3. Appendix B - CertificationsKalispell City Airport — North End Surfacing_ Improvements QJ OWN HWei DI I I, Record of Engineering Selection and Contract Negotiations Sponsor Certification for Selection of Consultants Sponsor Certification for Project Plans and Specifications Sponsor Certification for Equipment / Construction Contracts Consultant Certification for Project Testing Sponsor Certification of Testing Laboratories Sponsor Certification of Final Project Acceptance Final Report Appendix C 3 Notice to Airport Engineers was advertised by the City of Kalispell, the Sponsor, in February 19, 2003 in the City's newspaper and via email to Montana airport engineering consultants; + Statements of Qualifications were received and reviewed by the City of Kalispell. Two firms were short-listed and additional information was requested; + The Sponsor selected Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) as Airport Engineer on April 16, 2003 through City Council action for a variety of improvement to the Kalispell City Airport 2003-2008; + Since it was determined that the Radio Towers needed to be mitigated before any Federal Funds could be spent at the Airport, separate Task Orders were executed to proceed with eligible and non -eligible work at the Kalispell City Airport; + The City of Kalispell reviewed the engineering fees for each Task Order associated with this project and based on their experience in hiring professional services for a variety of civil engineering projects they negotiated and approved the following: RPA TASK ORDER #2: FIELD SURVEYING $ 5,700.00 TASK ORDER #3: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING $10,800.00 . TASK ORDER #4: DESIGN ENGINEERING $40,170.00 TASK ORDER #6: CONSTRUCRTION MANAGEMENT $48,370.00 TASKL ORDER #7: ALP UPDATE1 $16,700.00 TOTAL ENGINEERING FEE:1 $121,740.00 + After review of each Task Order, the City of Kalispell felt the proposed fee was reasonable and accepted and signed each. Overall the $121,740 represents 9.1% of the Construction Costs. + The Sponsor accepted the Agreement to Furnish Engineering Services on February 22, 2005; Robert Peccia & Associates F:\AIRPORTS\KALISPELL CITY-2003\KCA FINAL REPORPAPPENDLY BVEG-HIST.doc Attachment 1 SPONSOR CERTIFICATION FOR SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS City of Kalispell Kalispell City Sponsor's Name Airport North End Surfacing Project Description Project Number Section 47105 (d) of Title 49, U.S.C, Subtitle VII, Part B (P.L.103-272, as amended), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors form fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. If the item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A". General procurement standards for consultant services within Federal grant programs are described in 49 CFR 18.36. Sponsors may use other qualifications -based procedures provided they are equivalent to specific standards in 49 CFR 18 and Advisory Circular 150/5100-14. 1. Advertisements were placed to ensure fair and open competition from a wide area of interest. Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 2. For contracts over $25,000, consultants were selected using competitive procedures based on qualifications, Yes® No❑ N/A❑ experience, and disadvantaged business enterprise requirements with the fee determined through negotiation. 3. An independent cost analysis was performed, and a record of negotiations has been prepared reflecting the Yes❑ Non N/A❑ considerations involved in the establishment of fees. 4. If engineering or other services are to be performed by sponsor force account personnel, prior approval was Yes❑ No❑ N/A® obtained from FAA. 5. The consultant services contracts clearly establish the scope of work and delineate the division of responsibilities Yes® No❑ N/A❑ between all parties engaged in carrying out elements of the project. 6. Costs associated with work ineligible for AIP funding are clearly identified and separated from eligible items. Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 7. All mandatory contract provisions for grant -assisted contracts have been included in all consultant services Yes® No❑ N/A❑ contracts. 8. If the contract is awarded without competition, pre -award review and approval was obtained from FAA. Yes❑ No❑ N/A® 9. Cost -plus -percentage -of -cost methods of contracting prohibited under Federal standards were not used. Yes❑ No❑ NIA® 10. If the services being procured cover more than the single grant project referenced in this certification, the Yes® No❑ N/A❑ scope of work was specifically described in the advertisement, and future work will not be initiated beyond three years. I certify that, for the project identified herein, the responses to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, if any, are correct and complete. Dated: CD L James Patrick, City Manager Typed Name and Title of Sponsor's Representative SEA -ADO -Form C7 Page 18 Attachment 2 City of Kalispell Kalispell City Sponsor's Name Airport North End Surfacing Project Description Project Number Section 47105 (d) of Title 49, U.S.C, Subtitle VII, Part B (P.L.103-272, as amended), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors form fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. If the item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A". General AIP standards are described in Advisory Circular 15015100-6,15015100-15, and 15015100-16. A list of current advisory circular with specific standards for design or construction of airports and procurement or installation of airport equipment and facilities is referenced in Grant Assurance 34. 1. The plans and specifications were developed in accordance with all applicable Federal standards and requirements, and no deviation from or modification to standards set forth in the advisory circular (was) (will be) necessary other than those previously approved by FAA. 2. Specifications for the procurement of equipment are not proprietary or written so as to restrict competition. At least two manufacturers can meet the specification. 3. The development included in the plans is depicted on an airport layout plan approved by FAA. 4. Development which is ineligible for AIP funding has been omitted from the plans and specifications, or included on a separate bid schedule. S. Process control and acceptance tests required for the project by standards contained in Advisory Circular 150/5370-10 are included in the project specifications. 6. If a value engineering clause is incorporated into the contract, concurrence was obtained from FAA. 7. The plans and specifications incorporate applicable requirements and recommendations set forth in FederaIly- approved environmental finding. Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes❑ No❑ N/A® Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes❑ No❑ N/A® Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 8. For construction activities within or near aircraft operational areas, the requirements contained in Advisory Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Circular 150/5370-2 have been discussed with FAA and incorporated into the specifications. A safety/phasing plan has been prepared, the FAA concurrence (has been) (will be) obtained, if required. 9. The project will be physically completed without Federal participation in costs due to errors or omissions in the Yes® No❑ N/A❑ plans and specifications which were foreseeable at the time of project design. I certify that, for the project identified herein, the responses to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, if any, are correct and complete. Signed: Authorized Representative James Patrick, City Manager Typed Name and Title of Sponsor's Representative SEA -ADO -Form C7 Page 19 Dated: Attachment 3 SPONSOR CERTIFICATION FOR EQUIPMENT/CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS City of Kalispell Kalispell City Sponsor's Name Airport Project Number North End Surfacing Project Description Section 47105 (d) of Title 49, U.S.C, Subtitle VU, Part B (P.L.103-272, as amended), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors form fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. N the item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A". Standards for advertising and awarding equipment and construction contracts within Federal grant programs are described in 49 CFR 18.36. Sponsors may use their procurement procedures reflecting State and local laws or regulations provided procurements conform to specific standards in 49 CFR 18 and Advisory Circulars 15015100-6,15015100-15, and 150/5100-16. 1. A code or standard of conduct is in effect governing the performance of the sponsor's officers, employees, or agents in soliciting and awarding procurement contracts. 2. Qualified personnel are engaged to perform contract administration, engineering supervision, and construction inspection and testing. 3. The procurement was publicly advertised using the competitive sealed bid method of procurement. 4. The request for bids clearly and accurately describes all administrative and other requirements of the equipment and/or services to be provided. Concurrence will be obtained from FAA prior to contract award under any of the following circumstances: a. Only one qualified person/firm submits a responsive bid, b. The contract is to be awarded to other than the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, c. Life cycle costing is a factor in selecting the lowest responsive bidder, and Proposed contract prices are more than 10% over the sponsor's cost estimate. 6. All contracts exceeding $100,000, require a bid guarantee of 5%, a performance bond of 100%, and a payment bond of 100%. Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No[] N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Yes® No❑ N/A❑ 7. Contracts exceeding $100,000, contain provisions or conditions specifying administrative, contractual, and legal remedies, Yes® No❑ N/A❑ including contract termination, for those instances in which contractors violate or breach contract terms. They also contain provisions requiring compliance with applicable standards and requirements issued under Section 306 of the Clean Air Act (42 USC 1857 (h)), Section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1368), Executive Order 11738, and environmental protection regulations (40 CFR Part 15). 8. All construction contracts involving labor contain provisions insuring that in the employment of labor honorably discharged Yes® No❑ N/A❑ Vietnam era veterans and disabled veterans will be given preference. 9. All construction contracts exceeding $2,000 contain provisions requiring compliance with the Davis -Bacon Act and bid Yes® No❑ N/A❑ solicitations contain a copy of the current Federal wage rate determination. Provisions requiring compliance with Sections 103 and 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 USC 327-330) and the Copeland "Anti Kick Back" Act are included. 10. All construction contracts exceeding $10,000 contain appropriate clauses form 41 CFR Part 60 for compliance with Equal yes® No[] N/A❑ Employment Opportunity Executive Order 11246. 11. All contracts and subcontracts contain clauses required from Title V1 Civil Rights Assurances and 49 CFR 23 for Yes® No❑ N/A[:] Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. 12. Appropriate checks have been made to assure that contracts or subcontracts are not awarded to those individuals or furors Yes® No[] N/A❑ suspended, debarred, or voluntarily excluded from doing business with any DOT element and appearing on the DOT Unified List. I certify that, for the project identified herein, the respo es to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the ttachments, if any, are correct and complete Q & ����---- Signed: Dated: ponsor' Authorized Representative Typed Name and Title of SEA -ADO -Form C7 Page 20 Airport: Kalispell City Airport Project No.: 0302.100 Project Description: Construction of new asphalt taxiway system, construction of a new asphalt apron with 33 aircraft parking locations, installation of 18" RCP storm drain system providing site drainage, pavement markings, taxiway retroreflective markers, new access control gate and access road, minor electrical improvements. All final tests and quality control requirements were performed