5. Appendix D - P401 Information and CMP FormsKalispell City Abort — North End Surfacing Improvements Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement — Payment Adjustments Summary P-401, Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement Mix Design Certificate of Asphalt Cement Properties Independent Laboratory Asphalt Cement Property Results Construction Management Plan, P-154 Testing Frequencies Construction Management Plan, P-208 Testing Frequencies Construction Management Plan, P-401 Testing Frequencies Final Report Appendix D N LO f` N O O M Mlr(O M M h N CV 0 0 CV M V V) r- r V M N - rn °� t` 00 W �u-io� '0 0 N N N Omni N (D O oO N D1 � N r, rO N CC) O O O O O O O C C C C C C O O O O O O cm C •C U U 5 0 0 0 '> �vv-g-o-0va 3 7 7 7 J (p �,aaaa`n.a 0 0 0 0 0 b ~ O 7 7 7 7 0 IL tL L tL a IL U- °- N r- N N a M h M ,It V O N O M am N n V O� W. (O W. (D (O M o n (n (n (O (O o CO rnwr�ml�ml- oo N N m 0 0 W LO N N O �f CO N co co CD 00 W O O W M 6 M N cMD r0 � � (D N N 1-1 V N w� C:l0Un(r'((�'(noo C. o o Cl o o N O O O C O O o !C4MN �MMMMM 2 N 0 co h C`! A h E N G I N E E R I N G 222 North 32"d Street P.O. Box 31318 Billings, Montana 59107-1318 Phone (406) 869-6375 Fax (406) 656-6398 t TRANSMITTAL LETTER 1 Project Name & Locations Name: WE TRANSMIT: Kalispell AIP-2005 Schellinger Construction P.O. Box 39 Columbia Falls, MT. Atten: Bob Warren ❑ herewith ❑ under separate cover via_ ❑ in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ® approval ❑ distribution to parties ❑ record ❑ review & comment ❑ other THE FOLLOWING: ❑ drawings ❑ shop drawing prints ❑ specs ❑ shop drawing reproducible ❑ change order ❑ progress estimates Date: Monday, August 15, 2005 Project No: ❑ information ❑ use ❑ samples ❑ product literature ❑ other Copies Date Description Action Code 1 8/15/2005 50 Blow Marshall Mix Design PG 58-28 A Action Code: A - No Exception Noted t_ D - For signature REMARKS B - Corrections Required C - Revise & Resubmit Please review and submit with cover letter as needed. Immersion compression to be reported upon completion. i_ Thanks, Kurt Grabow Ey v k COPIES TO: Kvn'�� BY: RECEIVED -AUG 1 6-N85 ASPHALT MIX DESIGN CHECKLIST AIRPORT: Kalispell Airport-2005 PROJECT NO.: DATE: 8/15/2005 DESCRIPTION TEST NO. SPEC LIMITS TESTED VALUE COMMENTS COARSE AGGREGATE: FRACTURED FACES: 1FACE 2 FACE FLAT/ELONGATED PIECES 5:1 WEAR SOUNDNESS SODIUM SULFATE MAGNESIUM SULFATE ASTM D 4791 ASTM C 131 ASTM C88 ASTM C88 100% MIN. 90% MIN. 85-MAX--,, C-4— 0% MAX. -12� X. :120 %. MAX. 0 AX. 100 w/in limits 99 w/in limits 6.3 w/in limits JEEI- 4b w/in limits A)& & _C> w/in limits n/a FINE AGGREGATE: DELETERIOUS MATERIAL LIQUID LIMIT PI NATURAL SAND SAND EQUIVALENT FAA P-401 ASTM D 4318 ASTM D 4318 % BY WT. ASTM 2419 25 MAX. 20% MAX. (�N. w/in limits Granular w/in limits NP 7 w/in limits )kjee7 w/in limits 62 w/in limits OTHER: FILLER AGGREGATE GRADATION AC ASTM D 242 FAA P-401 AASHTO MP1 FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 AASHTO MP1 ASTM D1075 ASTM D 1075 ASTM REQ. SEE E46 SEE P-401-2.3 n/a w/in limits w/in limits PG 58-28-,*' per