Ordinance 1552 - Salary OrdinanceORDINANCE No. 1552 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 1506, FIXING THE LIMIT'S OF THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF THE CITY OFFICIALS, SUPERVISORS, AND EMPLOYEES PURSUANT TO TITLE' , CHAPTER 4, PART 42, M.C.A., Cow NC1NG ON THE DATES INDICATED HEREIN, AND REPEALfNG ALL OTHER ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. NOW THEREFORE, RE, IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KAUSPELL, AS FOLLOWS; SECTION . The salaries and compensation of City Elected Officers for the period beginning January I, 2005, are .hereby established as set out in §1 on Exhibit "A", attached hereto and which, by this reference, is made a part hereof. Appropriations shall be made to pay same when due. SECTION II. The salaries and compensation ranges of City Appointed Officers, Supervisors, Non -Union Employees and Seasonal Employees for the period beginning July 1, 2005, are hereby established ed as set out in §§ v and. VI on Exhibit C�A�>* attached hereto and which, by this reference, is made a part hereof ,Appropriations shall be made to pay same when due. SECTION 111. Longevity increments and medical insurance premiums shall be paid as provided by la, contract or as directed by the City Council. The annual service anniversary date for all Employees is July l st of each year; however, an Employee must have at least six months continuous employment by the City before being considered to have one year longevity. SECTION Iv. This Ordinance shall be in fall force and effect as regularly provided y law; salaries and compensation for Union Employees provided for under Sections II, H1, and fV shall be paid commencing as designated in the respective sections. SECTION V. All prior salary and compensation ordinances of the City and any ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSED AND APPROVED Y THE CITY COUNCIL - 1S E AND SIGN Y THE MAYOR HIS 1 DAY ' S EM ER, Zoo . t% If Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk Salary O -O . s EXHIBIT "All I. Elected City Officials Mayor Councilor Municipal ,lodge II. Police Department (Bargaining Unit Employees) See Page A - III. Fire Department. (Bargaining Unit Employees) See Page A $9,00 per annum $5,000 per annu $ 4,000 per an u Iv. ASCM Uniform/ Tool Department en Classification S ► flow Corranunity Dev, Conk Dev Admin Aide S112.97 Court Clerk of Municipal Cow 4. 4 Court Clerk 1 1.9 Finance Accounts Payable Clerk $11.90 Utility Billing Clerk $11.90 Fire/Ambulance Building Inspector $14.98 Sr. Building Inseetor $ 15. 19 Plans Reviewer $1 .03 Ambulance Billing Clerk $11.90 Parking Meter Attendant S I L $285.00 Parks & Recreation Working Foreman $15.46 Caretaker $14.31 Forester/Gardener $14.3 I Rec. Coordinator $14.48 e. Supervisor $12.76 Police Department Dispatcher/Trainer $14.67 Dispatcher $13.86 Night Shift Dispatcher $14.06 Animal Warden $14.15 S285.00 Police Dept. Clerk $11.90 A -I Public Works Finish Grader $15.74 (All divisions) Working Foreman $15.4 Construction Inspector $14.91 Engineering Technician $14.91 Grader $14.91 Lab Technician $14.91 Maintenance/Repair $14.91 Mechanic $14.91 Signs & Signals $14.91 WWTP Operator $14.91 Night Shift Street Sweeper p. $14.90 Equipment Operator $14.70 Frock Driver S,14.31 Meter Reader $14.21 Surveyor's Aide $14.12 Public Works Clerk $11.90 Meter Installer $12.95 Service Lobe $10. 