per the project specifications. Tests that failed or did not meet the applicable standard were highlighted. Pay reductions were applied as required by the specifications or corrective measures required for control tests were completed. A summary of all final tests and quality control requirements has been provided to the Sponsor. All tests required in the final report, per FAA Engineering Guidance 99-03 and ADO handout for Development Plans and Specifications under A1P, have been provided to the FAA. Consultant: Phil Porrini, P.E. - Project Manager - Robert Peccia & Associates m Signed: Sponsor: Fred Leistiko alispell City Airport Manager Signed: Spon : James Patrick, City Manager, City of Kalispell fAairportsucalispell city-2003\kca fmal reportdappendix Mtestcert.doc City of Kalispell Sponsor's Name Project Description: City of Kalispell 0302.100 Airport Project Number Construction of new asphalt taxiway system, construction of a new asphalt apron with 33 aircraft parking locations, installation of 18" RCP storm drain system providing site drainage, pavement markings, taxiway retroreflective markers, new access control late and access road, minor electrical improvements. Sections P-401-3.5 of Advisory Circular 150/5370-10A, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports, requires testing laboratories meet certification requirements prior to the start of construction. These laboratories were used to develop job mix formulas and perform quality assurance tests for construction of bituminous pavements. We hereby certify that the testing laboratories listed below met the requirements of ASTM D 3666 for bituminous pavement, and have shown evidence of participation in an accredited program. HKM Engineering, Inc. P.O. Pox 31318 Billings, Montana 59102 Name of P-401 Mix Design Testing Agency GMT Consultants, Inc. P.O. Pox 7847 Missoula, Montana 59807 Name of P-401 Quality Control Testing Agency American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (AASHT®) Name of Accreditation Program Sponsor's Authorized Representative Date Fred Leistiko, Kalispell City Airport Manager Spon s Authorized Representative Date James Patrick City Manager, City of Kalispell Sponsor's Engineering Representative Phil Porrini, P.E. - Project Manager - Robert Peccia & Associates faairports\kaHspell city-2003Vcca final report\appendix b\testcert.doc Attachment 5 SPONSOR CERTIFICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE City of Kalispell Kalispell City Sponsor's Name Airport North End Surfacing Project Description Project Number Section 47105 (d) of Title 49, U.S.C, Subtitle VII, Part B (P.L.103-272, as amended), authorizes the Secretary to require certification from sponsors that they will comply with statutory and administrative requirements. The following list of certified items includes major requirements for this aspect of project implementation. However, the list is not comprehensive, nor does it relieve sponsors form fully complying with all applicable statutory and administrative standards. Every certified item must be marked. Each certified item with a "no" response must be fully explained in an attachment to this certification. If the item is not applicable to this project, mark the item "N/A". General requirements for final acceptance and close-out of Federally funded construction projects are in 49 CFR 18.50. The sponsor shall determine that project costs are accurate and proper in accordance with specific requirements of the Grant Agreement and contract documents. 1. The personnel engaged in project administration, engineering supervision, and construction inspection and testing were Yes® No❑ N/A❑ determined to be qualified and competent to perform the work. 2. Daily construction records were kept by the resident engineer/construction inspector. These records document work in Yes® Non N/A❑ progress, quality and quantity of materials delivered, test locations and results, instructions provided the contractor, weather, equipment use, labor requirements, safety problems, and changes required. 3. Weekly payroll records and statements of compliance were submitted by the prime contractor and reviewed by the sponsor Yes® Non N/A[:] for Federal labor and civil rights requirements (Advisory Circulars 15-15100-6 and 15015100-15). 4. Complaints regarding the mandated Federal provisions set forth in the contract documents have been submitted to FAA. Yes® Non N/A[:] 5. All tests specified in the plans and specifications were performed and the test results documented. A summary of test results Yes® No❑ N/A❑ is available to FAA. 6. For any test results outside allowable tolerances, appropriate corrective actions were taken. Yes® No❑ N/A[:] 7. Payments to the contractor were made in compliance with contract provisions and verified by the sponsor's internal audit of Yes® No❑ N/A❑ contract records kept by the resident engineer. If appropriate, pay reduction factors required by the specifications were applied in computing final payments and a summary of pay reductions has been available to FAA. 8. The project was accomplished without significant deviations, changes, or modifications from the approved plans and Yes® No[:] N/A❑ specifications, except where approval was obtained from FAA. 9. A final project inspection was conducted with representatives of the sponsor and the contractor. Project files contain Yes® No[:] N/A❑ documentation of the final inspection. 10. Work in the Grant Agreement was physically completed and corrective actions required as a result of the final inspection Yes® No❑ N/A❑ were completed to the satisfaction of the sponsor. 11. The as -built plans and an equipment inventory, if applicable, have been submitted to FAA. If requested, a revised airport Yes® No[:] N/A[:] layout plan was made available to FAA. 12. Applicable close-out financial reports have been submitted to FAA. Yes® No❑ N/A❑ I certify that, for the project identified herein, the responses to the forgoing items are correct as marked, and that the attachments, if any, are correct and complete. Dated: James Patrick, City Manager Typed Name and Title of Sponsor's Representative SEA -ADO -Form C7 Page 22