05-22-12 Conrad Mansion MinutesConrad Mansion Museum
Board of Directors Meeting
May 22, 2012 — 3:30 p.m.
Present: Gennifer Sauter, Executive Director; Margot Jaumotte, Assistant Director; Mark
Norley, President; Everit Sliter; Theresa White; Rita Fitzsimmons; Sue Corrigan; Beth Collier;
Gini Ogle
Absent: Gary Havens; Colleen Unterreiner; Vanessa Ceravolo; Teri Iwersen; Chris Vick
Call to Order by Mark
Approval of Minutes as submitted. Motion by Ev/Sue second/motion carried.
Mansion Picture Book — Presentation by Rita of book design. Rita needs proofing
completed and sponsors committed asap. Sponsor cost $500 for logo and contact
information. Ready to print by early June. Cost of production $5000/printing cost $5000.
Book to sell for $15 - $18. Each Board Member asked to locate 2 sponsors & notify
Gennifer as to names by June 4.
Death by Chocolate — Gennifer and Margo reported on the event which they will
critique for future events. This year's profit was $6,866.79. Approximately 700
volunteer hours to accomplish. The Board decided to give Leah Lindsay a stipend of
$100.00. Motion by Sue/Rita second/motion carried.
Copyrights for "The Conrad Cat" and "Ghost" are being negotiated with Mike Kofford
and the Conrad Mansion. Vanessa was not present to speak to this.
Safety Rail — Materials for the grand staircase have been selected. Oak rails and brass
hangers at an approximate cost of $97.00 will be purchased. Tisch will be contacted to
install which was estimated at $100.00. Gen will write a grant proposal to Flathead
electric for this project as well as inspection of wiring for safety. Ev moved approval of
$200Beth second/motion carried.
Update on Admission Prices for 2012 — Adults, $10; Seniors, $9 (65 Yrs.); Students, $6;
Children, $4. These prices have been in effect and there have been no complaints. 226
visitors reported to date for 2012.
Basement improvements — a relief/meeting room for the staff has been completed by
Tisch at the cost of $747.00.Mark has donated $750.00 for this project so no cost to the
Gun Loan — The Montana Historical Society has agreed to loan the Conrad Mansion 9 of
the Conrad fire arms. The guns may not be altered and we are required to insure the guns
for $12,700 and present MHS with certificate of insurance. The guns will be locked in a
repository during the off season.
New Guide Staff — We had 9 applicants, 3 out of 4 passed the test; 6 others in training.
Membership — Donor envelope is being redesigned. We are hoping the membership
drive will encourage an increase of 30 % to total 100 members. A "Friends of the
Mansion" group for corporate donors was discussed. Also a fund raising campaign in
2014 was suggested to coincide with the Mansion's 40th anniversary. Motion to approve
report by Ev/Rita second/motion carried.
Education — The committee has been working diligently on the trunk and will bring to
next meeting. Kristen will help with a publicity campaign to educators and possibly
Parks and Rec.
Paint the Mansion — advertised on web site for Tuesday, August 20. This is a difficult
event to organize and create as a fund raiser for the Mansion. Ideas were discussed but
nothing determined.
Newsletter — Money has been allocated for a newsletter mailing which Kristin would like
to send to current and past members in July.
Volunteer - Mark and Gen are working on policy and parameters for Mansion
Gennifer has a CD of the Mansion picture book that Board members can use to show prospective
sponsors for the book. A list of potential sponsors will be compiled and each Board member is
asked to contact two.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55. Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 27, 3:00 — 5:00 in City
Respectfully submitted by
Gini Ogle, Secretary