Part 4 - Special ProvisionsKalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
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The following Special Provisions are hereby made a part of this contract and shall supplement and/or
supersede any articles of these Specifications in conflict therewith. Any subsequent Addenda issued after
these Specifications have been prepared shall supplement and/or supersede any article of these
Material Testing and Quality Control
Locations and Scope
Engineering Interpretations
Contract Documents
Environmental Protection
Pre -Bid Conference
Underground Utilities
Pre -Award Conference
Equipment Weight
Project Award
Insurance Requirements
Project Schedule
Project Funding
Topsoil & Rock Removal
Liquidated Damages
Construction Operations Plan /
Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulch
Construction Safety on Airports
Manhole and Valve Box Adjustments
Construction Requirements
Catch Basin Removal
Construction Surveys
Tie -Down Removal
Record Drawings
Herein where the term FAA is used it shall be understood as the Federal Aviation Administration.
Herein the Owner shall be understood to be City of Kalispell.
Herein the Engineer shall be understood as Robert Peccia and Associates, Helena and Kalispell,
Herein the term Bidder, shall be understood to mean a qualified construction contractor who provides a
bid for construction services.
Herein the term Contractor, shall be understood to mean the successful Bidder that has entered into an
executed contract with the Owner for this project.
a. Airport Location: Approximately 1 '/2 miles south of downtown Kalispell, Montana in Flathead
b. Scope: the major elements of work include:
• Site Grading for hangar access taxiways, aircraft parking apron and hangar pads
• Construct flexible pavement sections for hangar access and aircraft parking
+ Storm drainage piping
+ Pavement marking and aircraft tiedowns
Specifications: As itemized by this document
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
Plans: The plans for this project are bound separately and are considered an integral part of
these Contract Documents. The plan sheets are sized at 11" X 17". After bidding, up to five (5)
copies each of the specifications and plans (11" X 17") will be available to the Contractor upon
request. Additional copies may be obtained at the cost of reproduction.
There is a pre -bid conference scheduled for this project on May 23, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. at the Kalispell
City Airport. Attendance is optional but recommended. The following items will be discussed:
a. A brief summary of all work items involved in the project.
b. A summary of the bid proposal documents, including the DBE requirements, EEO requirements,
and wage rate determinations.
C. A summary of the scheduling required between the Contractors' work schedule and the Airport's
d. Interpretation of the Plans and Specifications
The pre -bid conference will be concluded with a question and answer session and a tour of the project
site, if deemed necessary.
The Bidder submitting what appears to be the lowest qualified bid may be required to meet with the
Owner and the Engineer prior to the award of the contract for the purpose of discussing pertinent details
pertaining to the proposed work. The following points will be considered in particular:
a. The Contractor's organization and equipment available for work.
b. The Contractor shall submit his proposed schedule of operations.
C. The interpretation of the Specifications.
Should the conference indicate that the Contractor does not appear to be in a position to properly
undertake the work or that he has not properly familiarized himself with the Plans and Specifications, the
Owner reserves the right to reject the bid of this Contractor and to consider the next Bidder.
The Contract will be awarded to the lowest qualified responsible Bidder complying with these
instructions and with the Advertisement for Bids. The lowest bid shall be determined on the basis of the
lowest Base Bid or if applicable to the lowest combination of Base Bid and Additive Alternatives
accepted in consecutive order.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals or to waive any formality or technicality in any
Proposal in the interest of the Owner. No Bidder may withdraw his Proposal for a period of 60 days after
the date of the opening thereof.
Following the bid opening, the Owner will award the construction contract to complete the improvements.
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
The Notice to Proceed with construction of the project will be issued to the Contractor after the City's
concurrence in the award of the contract and the approval of the executed contract documents. It is the
intent, of the Owner to complete the project as soon as possible, weather permitting. The Contractor
must complete the project with a minimum of interruption of general aviation traffic using the airport.
At the Preconstruction Conference, the Contractors and subcontractors shall coordinate their activities and
establish dates for completion of specific work requirements. If the Contract exceeds the Contract Time,
the liquidated damages will be assessed to each Contractor in the amount that each contractor exceeded
the time and dates established for each work Schedule. Notification to Proceed will be issued and the
beginning of contract time established as provided in the General Provisions of these Specifications.
Contract Time for this project is hereby established at 45 calendar days.
