary discussions with the Monk famiI f 1MI tVeir attorney. I want to be extremely transparent in what we are proposing and why. The FAA in Helena, our Consultants, Robert Peccia & Associates, and the necessary City Staff are all aware of the pieces of property that need to be acquired for the future expansion of the Airport. It is all spelled out in the current Airport Layout Plan on page 8 and page 9. 1 have given you page 8 which indicates this particular piece of property. I have also given you a copy of the current boundaries oft e Airport TIF and the City Limits. There are several reasons w�,, this acquisition would be good for the i 1. The property reasons from the Monk family, fjI 2. Security fencing at the airport has a wide gap in the Southwest Ott comer. This is needed to keep out wildlife, stray dogs, unauthorized motor vehicles such as ATV's, dirt bikes, and automobiles. 3. The primary reason would be the protection of the airspace and the ground around the existing airport. Unless you particularly want me to get into the specifics about these protection measures, suffice to say, we should have this area under the airports control. A certified appraisal has been completed on the property and it is current under the Review appraisal process in accordance with government acquisition standards. I have confidence that the review will hold up and the appraisal price will be confirmed. I expect to have the review appraisal back some time this week. We have an Environmental Assessment that received a Finding of No Significant Impact by the FAA, at which point it became the FAA's document. The FAA has stated that we may continue with the land acquisitions laid out in the Airport Layout Plan without updating the EA. However, before the FAA will participate in a grant for the land costs, the EA will need to be updated. As soon as we find out what path the KGEZ Bankruptcy proceedings will take, we will know what our path on the EA will take. To summarize, this acquisition would be good for the future plans of the Airport as well as the existing Airport facility — even if no further development takes place. 63 1. RUNWAY SAFETY AREA For a B -I airport, which we currently are, is 60' on either side of the runway's centerline. 2. f\yay?Of2LE© FREE AREA For a B -I airport, this is 200' on either side of the runway's centerline. 3. RUNWAY PREMLARY SURFACE AREA For a visual runway with light aircraft, this is an area 125on either side «\«h` runway's centerline. 4. RUNWA , Y " TR * ANSITIONALSURFACE AIRSPA.CE This area is the seven to one slope that starts at zero at the centerline of the runway and «t. «# oneoofoeaseveeeasyou phnfceed outward to the edge of your property and beyond. This area must be kept clear for aircraft to transition during takeoffs and landings. All these areas are spelled out in our current Airport Affected Area Ordinance for the City and the County. Fred Leistiko From: Rick Donaldson [rick@RPA-ALN.COM] Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 10:33 AM To Fred Leistiko Cc: Gary Gates; Dan Norderud Subject: Kalispell City Airport - Potential Monk Property Acquisition M. I Thanks for the call and update today. Below I have summarized our conversation and m:»»:. ZEIMM»», � 034 <»«�� RIMINTIRTy'r-141f.741 1 1121 1 1 �,i Oil MEMO= Rick Donaldson— P.E. I Vice President Robert Peccia & Associates Inc. 1 PO Box 56531 Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5000 1406.447.5036 (fax) 1406.439.4905 (cell) 1 rick(q)rDa-h1n.corn rr, a- M il. Com The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments.