09-21-05 Airport MinutesCity of Kalispell AIRPORT ADVISORY COUNCIL Minutes — August 24, 2005 Present: Airport Advisory Board Members Keith Robinson, Scott Richardson, Rod Bitney; Absent: Tom Weber, Gib Bissell, Dan Snyder; City of Kalispell Staff Jim Patrick, Becky Spain, Fred Leistiko. Guest Present: Chuck Manning, Pete Gross The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. with no quorum for an official meeting. The August minutes were not approved as we had no quorum. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. WEB PAGE DESIGN: Airport diagram is done. Have access links for FAA, Great Falls Airport, State Aeronautics, SOP's, Minimum Standards. Should be up an accessible within 30 days pending funding. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES: We have received the input back from the FAA and have incorporated it into our SOP. Discussed allowing self fueling and that they would need to meet all the requirements. Red Eagle will have a fuel farm and refueling area. Jim Patrick thanked everyone for their input. Rod Bitney asked if the city would have further discussion of comments. Jim stated that everyone had a chance to give input at the past meetings, and the city council does not need to approve the SOP's. Additional comments are always welcome in the form of a letter addressed to the City Manager and Airport Manager. The SOP's can be changed at any time, we do not need to wait a year or five years, if something is not working we can always amend. The SOP's will take affect October 1, 2005. If anyone wishes to conduct business on the airport, but does not have an office on the airport, they will be required to have an Independent Contractor license from the State which will cost $125 and then you will need to bring that into the City and we will issue you a permit to operate on the Airport for twelve months (yearly cost is $150). MINIMUM STANDARDS: We have received comments back from the FAA, tenants and council. The Minimum Standards have been changed a little and will be in affect as of October 1, 2005. These Standards have been put together based on information in the FAA Advisory Circular. FAA has approved the Standards after a few changes were made. Dave Hoerner does not have exclusive rights for an FBO. If someone else wants to come in and sign and FBO agreement and adhere to all the requirements, they are welcome. Fred handed out the insurance requirements. FAA is not in favor of "through the fence operations" and will not permit them once we start receiving FAA funding unless certain requirements are met. The current through the fence operations may continue until Federal Funding is granted. Scott stated that he thinks these regulations are too much and are not in the spirit of what the Advisory Council advises. The Advisory Council will recommend that these not be adopted. The recommendation has been postponed until we have a quorum. The Advisory Council would like to go through the Minimum Standards on October 19th Pete asked if existing business would be grandfathered from the Minimum Standards. Jim asked that Pete show the City what he would need to be grandfather in on. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: On Friday the basic construction should be complete. With the recent rain up to 3" we had a chance to check the drainage and fix the problems. A pipe filled up with water and we had a few puddles. We will not have a ribbon cutting. The city closed on the sale of Daley Fields property to Whitefish Credit Union on Auuust 30th. The City also closed on the purchase of Dave Hoerner's property September 19t . The FBO lease is in place with Red Eagle. The City will be taking over the Armory in October and WFCU will be fencing their property in October. The Budget was handed out and reviewed. The Threshold at 13 has a lot of rocks and the old part of the runway needs to be swept. Meeting Adjourned 4:20 p.m.