Base Bid and
May 31, 2005
Within 10 days after
45 Calendar Days
Additive Alternates
the Notice to Proceed
(if applicable)
This project is to be built with funds from the Owner. The Owner has established a Tax Increment
Financing (TIF) District for the proposed construction project.
Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages,
because of failure to complete the work in the time specified for each schedule. The liquidated damages
shall include compensation to the Owner for non-use and for the unscheduled employment of the
Work under this contract shall be completed as specified above, after the date authorized in the Notice to
As compensation for non-use, the Contractor shall be assessed a liquidated damage of $200.00 per
calendar day for each calendar day the work remains uncompleted and unaccepted beyond the contract
period for that particular Schedule. As compensation for expenses incurred for the unscheduled
employment of the Engineer, the Contractor shall be assessed an additional liquidated damage equal to
the expense incurred but not more than $1,000.00 per calendar dU for each day that the work remains
uncompleted beyond the contract period for that particular schedule.
The Bidder further agrees to pay liquidated damages according to the following hourly rates for the
unscheduled employment of the Engineer necessitated by the Contractor:
a. Working more than 40 hours per week, five (5) days per week and Saturdays, and holidays and
b. Furnishing materials or equipment not in conformance with Contract Documents necessitating
redesign by the Engineer.
Working beyond the time of completion established in the Notice to Proceed with construction:
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
Straight Overtime *
Time * > 40 hours/week
> 5 days/week
Project Manager $100.00/hr $100.00/hr
Project Engineer $75.00/hr $75.00/hr
Resident Project Representative (RPR): $55.00/hr $55.00/hr
* plus out of pocket costs for material, equipment, supplies, transportation and subsistence - at cost.
Payment thereof shall be made by deduction from monthly and final payments. No charge will be made
during any time extensions granted in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 80-07 of the General
Provisions, nor during any resultant shutdown during the winter, except that if, during such winter period,
any airport areas are closed to traffic due to the Contractor's previous operations, then the daily liquidated
damage charge will be made.
In addition to the safety requirements specified in the General Conditions and Technical Specifications,
the Contractor is hereby referenced to the guidelines contained in FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5370-
2E and shall take the following precautions:
a. Minimum Parking Distance: When not in use, equipment and materials will be parked or located
a minimum of 500 feet from the runway centerline and 200 feet from taxiways or in the areas
designated in the Drawings.
b. Minimum Evacuation Distance: The Contractor will evacuate all equipment and men from the
vicinity of the runway a minimum distance of 250 ft. from the runway centerline during landing
and takeoff of aircraft.
C. Open Excavation and Barricades: Open trenches or excavations exceeding 3 inches in depth and
3 inches in width or stockpiled materials will not be permitted within 200 feet of the runway
pavement. Coverings for open trenches or excavations shall be of sufficient strength to support
the weight of the heaviest aircraft operating on the runway or taxiway. Light -weight barricades
and/or flagging shall be used to identify the limits of construction near open trenches or
d. Runway Crossings The Contractors will not be permitted to have his operations cross active
runways unless approved in writing by the Engineer. If such permission is granted, the
Contractor will be required to furnish trained and qualified radio guards at the runway. These
guards shall maintain constant radio contact with aircraft using the airport. No crossing of the
runway shall be permitted without first assuring, both visually and through radio contact, that no
conflict with air traffic exists.
e. Signage, Illumination and Checkered Flags: The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain all
necessary protection of the work and safety of the public for both. land and air traffic. Suitable
warning signs, illuminated at night shall be provided. Pickups, all rollers, and trenchers shall have
standard white and orange checkered flags mounted on these vehicles so as to be readily visible
during daylight operations.
f. Marking: All hazard, closed or deceptive areas shall be marked in accordance with FAA
Advisory Circular AC 150/5340-1H.
g. Waste and Loose Material: Waste and loose material capable of causing damage to aircraft
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
landing gears or propellers shall not be placed on active aircraft movement areas. Material
tracked on these areas shall be removed continuously during all phases of the project.
h. Plan: The construction operations plan has been developed to mitigate the adverse impacts of
construction on aeronautical operations and to improve safety. Strict adherence to the provisions
of the construction operations plan by all personnel assigned to or visiting the construction site is
mandatory for all construction projects. In the event contractor activities are not in conformance
with the provisions of the construction operations plan, the contractor shall immediately cease
those operations involved in the violation of the provisions of the construction operations plan
and conduct a safety meeting. The construction operations plan is open to input at safety
meetings, but the resident engineer has the final determination of safe operations. The resident
engineer may direct the contractor, in writing, to immediately cease those operations involved in
the violation of the provisions of the construction operation plan. The contractor shall not resume
construction operations until an appropriate action is taken as determined by the Engineer.
i. Runway Closure Marking: Before closing active airport areas, or entering to work on existing
runways or taxiways, warning signs for aircraft shall be placed at strategic locations and be
visible from the air in compliance with FAA AC 150/5340-1 (latest edition). To form the runway
closed "X", the Contractor shall provide portable temporary closure markers with ballast tubes,
such as those manufactured by Raven Industries, Inca Flexible Firms Department, P.O. Box 1007,
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57117-1007, (605) 336-2750, or approved equal. The cost of
temporary closure markers shall not be paid for directly, but shall be included in other items of
work. Runways, taxiways and aprons closed to traffic shall be protected by effective frangible
barricades and signs, and obstructions shall illuminate at night.
Construction Safety Plan Summary
Impact on
Method of
for Closure
Hangar Access
West Side
Yes — Partial
Cone and
Candles w/
Activities on
night flashers
Parallel TW
Aircraft Parking
* AOA=Airport Operations Areas
It is not the intent of this section of the specification to provide detailed construction requirements of the
Contractor's operations but rather to provide limitations and restrictions within which the Contractor shall
schedule his work. Construction operations shall be scheduled so as to cause the least possible
interference with the airport operations subject to the following restrictions and limitations:
1. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of 48 hours notice to the Engineer of his desire
to perform construction within each area, and shall begin operations within these areas
only upon receipt of authorization from the Engineer.
2. Prior to beginning construction operations in any areas, all barricades and "temporary"
closed markings shall be installed as shown on the drawings or designated by the
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
a. Haul Routes and Maintenance: The haul routes and staging areas for any Contractor's equipment
will be designated prior to any work being done. Only these routes and staging areas shall be
used, and unauthorized travel by haul vehicles on any of the airport's existing paved areas will be
Any damage to existing paving shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer, at the
Contractor's expense. After completion of the work, haul routes and staging areas created by the
Contractor on the Airport property shall be disced, bladed smooth, fertilized and reseeded in
accordance with these Plans and Specifications. Haul routes off airport property shall be
maintained in accordance with these requirements unless more restrictive requirements are
No extra compensation will be allowed for final cleaning up, topsoiling, seeding and maintenance
of haul roads, but the cost thereof shall be included in the unit prices bid for other items of work.
Maintenance shall include dust control on a continuous basis.
b. Airport Operations During Construction: It is the intention of the Owner to complete
construction of the improvements within a minimum time period. The Owner will notify the
necessary agencies as to the closure of affected operations at the Airport. The Contractor shall
notify the Engineer and Owner 48 hours in advance of any requested closure, so that the required
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM's) can be issued.
The Engineer has set horizontal and vertical control during the topographic mapping for these
improvements. Control points are as noted on the plans. Verifying these control points if used in the
course of work, is the responsibility of the Contractor.
Dimensions and stationing of the plans are relative to both the runway and taxiway. Most components are
parallel or perpendicular to the runway and taxiway.
a. Layout Surveys: The construction plans show base lines, control points and bench marks
established by the Engineer for control of the work. From these control points the Contractor
shall lay out the work by establishing all lines and grades at the site necessary to construct the
work and shall be responsible for all measurements that may be required for the execution of the
work to the location and limit marks prescribed in the Specifications or on the Contract Drawings.
The Contractor shall provide a survey crew to check the layout surveys to insure a ag inst
inaccuracies and to determine conformance of the work with established lines and grades.
Checks for conformance with grades required by contract plans and specifications will be
performed at appropriate intervals to insure that airfield pavements are being constructed so that
any corrective measure may be made immediately to avoid subsequent costly reconstruction at
localized areas.
All notes shall be reduced and in a form acceptable to the Engineer.
If control points and/or benchmarks are disturbed during the course of construction, replacement
of all horizontal and vertical control shall be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the
The Contractor shall be responsible for verification of all existing pavement elevations where
new pavement will abut existing pavement. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any
discrepancies between plan elevations and verified field elevations or dimensions.
