ADO ConferenceG'EfTEx'#i,X_f FEPU�IUE
I . FAA stated that all TTF (Through -the -fence) operations should end immediately and if
you are proposing any, don't. They are considered incompatible uses. See Grant Assurance
Compliance Handbook, AC150/5190-6/7, letter 5190.6A
2. If an airport fails to meet Grant Assurances a Part 16 complaint can be filed by the
complaining party. These hold a lot of weight with the FAA.
3. Airports should publish Development and Lease Practices that are used by the Airport.
Make sure you comply with these practices and treat all tenants alike.
4. Review of current Santa Monica, CA case where the City Council tried to restrict aircraft
from using their airport. If the aircraft meets the category requirements for your airport, you can
not restrict the aircraft from using your airport.
5. DBE is only required on $250,000 + contracts. Land acquisitions and equipment
purchases do not fall under DBE requirements.
6. The FAA will take into consideration your bum rate of grant funds, do not leave grant
funds hanging.
7. Mitigation measures are Development Grants, appraisals and environmental assessments
are Planning Grants. Please keep these straight.
8. If an FY 2009 project is planned, Airports should submit Pre -Applications to the Helena
ADO by December 1, 2008. Environmental, Airport Layout Plan, and airspace actions must be
completed in order to program the project.
9. Airports must notify Helena ADO by February 2, 2009 whether available Is' half
entitlement funds will be used or carried over to FY 2010. Grant applications for all I" half FT
2009 grant program must be received by February 18, 2009. Helena ADO plans to issue and
obligate all FY 2009 1" half grants by February 27, 2009.
10. Helena ADO wants all Capital Improvement Programs for FY 2010 — 2015 done and in
Helena by August 21, 2009.