spec. JOB MIX PARAMETERS: MARSHALL DESIGN (SEE TABLE 1) NUMBER OF BLOWS STABILITY FLOW AIR VOIDS IN PLACE VMA (TABLE 2) BITUMEN CONTENT INDEX OF RETAINED STRENGTH DRY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH MIX TEMPERATURE COMPACTION TEMPERATURE RAP 50 IM:M IN. 10-1;,4, 115 2.8-4.2 q),-3M I N. 5-7 r, ,,75 MIN. �200 50 per spec. 2 510 w/in limits 12 w/in limits 3.7 w/in limits 14.9 ✓ w/in limits 5.5 whn limits elEb w/in limits C- e, 1_) w/in limits 300 280 0.0 w/in limits H:\12\C285136\P401 Mix-50 Blow 8114/2005 @ 11:31 PM HKM ENGINEERING INC. ASPHALT CONCRETE JOB MIX FORMULA FAA-P401 50 Blow Mix CONTRACTOR (LAB): Schellinaer Construction PROJECT: Kalispell Airport-2005 C LASS: GRADE: Coarse: Crush Fines: f . The virgin material Was combined at the following percents (%): DATE: 8/15/2005 PROJECT NUMBER: _ ENGINEER: N1ix Type: P401 314 max SIEVE SIZE Bin 1 Bin Bin Bin ComB• 2 3 4 VIRGIN JAIF ACnON LIMITS SUSPENSION LIMITS COMB_ GRAD. WIDE BAND 37.5 mm (1 li2•) 35 mm (r) 19 mm (3/4")- - - 12.5 mm (1/2")- -- 9.5 mm (3/8-) 4.75 mm (#4) - - _ 100% 100% = 100% 100% 100%-_ 87% 100%, 75% 92% _ 50% 59% 32% 374'0 — 23% 100% 00% 100%"/ 100 100 - 100% - - 80°'0 61% - 28% 100% 100 +� 95 88 % 82-94 ✓ -6d=86 75% 69-81 49 % / 44-55 / d3-69- --2.36 mm (48) 17% 33% _ i4�16 _ --1.18 mm (#16) - 15%-- 22% 17-27 ✓ A4-'}7 - 0.60 mm_(a3o) 9%— 26% 15% 15 % 1-�7 0.30 mm (#5o)--- - 0.15 mm (#10o) - - 75 µm (#200) -- 79'0 _ — 5% -3.7°0 �20% 12% 14% —_ 8% 10.0 % 5.9 % 12% 9-15 -749 8 % -4-44 6.0 % 4-8 f 3-6 too 78-95 6q-soo 4y- 68 so-V-3 70 t4{-3n Cal —. 1 6-I al BIN # SIZE SOURCE PERCENT 1 _----.----3/4"Coarse:` 'Schellingeri 65% .!- 2 :Crush Fines: :Schell' nger 35% i l If the material being produced is recycled. the material will be combined using % combined virgin gradation & % RAP. S The average extracted Asphalt Content of the RAP = %. If available, the average Penetration = and the average Viscosity = MIX DESIGN PROPERTIES 300 " "FLab Compaction Temperature 280°F Lab. Mix Temperature # Blows 50�/ Asphalt Manufacturer MRC Marshall Unit weight 147.1 pcf / ✓ Air Voids 3.7% Asphalt Grade Content P_G 58-28 5.50 by Total Weight Maximum Unit weight Stability 152.3 Pof 2510 % VMA 14.9 75.4 Design Asphalt _ lbfj� j VFA Eff.. Asphalt Content % Flow 12 Film Thickness (µm) 9.0 Asphalt Sp. Gravity _4.90 1.0263 Dust/Asphalt (D/A-Eff) 1.21 / %Retained Strength Coarse Agg S.G. 2.628 Fine Agg, S.G. 2.600 ✓ Comb. Virgin Agg. S.G. 2.618 Additive(Lime-other) _ %of total aggregate Wear Grading Sand Equivalent 62 Plasticity Index NP Fractured Faces(l) 100 o Liquid Limit G Ignition Oven Correction --- Fractured Faces(2) 99 "/o Flat & Elongates(5: l) 6.3 COMMENTS: Mix performed in Billings Lab with mechanical hammer correlated to a manual hammer. Immersion -Compression reported upon completion. CONSULTANT: 7CI4rt 9rxt aw PHONE #: 406-869-6375 CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: ENGINEER: PHONE #: HKM MARSHALL PAVING CONTRACTOR: Schellinaer Construction PROJECT NO: PROJECT: Kalis ell Airport-2005 GRADE OF MIX: (Plans) TYPE OF NILX P401 (Plans) LEVEL OF CONTROL: (Plans) 3/4" Coarse: Schellin2er Crush Fines: Schellin_aer AGGREGATE GRADATION MIX DESIGN NIIX METHOD: ivlarshall hlethod(MS-2) COMPACTION METHOD: 50 Blows SPECIFICATIONS: FAA P-401, 3/4" Aggregate DATE: 8/15/2005 OTHER: No Natural Fines ASPHALT CEMENT: iv4RC PG 58-28 Specific Gravity: 1.0263 ANTISTRIP AGENT: None Quantity: (a-- wt) HKM Project No: I Ic346.113 Description 3/4" Coarse: Crush Fines: Action Limits Stockpile Ava Mix Sample 65% 35% - 100% Sieve PERCENT PASSING 1" 100% 100% 100 100%. 100% 3/4" 100% 100% l00 100% 100% 1/2" 80% 100% 82-94 100% 69-81 92% 44-55 59% 87% 87% 3/8" 61% 75% 75% #4 28% 50% 50% #8 17% 32% 28% . #16 15% 37% 17-27 23% 19% #30 9% 26°/n 20% 9-I5 15% 13% . #50 7% 12% 10% #100 5% 14% 8% 8% #200 3.7% 10.0% 5.9% 5.8% AGGREGATE PROPERTIES Fractured Faces, I or more Min 100 100 Max Fractured Faces, 2 or more 90 99 Bulk Specific Gravity 2.618 Absor tion,% 1.08 Plasticitv Index NP 6 Sodium Sul fates,'V.Loss 12 Sand Equivalent 40 62 LA Abrasion, % Loss 40 NIIX PROPERTIES Minimum Optimum Maximum Asphalt Content, (% of Total Mix) 4.50 5.00 _5.50 6.00 4.5 5.50 7.0 Effective Asphalt Content 3.89 4.39 4.90 5.40 4.90 Compacted Bulk Specific Gravity 2.313 2.338 2.357 2.365 2.357 Effective Agre2ate Specific Gravity 2.665 2.661 2.661 2.659 2.661 ASTM D2041, Specific Gravity 2.486 2.465 2.447 2.427 2.447 Air Voids, % 6.9 5.2 3.7 2.5 2.8 3.7% 4.2 Voids In Mineral Ai1greeate, % 15.6 15.2 14.9 15.1 13 14.9 Voids Filled, % 56.2 65.9 75.4 82.6 75.4 Marshall Stabilitv, Ibs 2314 2533 2510 2348 2150 2510 Flow.0.01 inches/inch 10 11 12 13 10 12.3 14 Unit WciQht, cf 144.4 145.9 147.1 147.6 147.1 Asphalt Absorption, % 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 Dust : (effective)Asphalt Ratio 1.52 1.34 1.21 1.09 1.21 Film Thickness,um 7.1 8.0 9.0 9.9 6.0 9,0 12.0 OTHER MIX PROPERTIES Dry Compressive Stren th, si 200 Index of Retained Strength 75 Mixing Temperature, F 290 300 310 Compaction Temperature, F 280 Remarks: The asphalt cement is submitted by MRC. The aggregate percentages are based on total aggregate weight. The film thickness is based on stockpile average gradation. Aggregate Blend established during aggregate production. The asphalt cement content is percentage of total weight. 7.0 . . ...... 5,0 i 2 4.0 3.0 20 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 Asphalt C,,t,nt.% 85 Voids Filled, 80 75 70 65 > 60 55 ........... ................. ........... ... .................. ................... 4,00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 Asphalt Content,% 2600 Marshall!�s ........................ ............Stability,. ................... 