The Engineer may require that work be suspended at any time when control points established at
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
the site by the Contractor are not reasonably adequate to permit checking of the work.
The Contractor shall establish and maintain, at the site of the work, as a minimum requisite, the
following horizontal and grade control:
1) Locate and Reference, at appropriate intervals,, line stakes establishing the longitudinal
center lines of all areas to be surfaced, marked to indicate the correct stationing along
tangents and curves, including points of alignment changes and intersections with other
surfaced areas.
2) Preliminary grade stakes and slope stakes.
3) Finished -blue top grade stakes not to exceed 25 feet longitudinally. More are expected at
areas of intersections and where shallow grades will be difficult to blend.
4) Taxiway and runway marking layout.
5) Storm drainage culverts.
6) All electrical components: lights, reflectors, navaids, conduits, duct markers.
b. Vertical Control: The control points used for this project are shown on the Plans or will be
available from the Engineer.
a. Construction Schedule. Before work is started, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
review a schedule of the proposed construction operations. The construction schedule shall
indicate the sequence of the Work and the time of starting and completion of each work item.
At least every 30 days the schedule shall be revised as necessary to reflect the changes in the
progress of the Work.
The Owner may require the Contractor to add to his plant, equipment, or construction forces, as
well as increase the working hours, if operations fall behind schedule at any time during the
construction period. The Contractor's Superintendent shall meet daily with the Project Engineer
and the Airport Manager to discuss work progress and the schedule of work for the following
b. Progress Reports. A progress report shall be furnished to the Engineer with each application for
progress payment. If the work falls behind schedule, the Contractor shall submit additional
progress reports at such intervals as the Engineer may request.
Each progress report shall include sufficient narrative to describe current and anticipated delaying
factors, their effect on the construction schedule, and proposed corrective actions.
Surve,, Data_. All field books, notes, and other data developed by the Contractor in performing
surveys required as part of the work shall be available to the Engineer for examination throughout
the construction period.
d. Shop Drawings and Engineering Data. Engineering data covering all equipment and fabricated
materials, which will become a permanent part of the work under this contract, shall be submitted
to the Engineer for review. These data shall include drawings and descriptive information in
sufficient detail to show the kind, size, arrangement, and operation of component materials and
devices; the external connections, anchorages, and supports required; performance characteristics;
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
and dimensions needed for installation and correlation with other materials and equipment.
All submittals, regardless of origin, shall be stamped with the approval of the Contractor and
identified with the name and number of this contract, Contractor's name, and references to
applicable specification paragraphs and Contract Drawings. Each submittal shall indicate the
intended use of the item in the work. When catalog pages are submitted, applicable items shall be
clearly identified. The current revision, issue number, and date shall be indicated on all drawings
and other descriptive data.
The Contractor's stamp of approval is a representation to the Owner and the Engineer that the
Contractor accepts full responsibility for determining and verifying all quantities, dimensions,
field construction criteria, materials, catalog numbers, and similar data, and that he has reviewed
or coordinated each submittal with the requirements of the work and the Contract Documents.
Where indicated in the equipment schedule section, each submittal shall include a statement
prepared by the originator of the drawings and data, certifying compliance with the Contract
Documents except for deviations, which are specifically identified.
All deviations from the Contract Documents shall be identified on each submittal and shall be
tabulated in the Contractor's letter of transmittal. Such submittals shall, as pertinent to the
deviation, indicate essential details of all changes proposed by the Contractor (including
modifications to other facilities that may be a result of the deviation) and all required piping and
wiring diagrams.
The Contractor shall accept full responsibility for the completeness of each submissions. In the
case of a resubmission, shall verify that all exceptions previously noted by the Engineer have
been taken into account. In the event that more than one resubmission is required because of
failure of the Contractor to account for exceptions previously noted, the Contractor shall
reimburse the Owner for the charges of the Engineer for additional review. The costs of
additional review shall be deducted from the Contractor's progress payments.
Any need for more than one resubmission, or any other delay in obtaining the Engineer's review
of submittals, will not entitle the Contractor to extension of the contract time unless delay of the
work is directly caused by a change in the work authorized by a Change Order or by failure of the
Engineer to return any submittal within two weeks after its receipt in the Engineer's office.