1 All Departments Laborer 111 $14.1 Laborer 11 $13.05 Laborer 1 $11.90 Building Maintenance Person $11.4 Snow/Weather Event Between 1 :00 it dftilght & $5.00 4:00 AM $400.00 The above base pay is to be supplemented with longevity pay based On a rate of 1 % of a base 0 $5.00 per hour whit is 5 cents) tires years of service. Longevity pay increases will be com.puted at July 1 st. Employees will be eligible for longevity only after at least six months service prior to each July 1 st. V. City Recreation Department Crew (Seasonal .employees) Fitness Instructor $20.00 Fitness Tester $10.00 Wellness Coordinator $15.00 Recreation Aide I S5.50 Recreation Aide II $.50 Recreation Aide III $7.50 Recreation Aide IV $ .00-$10.00 Counselor 1 $5.50 Counselor 11 $.50 Head Counselor I $7.50 Head Counselor II $ .50 Head Counselor III $9.5 Specialty Instructors $ .00-$15.0 Aquatic Coordinator (same as Rec. C rdin.) $15.37 Supervisor 1 $10.39 Supervisor 11 $11.39 Shift Manager $ .50 WS1 (Swim Instructor) $.00 Lifeguard $7.50 Art 2 Water Monitor $6.00 Front I e $ .0 Maintenance $ .50 Building/Pool Maintenance $1 , 1 Laborer TI $ 1 2.7 Parks Seasonal - Laborer I $.50 Parks Seasonal - Laborer II $.50 Parks Seasonal " Laborer 11158.00-$10.00 Parks seasonal personnel will receive 10 cents per lour longevity for each full season worked adjustunents will be made at the time of refire. VI. Salaried, Non -Union, Employees 'pop and bottom ranges for fiscal years 2005, 2006 and 2007 will be automatically adjusted by the West Urban CPI. Adopted PAY GRADE CLASSIFICATION TITLE 200 /200 101 Departmental Secretary $28,147 $3 ,99 102 Administrative Specialist $295 4 $405I 0 Deputy uty City Clerk 103 Legal Secretary $3 1 A41 $42, Admin. Asst. to the City Manager 104 Community Development Specialist I $33523 $440 1. Planning Office Supervisor 105 Planner 2 S35,121 S47,413 Code Enforcement Admin. Coordinator Records Management Specialist -Police Surveyor Community Development Specialist II GIS Specialist 106 City Treasurer $37,I20 $5091 2 City Clergy. 07 Chemist $3%2 2 $525963 Municipal Court Administrator 108 Community Development Manager $41,4 4 S55�977 Associate Civil Engineer Deputy Finance Officer J 09 Design Tech/Project Manager 435F24 $ 9,162 WW P Manager Senior Planner Construction Manager A-3 110 BuildingOfficial 4 ,31 $ 2,529 Public Works Superintendent IT Manager III Police Lieutenant S48,953 $66,087 Assistant City Engineer 112 Reserved S51,73 $69x847 113 Assistant Police Chief S53,544 S7 ,9 2 Assistant Fire Chief0perations Assistant Fire Chief/Prevention Adjutant Attorney Director of Hwnan Resources 114 Director € f Conununity Development $5 ,591 79522 Director of Parks & Recreation 115 Finance Director $5 , 11 83 573 Police Chief Fire Chief Planning Director 116 Public "works Director $63,2 � 5$88501 , 7 City Attorney 98 1 2 931537 118 Reserved $709614 S98400 119 City Manager $7 5 33 S1049486 A- Police Department (Bargaining Unit Employees) Base pay: 1 .19 (July 1, 25- June 3, 6) Per Hour Ran. Pay: Sergeantll 0.130 S .36 .3 % Sergeant I 0.110 S .0 Degree 0.020 $0.36 4 8 Annual YEARS INDEX Dom l� 0 1. 18.19 S37,833-00 1 1.0130 S18.43 S38134.8 1 .0260 $18.66 $3 8,816.6 2 1.0260 18.66 3 8, 16.65 3 1. 39 $ 8.9 3973 8.48 4 1.0520 S19.13 30.31 5 1.650 S19.37 $40,292.14 1.0650 $19.37 $40,292.14 6 1.0780 19.61 40,783.97 6 1,0780 $ 19.61 $40973.97 7 140910 19.84 $ 1, 75.80 7 1.0910 S19.84 S413275 , 8 1.1040 $ 0. 