2500 .3 2400 4- 2300 - 4.00 4.50 5.00 A_ht j+ r_5,50 6.00 6,50 VMA,% 15.6 'gI 5.4 al 5.2 15.0 i 14.8 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6,50 Asphzdt Cont&m% 14 101 w- 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 Asphalt Content,% Oust: (effective)Asphalt Ratio 1,60 1.50 E1.40 51.30 o 31.20 ❑ 1.10 1.00 55 4Asp A �..00 4.50 5ho ContenZ;0 6'00 6'50 C=! CL .2) X W x R C r O Lo to M d X < LL E E E GE rri E E E of ON N)b, 4E:E 00 0) CD co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl- co LO Cl) BUISSEd IUGOJ@d W E E 0 cl f NUI1 :HKM LHS SUZt-MHN I HX NU. HPr. 14 US:�t1HM H'_' IYI� VISCOSITY V5. TEMPERATURE FOR ASPHALTS 150 175 200 225 230 215 NO 325 350 1500 f I I I F I I I I I 1 • _ 3000 1000 900 900 700 600 500 a U 400 0 m 300 t O o V n 200 v U 150 n � z o � O 6 a 100 m SU o ff3 70 a s a 60 e w s 5 U w O a CCa1 MO 25 150 r,apu.md 8y THE A�PIIAif INSMUTE COLVO@ fARK, MARYLAND form No. (v.l 771 200 225 250 275 300 323 TEMPERATURE; DEGREES FAHREAIHEIT 2500 2000 1500 1000 900 300 700 60u Lu w snn ' O 400 V ' 00 I— O U 200 U I== ni 7 i50 Y 100 90 I 80 � 70 i 6d s0 360 UU/UC/UO U0:co -"quo ooa UOVU M%ZA a..+.. i FACSUAME TRANSI GTTAL SHEET ........................................................... -- .--.-•.............».......... ....»......«................. '.L:.•.............. ........----�.................. TO: FROM. 4�� (L �I�� �P► COMPANY: DATE: FAX NUMBER: TOTAL OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: PHONE NUMBER: SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: RE: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: ❑ URGENT • U FOR REVIEW ❑PLEASECOMMENT ❑PLEASE REPLY ❑ PLEASE.RECYCLE ..-.... .... .. ....... Speciallnstructions- (/ j 19M w i �h � �t.n.iv�►c,� l Q►�ht�Q'n.�17 � . If you do not -receive all the pages, or if any are illegible, please call us as soon as possibld. PERSONAL AND CONNI)ENTIAL bt This facsimile transmission (and/or the documents accompanying it) may contain confidential information belonging to the sender or intended recipient. The information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received the transmission in error, please immediately notify us by telephone to arrange for return of the documents. 09/02/U5 U8 : ZU 'a4UU dov u4vu I nam 11tin ASPHALT MIX DESIGN CHECKLIST AIRPORT' Kalispell Airport-2005 PROJECT NO.: DATE: 8/1512005 DESCRIPTION TEST NO. SPEC LIMITS TESTED VALUE COMMENTS COARSE AGGREGATE: FRACTURED FACES: 1FACE 2 FACE FLATIELONGATED PIECES 5:1 WEAR SOUNDNESS SODIUM SULFATE MAGNESIUM SULFATE ASTM D 4791 ASTM C 131 ASTM C88 ASTM C88 65% MIN. 50% MIN. 8% MAX. 40% MAX. 10% MAX. 13%- MAX, 100 wtin limits 99 w/in limits 6.3 W/in limit's w/In limits w/in limits n/a FINE AGGREGATE: DELETERIOUS MATERIAL LIQUID LIMIT P1 NATURAL SAND SAND EQUIVALENT FAA P-401 ASTM D 4318 ASTM D 4318 % BY Wr. ASTM 2419 25 MAX. 6 MAX, 20% MAX. 40 MIN. w/in limits Granular wfin limits w/in limits -NP w/in limns 62 Win limits OTHER: FILLER AGGREGATE GRADATION AC ASTM D 242. FAA P-401 AASHTO MP1 FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 (MS-2) FAA P-401 AASHTO MP1 ASTM D1 075 ASTM01075 ASTM REQ. SEE E46 SEE P-401-2.3 n/a wrin limits wAn limits PG 58-28 per spec. JOB MIX PARAMETERS: MARSHALL- DESIGN (SEE TABLE 1) NUMBER OF SLOWS STABILITY FLOW ;:: AIR VOIDS IN PLACE VMA (TABLE 2) BITUMEN CONTENT INDEX OF RETAINED STRENGTH DRY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH MIX TEMPERATURE COMPACTION TEMPERATURE IRAP 50 1350 MIN, 10-18 2.8-4.2 14 MIN. 5-7.5 75 MIN. 200 MIN 50 per spec. 2510 W/in limits 12 wfin limits 3.7 Win limits 14.9 wAn limits 5.5 w/in limits 84 wAn limits 237 Win limits 300 280 0.0, + w/in limfts, HM 2=651361F401 MIX-50 Blow 912/2005 @ 8:35 PM DATE: G-- �(— Truck Manifest • Certificate of • • DELIVERY DATE: .