The Engineer's review of drawings and data submitted by the Contractor will cover only general
conformity to the drawings and specifications, external connections, and dimensions which affect
the layout. The Engineer's review does not indicate a thorough review of all dimensions,
quantities, and details of the material, equipment, device, or item shown. The Engineer's review
of submittals shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors, omissions, or
deviations, nor responsibility for compliance with the Contract Documents.
Five copies of each drawing and necessary data shall be submitted to the Engineer. The Engineer
will not accept submittals from anyone but the Contractor. Submittals shall be consecutively
numbered in direct sequence of submittal and without division by subcontracts or trades.
Resubmittals shall bear the number of the first submittal followed by a letter (A, B, etc.) to
indicate the sequence of the resubmittal.
When the drawings and data are returned marked NOT ACCEPTABLE or RETURNED FOR
CORRECTION, the corrections shall be made as noted thereon and as instructed by the Engineer,
and five copies shall be resubmitted.
When corrected copies are resubmitted, the Contractor shall in writing direct specific attention to
all revisions and shall list separately any revisions made other than those called for by the
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
Engineer on previous submissions.
When the drawings and data are returned marked EXCEPTIONS NOTED, NO EXCEPTIONS
NOTED, or RECORD COPY, no additional copies need by furnished.
a. Tests by the En ineer: The following materials and control tests shall be made by the Engineer to
determine the Contractor's compliance with the Specifications:
1) In -place density tests of subgrade and base courses and compacted pipe backfill;
2) Periodic tests of the Contractor's production operations of aggregate may be made for the
purpose of verifying the Contractor's control and testing of his aggregate production.
Such testing does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to produce material that
will meet Specification requirements, and he will be required to make such additional
tests at the Contractor's expense as required to produce aggregate meeting the
Specification requirements and the periodic tests made by the Engineer of the
Contractor's production may serve as the basis for rejecting a stockpile as unacceptable.
The above tests shall be made with no cost to the Contractor, except as hereinafter
provided for retesting.
Should materials fail to meet the tests specified above, the Contractor shall pay the costs
of retests. The costs of retests shall be deducted from the Contractor's progress estimates.
b. Tests by the Contractor: The Contractor shall provide the remaining materials and control tests
called for in these Specifications and costs associated with these tests shall be paid by the
1) Any testing that the Contractor requires to control his crushing, screening or other
construction operations;
2) Gradation, fracture, liquid limit and plasticity index tests of subbase, base and surfacing
aggregates. Tests of subbase and base course materials shall be made from material in
place. Tests of concrete aggregates shall be made from samples obtained at the mixer site.
Tests of surfacing aggregates shall be made from bins of the hot plant;
3) Moisture -Density (proctors) as specified by ASTM D-698 for crushed aggregate base
course material (P-208), subbase course material (P-154) and unclassified excavation
materials (P-152);
4) Bituminous surface course (P-401) job -mix formulas;
5) Bituminous surface course Quality Control Testing and Acceptance Sampling and
Testing as specified in Technical Specification P-401, "Plant Mix Bituminous
Pavements", including Marshall field testing (50 Blow), graded extractions and core
6) Stripping tests, volume swell tests, fracture tests, wear tests, sand equivalency and
soundness tests on proposed aggregate sources.
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
7) Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Quality Control Testing and Acceptance Sampling
and Testing as specified in Technical Specification P-501, "Portland Cement Concrete
Pavement", including flexural and compressive strength test samples, entrained air
content, gradation samples and core samples;
8) Insulation resistance to ground of all series lighting circuits which will be affected by the
new construction or which will be crossed by haul roads during construction, both prior
to the start of construction and following the completion of construction, as per L-108.
9) Retesting as provided above;
C. The testing results obtained from the certified testing lab shall be provided within the time
specified and shall be delivered in writing simultaneously to the Engineer and Contractor. Any
delay, in the receipt of these test results shall cause the work to be stopped until results are
obtained and analyzed by the Engineer and Contractor.
d. Acceptance and Rejection of Materials: will generally be determined from tests made of the
various subbase, base and surfacing courses complete and in -place in the field. While the
Engineer may, during the course of construction, make tests at the source or point of production,
it is the responsibility of the Contractor to conduct, control and test his production operations in
such a manner that the material produced will meet the Specification requirements.
e. Use of Nuclear Densometer for Acceptance Testing: In lieu of the sand cone method of field
density determination, acceptance testing of the subgrade, subbase, and base course materials will
be accomplished using a nuclear gage in accordance with ASTM-D-2922. Two random readings
shall be made for each sublot of material placed and compacted.