8 $411767.63 9 1.1170 S2032S427 59. 6 10 1.1300 $20.554,751.8 11 1.1430 S20,79 $431243.11 12 1.1560 S21.03 $43,734.94 13 1.1690 $21.26 $44,226.77 14 L1820 S L 5 445718.6 .14 1,18 . $ 1.50 $44,718.60 14 1.1820 $21.50 $445718.60 15 1.19 0 $ 1.74 $455210.43 16 1.2080 1.97 $45,702.26 17 1.2210 $2121 S465194. 9 18 1.2340 S2145 $46,685.9 19 1.2470 $22468 $47,177,75 20 11600 0 2 .9 $4 , 6945-7 1 1,2730 2115 Wj161.4 22 12860 $ 3.39 S489653423 3 1,2990 163 $491,145 4 6 4 L3120 S218 $491 36.89 25 1,3250 $24.10 $ 50,18.7 SERGEANT : Base Pay x Index Value (17.23 x .13 SERGEANT: Base Pay x Index Value (17.23 x .11 PATROLMAN: 0 to Probation Completion, Full Base Pay. The Anniversary Date for all Unit Members will Become July 1 st of each fiscal year. Employees Must Work 135 Days to Qualify for the Step Increase for the next step, Pager pay - any bargaining wit member required to carry a pager shall be paid a additional $50,00 per month. Policemen have the Following paid holidays; New "ear's Day, Martin Luther King's Birthday, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, and General Election Day. 5 Fire Department (Bargaining Unit Employees) $15.83 Probationary Hourly Rate: Per Hour Annual I union emir 2080 Prevention Dep Fire Marshal Base $20.7931 Inspector Base $18.8241 1 HazMat Team .Pay $ 0.0200 $0.3165 $3,395.92 Captain Base $20,7931 3 USAR Team Pay $ 0.0200 $0.3165 $3,395.92 Lieutenant Base $18.8241. 3 SKF Team Pay $ 0.0200 $0.3165 $I,697.96 'Y.'lln*Y 2682 Firefighter $ 0.0150 C,..:.. nN��r� Ii a ri [1+l .7uPI-FA caaXor l,17,K I ^.R .D V V i IUV 3 I n,rn .pi. 1 V I y VIN n� s AT n ■ P4 Y! J .'+3 G14 Senior Firefighter $ 0A:200 EMT-B Wendorsemew $ 0.0350 $0.5540 $1,485.72 1 Training Officer (Fire & EMS) $0.8277 $2,219,89 Annual increase 2.80% total union employees 25 1 0.04788 0.1436 0.0025 0.0145 ADDITIONAL COST TO CITY w BENEFITS $16.06 FF &/or Sr F: Base Annual WORKERS' IBI~NEFITS # of na .015 +1.0: Hourly Sala Certification-ainin&Q c FY06 CUSS COMP ET1.REM U 1 M.EDIC�.RF Y06 COST 1 $15.83 $42,449.04 $2,971 $45,420 $2,175 $6,522 $114 $659 $54,890 Probationary 6 $16.27 $43,637,64 $2,971 $279,654 $13,390 $40,159 $699 $4,055 $337,957 wagnelrlslewart/gerhardlcampbellljacksonlgasloli 1 $19.35 $40,250.44 $1,496 $41,736 $1,998 $5,993 $104 $605 $50,437 ruffato 2 $16.48 $44,204.90 $2,971 $94,353 $4,518 $13,549 $236 $1,368 $114,023 smartldaenzer 4 $16.69 $44,772.19 $2,971 $190,974 $9,144 $27,424 $477 $2,769 $230,789 kinzeripipolo/ehappuis/horsens 1 $16-91 $45, 39,48 $2,971 $48,311 $2,313 $6,937 $121 $701 $58,383 haves 1 $17.12 $45,906.77 $2,971 $48,878 $2,340 $7,019 $122 $709 $59,068 gormley 1 $17.33 $46,474.06 $2,971 2220 $51,665 $2,474 $7,419 $129 $749 $62,437 Soule 1 $17.54 $47,041.35 $2,971 $54,01.3 $2.,395 $7,182 $125 $725 $60,439 cherot 1 $17.96 $48,175.92 $2,971 $51,147 $2,449 $7,345 $128 $742 $61,811 dedman 1 519.35 $51,899.85 $2,971 $54,871 $2,627 $7,880 $137 $796 $66,311 pederson 2 $19.88 $53,313.47 $2,971 $112,570 $5,390 $16,165 $281 $1,632 $136,038 hadle lfischer 2 $21.96 $58,890,05 $2,971 $2,220 $125,943 $6,030 $18,085 $315 $0 $150,373 hermanlgay 1 $22.54 $60,451.53 $2,971 $63,423 $3,037 $9,108 $159 $920 $76,645 phillips $1,258,960 $60,279 $150,787 $3,147 $16,429 $1,519,601 Firemen have eleven (11) paid holidays. A - 6