` .. TIME: MRC SALES ORDER NO.: COST. ORDER NO.: ' A-4924 SOLD TO: PROJ. NO.: u Lt. W'TFk CONST. DESTINATION: iL4111:1PRILL AIRPOR KALXWEL T , Mr FREIGHT —COLLECT ( PREPAID(-__ -• - _ . HIS IS YOUR AUTHORITY TO LOAD PRODUCT 'T., ......:: ,:_ NTQTRUCKORCARRIER: GROSS WT. NETSPHALT - >" � � �' NET TOTAL � L GALLONS � `" ` GALLONS =� .•tom _' GALLON9� TARE WT L /y} 1 !� �ApSSPHALT,� ;`: Ytl 1 ..3 .:t if .s.3 ADD . VVT .,�f .:t .. . V � SEAL NO. 3r NET WT. j' VVT GAL I GAL. GRAVITY @ 60' NETTON5 `` 1 \ LOADING TEMP. r TOTAL WT. / GAL. V , S 6 TRUCK NO. //O , TRAILER NO. 0 '- QUANTITY HM D.O.T. CLASSIFICATION PRODUCT NET (SUBJECTTOI WEIGHT \CORRECTION/ 3 3 E® ELEVATED TEMPERATURE LIQUID, N.O.S., 9, Pol 58-28 UN 3257, 111 Use Emergency Response Guide 128 (see reverse side) TARS, LIQUID, 3, UN 1999, III Use Emergency Response Guide 130 (see reverse side) FUEL OIL, 3, NA 1993, III Use Emergency Response Guide 128 (see reverse side) FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY SHIPPER'S CERTIFICATION: SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT "This is to certify that the above -named materials are properly CALL CHEMTREC DAY OR NIGHT.: classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in 800-424-9300 proper condition for transportation according to the applicable Use Emergency Response Guide 128 or 130 (see. reverse side) regulations of the Department of Transportation.1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE The shipment of material identified and covered by this B/L complies with specifications applicable to the above ' identified project for the type and grade of material represented and that the conveyance was inspected and found to be free of contaminating material MONTANA.REFINING COMPANY LOADED, _BY`_ SHIPPED FROM. 's'Great Fa11s, Montana g This order is placed with the understanding that I (we) assume full responsibility for delivery at destination shown and' case w' product be unloaded at any other point. Payment will be made in accordance with :the applicable sales contract _ - MCMANUS t'$I? r r4b TRANSPORTER: DRIVER'S SIGNATURE` attf' c1.li:tt tt +.. �.h- n...'u ,�a_s:i :. •_ - RECEIVED BY: .t5 _. �. _ AGENT FOR CONSIGNEE DATE t..,..t. t I1xF.'., aJt•.—,.. r, . y ai 4,. �'�" t¢; ".y T�jd st-t f- .,J to Cu - x t� - TOME Fomix#MRC 999—•6/01 O O N 00 N O M 0 tf O N C O m a _ CA M N r co00 to LO O LO r LO C\l"" '3% M M r- 0 O M 'ct d' M L(') � MM m m CY) Lo- r O O CA S'.. 0) m 0) 0) 0 'M O O O ,':� =O ... O O c0 O c0 O co N O co O O 0) O O O CO-77 r r r O O W _f P of LU 0 N O O LO C0 r N N: M r O LO O O r d CD Cl) r d M r �f N O co O co r M r d O d r d 0-ry U . r N (0 � '..... M O d: rco- O Lq r r LO W C) CO (0 (0 O (D M (D pp, (C) (D (D co (o U`— Cl) 00 CD O ( ce) M" O d N r d F— Q - M M co M" Cl) Cl) Cl) N C,i_. M CO d Q CD c0 (D .:'CD: (D cD O (D M. (0 M CD CO. m c LO M M ti O co N N CN M M N N N co M N LO LO in LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO d O 0 0 O O O o O O o O C)CD0 O (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' N N N > N N N N Q- M C0 CD N L).... 