100 9 DI
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Timely engineering decisions on construction activities or results have an important bearing on the
Contractor's schedule. For this reason, the Engineer will have a Resident Project Representative (RPR)
readily available to the project during the construction, who has the authority to make judgment on
matters dealing with interpretation of the plans and specifications, with the one qualification, that the RPR
shall have the right to take 24 hours to confer with other Engineers or FAA before giving said decision.
When an engineering interpretation affects a plan design or specification change, it should be realized that
more than 24 hours may be required to gain the necessary Owner participation in the decision process
including time for formal change order preparation as required.
Pollution of natural resources of air, land, and water by operations under this contract shall be prevented,
controlled, and abated in accordance with the rules, regulations, and standards adopted and established by
the State of Montana and the U.S. Government. The Contractor shall provide such air and water pollution
control measures required to comply with the minimum standards established by such agencies.
a. Smoke & Dust Control: Whenever a hot -mix paving plant, aggregate crusher or similar operation
is to be conducted, the Contractor shall acquaint himself with all local conditions, city, county
and state laws pertinent to air pollution before commencing his operations. It is possible that legal
action may be instituted against the Contractor to force him to conduct his operation in a dust and
smoke -free manner. The Contractor should be prepared to operate in a manner satisfactory to a
restraining court. This may mean employing adequate dust filters and smoke collectors or by any
other means meeting the existing requirements. No additional payment will be made to the
Contractor for the use or installation of such filters or collectors or for disruption of work or loss
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
of time occasioned by any actions for dust or smoke control or for any related reasons.
The Contractor shall have informed himself of all applicable State Board of Health requirements
and similar state or federal requirements pertaining to control of or abatement of air pollution. He
shall have provided or be prepared to provide such air pollution control measures as are required
to comply with the minimum standards established by such agencies.
b. Erosion Control: The Contractor shall schedule and conduct operations so as to minimize erosion
of soils and prevent sediment from entering the storm drainage system or washing to other low
areas. The Contractor shall incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the work at the
earliest practicable time, and provides such temporary control measures as may be needed during
construction to serve until the permanent features are completed. Details of temporary protection
required as a minimum on this project are shown in the Drawings. The Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer for approval details of any additional temporary measures proposed for use. All
costs of complying with the above shall be considered incidental to the cost of other contract
items and no direct compensation will be made, except as otherwise specifically provided in these
C. The Contractor shall meet all State and Federal requirements regarding storm -water discharge
during construction. A Notice of Intent (NOI) to apply for a General Permit for Storm Water
Discharges Associated with construction activity has been filed with the Montana Department
of Environmental Quality. The Contractor must fulfill the duties of "Operator #2" in the
completion of all work on this project.
The Contractor shall be responsible for checking with the owners of underground utilities as to the
location of their underground lines. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage done to
these installations due to failure to locate them or to properly protect them when their location is known.
It shall be solely the responsibility of the Contractor to fully coordinate his work with the agencies and to
keep them informed of his construction activities so that these vital installations are fully protected at all
There will be no separate payment for exploratory excavation required to locate underground utilities.
If saturated conditions exist, the construction components requiring heavy equipment (e.g. dump truck,
rollers, etc.) may be delayed to ensure existing pavement damage does not occur as a result of continuing
work in saturated conditions.
As per General Provisions.
Mobilization shall not exceed 5% of the total bid quantity for the base bid and any additive alternates or
addenda items. When 10% of the total original contract amount is earned, 50% of the lump sum bid item
for mobilization will be eligible for payment. When 50% of the total original contract amount is earned,
80% of the mobilization bid item will be eligible for payment. The remainder of the mobilization bid
item is eligible for payment upon passing acceptance tests of all the bituminous surface courses or until
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
appropriate penalties have been agreed upon. FAILURE TO STAY WITHIN 5% OF THE TOTAL
Topsoil shall be stripped (approximately 12 inches in depth) and stockpiled. The actual depth of the
removal will be monitored and determined by the Resident Project Representative. Excessive topsoil
removal will not be allowed.