0) 6) 0) O 0) 0) 0) 0)LO 0000 co . � L.L W Z O W O Q a. LO O O CV 00 N O T• x w U) ry D O U o U O Z N U tf O Q 0-0) n .L C ct) Z L O U m N � m Y U) O IT n W o v; T cq Mi o rn T rn r N M co '�' Ch c') N ch M N N co M c+M M t0 LC)'; rt co d; '�t= LLB N u O M f� O CD, O N O T, O CO to CO :G7 co co ti ; 0O' co co co cE3' co co 1- r N CD LL) CD ;d' LO CD LL LL O N co r.r3 LO LO LO .N co O d• ;in O I� co '�1' d' O O OLn d' (D Mo N N N Ni""I":M N N N N N N ` M - O L' Lf') O N Liz O N m° ° M M M -'" Oc') M N Cm - �-.,N. ti co M Lq co N 0) o Lo LO LC O LO LOCD p a T N M 't N M a T N M V Z cs �t L6; LA 0 U> i32 LD CO CD CO L4. U -� - LO L n LO 0 U) Ln U) Lo O O O O O O O O O O �'o 0 O O O CD O O O O 0O ' c � N N N N I QOL rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn ; M5-� W O W W W 0 W Q CL LO O O N N O r' X W U) w D OULo O C Ur O O Z N U 2$ d �_ C U) Q U YL p U m Z _ � c vQi z U CD Y U) O c� G W LO CD O Lp N c0. C\j�: cr m m m m (m' Cs N i cII LOO I` r �. = N C 0- € -- M; ' D CO W W W LIL Cl) ti o O ao L6 (o O CL a M d d 77 OLLJ LLO M U')N H M U Co co Co (o (O; (n Q co co (O (o M cV N N (V - o 0 LEHI QO O J` 0 Z N o �'. co (o O r 00 ri v ri CO O.; Lt' L , " VC\I d. U r� rl- co r E(L v co m ti m €�? d O u (D IT co LO o (DN N N N J U) Q CA o M N M >M 0 3 p 5 r N M Z Cs r r— r r- M O O O O O O Ocu O E ITEM P-401 BITUMINOUS PAVING COURSE MIX Project No. 050927-0441 Kalispell City Airport 2005 Schellinger Construction ASPHALT CORE TEST REPORT Report Date: 10/28/2005 Report Revised: 12/21/2005 Lot Sublot Core , Specimen No - I Staboning Offset Thickness (in) 1 1 M1 Taxiway E, Sta 11+71 4' Lt 3 1/16 1 1 1 2 11 M2 Taxiway E, Sta 10+90 Taxiway E, Sta 12+58 CL 8' Lt 3 3/16 214/16 1 2 J2 Taxiway E, Sta 11+05 CL 3 4/16 1 3 M3 Taxiway E, Sta 11+76 5' Rt 211/16 1 3 J3 Taxiway E, Sta 12+10 CL 3 8/16 2 1 M4 Taxiway B, Sta 11+45 5' Lt 3 1/16 2 1 J4 Taxiway B, Sta 11+02 CL 3 2 2 2 2 M5 J5 Taxiway C, Sta 12+27 Taxiway C, Sta 11+96 5Rt CL 3 1/16 310/16 2 3 M6 Taxiway D, Sta 11+05 71 Lt 215/16 2 3 J6 Taxiway D, Sta 10+65 CL 3 6/16 2 4 M7 Taxiway E, Sta 14+16 10' Rt 2 3/16 2 4 J7 Taxiway E, Sta 14+38 CL 213/16 3 3 1 1 M8 J 8 Taxiway F, Sta 11 +42 Taxiway F, Sta 11 +30 21 . 5' Lt 12-5' Lt 3 3 9/16 3 3 2 2 M9 J 9 Taxiway F, Sta 11 + 19 Taxiway F, Sta 13+39 3' Lt CL 3 5/16 214/16 3 3 3 3 M10 J10 Taxiway G, Sta 10+81 Taxiway G, to 11+65 8' Lt CL 2 7/16 3 2/16 3 4 Mil Access Road, Sta 23+13 4' Rt 210/16 3 4 ill Taxiway G, Sta 13+49 CL 3 7/16 4 4 1 i M12 J12 Taxiway A, Sta 12+59 Taxiway A, Sta 15+29 1111: CL 215116 3 4 2 M13 Taxiway A, Sta 18+34 12' Lt 210/16 4 2 J13 Taxiway A, Sta 19+15 CL 212/16 4 3 M 14 Taxiway A, Sta 14+96 5' Rt 2 9/16 4 3 J14 Taxiway A, Sta 11 +27 CL 2 6/16 4 4 M15 Taxiway A, Sta 23+11 51 Rt 2 11 /16 4 4 J15 Taxiway A, Sta 22+46 CL 2 7/16 Reviewed By: William M. Hoffma T. PAGE