The stockpiled topsoil shall be placed back above all the disturbed subgrade at a minimum of 6-inches in
depth. No separate payment will be made for topsoil placement or rehandling of any stockpiled topsoil.
Excess topsoil shall be neatly stockpiled, shaped, seeded fertilized and mulched at the locations shown on
the plans.
The Contractor shall remove all rocks two (2) inches or more in diameter from the finished surface. This
will allow the Owner to mow these areas free of rocks. Hand picking of rocks may require and shall
include suitable disposal (tossing is not permitted). No separate payment will be made for rock
Contractor shall sweep the paved surfaces of any Aircraft Operations Area that will be reopened for
aircraft use at the end of each workday. This should be done from centerline to the nearest pavement
Sweeping of the completed surface, if necessary prior to aeronautical operations, and is the responsibility
of the Contractor to be accomplished at no additional cost to the Owner.
All seed shall comply with and be labeled in accordance with applicable State Seed Laws. Noxious weeds
in Group I and Group II, as defined by Montana Seed Laws, shall not be permitted; and no more than 45
noxious weeds in Group III shall be allowed in each pound of seed.
Seed shall have been grown no farther south than the southern border of the State of Wyoming. All seed
shall be of a standard grade adapted to Montana conditions. Seed that has become wet, moldy or
otherwise damaged will not be accepted.
Calculations of "pure live seed" may be made on the basis of either a germination test or a tetrazolium test
in addition to the purity analysis. Seed shall be applied on a "pure live seed" basis. The quantity of "pure
live seed" in a 100-pound container shall be determined by the formula: 100 multiplied by germination
percentage and this product multiplied by the purity percentage. (For example, if the seed is 85% pure and
test 90% germination, then a 100-pound container would contain 76.5 lbs. of "pure live seed"). Each
species of seed shall be made available in separate bags for sampling and inspection.
The Engineer shall be furnished a purity analysis and germination test of the seed proposed for use. The
germination test shall have been made within a period of nine months before the seeding date.
The variety and quantity of "live seed" to be planted shall be:
Western Wheatgrass 3.5 lbs/acre
Fairway Crested Wheatgrass 3.5 lbs/acre
Slender Wheatgrass 3.51bs/acre
Kalispell City Airport
North End Surfacing Improvements
Streambank Wheatgrass 3.5 lbs/acre
Fertilizer shall be a soluble commercial carrier of available plant food element or combination thereof.
Fertilizer shall contain the following minimum percentage of plant food by weight: 15 Available
Nitrogen; 20 Available Phosphoric Acid; and 10 Available Potash, or a 15-20-10 combination. Fertilizer
shall be distributed at a rate of 200 pounds per acre. This fertilizer shall be applied during seedbed
preparation before seeding.
Although covered by a separate Technical Specification, mulch will be included with the seeding and
fertilizing bid item. Furthermore, the Contractor shall hydraulically apply a manufactured wood fiber
mulch (no paper) for this project.
If the seed is to be broadcast or hydraulically applied rather than drill seeded, the quantity of pure
live seed must be doubled.
The limits for seeding, fertilizing and mulch are defined as the fill and cut areas as shown on the plans.
Expansion of this work area, including haul routes and staging areas, which require additional seeding
and fertilizing, is the responsibility of the Contractor unless approved in writing by the Engineer.
At the locations shown on the Drawings, Manholes and Water Valves will be adjusted vertically to the
Finished Surface. In addition, concrete collars as shown on the details will need to surround the castings
in their final position.
At the locations shown on the Drawings, existing Catch Basin Sumps / Manholes will need to be removed
in their entirety and backfilled with suitable compacted material. All pipes remaining underground will
need to be connected or plugged with concrete.
At the locations shown on the Drawings, existing concrete blocks used to anchor (tie -down) aircraft will
need to be removed in their entirety and backfilled with suitable compacted material.
The Contractor's Superintendent shall maintain at the project site, a "Record Set of Drawings" showing
field changes, as -built elevations, unusual conditions encountered during construction, the manufacturer
and manufacturer's catalog number of equipment supplied, and such other data as required to provide the
Owner with an accurate "as constructed" set of record drawings. The Contractor shall furnish the "Record
Set" to the Engineer following the Final Inspection of the Project.
The Contractor's final estimate and final payment will not be processed until the 'Record Set" of drawings
are received and approved by the En ig neer.