ONE V. ITEM P-401 BITUMINOUS PAVING COURSE MIX Project No. 050927-0441 Kalispell City Airport 2005 Schellinger Construction ASPHALT CORE TEST REPORT Report Date: 10/28/2005 Report Revised: 12/21/2005 Lot 1 Sublot 5 1 5 1 Core Specimen No M16 J16 Stationing Apron, Taxiway A. Sta 24+07 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 24+12 Offset 179' Rt 192' Rt Thickness in); 211116 2 6/16 5 5 5 2 2 3 M17 J17 M18 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 23+44 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 23+55 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 23+19 379' Rt 223' Rt 295' Rt 2 15/16 2 7/16 3 4/16 5 3 J18 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 22+98 200' Rt 2 15/16 1 M19 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 22+66 316' Rt 3 6/16 6 6 1 2 jig M20 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 22+61 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 22+08 208' Rt 359' Rt 2 14/16 2 13/16 6 2 J20 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 22+31 203' Rt 2 12/16 6 r6 3 IV21 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+70 384' Rt 2 12/16 6 6 3 4 4 J21 M22 J22 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+90 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+56 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+50 326' Rt 382' Rt 141' Rt 2 11/16 2 12/16 3 7 1 M23 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+27 222' Rt 3 3/16 7 7 7 1 2 2 J23 -- M24 J24 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+21 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+03 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+07 105' Rt 90' Rt 407' Rt 2 12/16 2 13/16 2 11/16 7 1 3 M25 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 20+91 156' Rt 2 12/16 7 1 3 J25 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 20+81 155' Rt- 2 13/16 7 4 M26 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 20+66 141' Rt 2 11/16 7 4 J26 Apron, Taxiway A, Sta 21+65 68' Rt 2 13/16 Reviewed By: William M. Hoffman, PAGE TWO o U V r \ v o o � o y tq iVi i0.+ LO € \ LO H dU u� ' O O N O y O d Q Q N s. 4 C t� ',0 \ .2 \ CV � � O v m U Q) Co co C� cV bbo 'S u(�CaQ�l�l un ei Om N r \ bo-40 U � Q � Q Q X 0� ° m.Q ¢, C7 a 4 P'� cn H sa_ m c a ti a o a c c� j� o 0 ,-r ~ N 0. Raw c c y a+ E E 80l000�cl ae5 - N O i •- cd o o Ci as Jz Q Q _ 3 Lir _ W 00 O N N w w i F� l� e j-i- O CL ------------ id CV "rol M N OM N d d ct d 0. d "o Q V� ro d d = d c V C � O � cl •C d C c� � � R O G. 4 C Lam. a a a s C7 w a s � .� S cn E- w N 0 0 o O O o b CD o � > y 211 O bA � N � O � O N W N � V v' G 0 0 0 0 O 0 TJ O 0 3 0 Q a b x da U m a x CIO of y 3 . .. .. .. . C � o a � z cu ou � a O O •U /�I /�I U c� K.2 y y U 7 7 O M U U se - cd C* y 3 S 8 Q 4 t� O O U U U V U U U 4. r 3 aQ aQ� x� caA olC 0 M F o 00 °O 00 00 � N (� 00 00 •bU0 U f=. 7 N Ri Chi °p J A q Q A Ca ¢ Co N ,o N � N y NN N N ro C'lM. v� A co Q [5a Q V ¢ Q Q Q 5A 5 5 n � a 0 •� G. c�^.3 sf C6 � 4 7 z F � u U 47 � w •U 1: J^' a a O U y5 p O U O G. 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