2. Award Bid - 2012 Pavement Marking ProjectMay 15, 2012 REPORT TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Fred Zavodny, Project Manager SUBJECT: Award Bid — 2012 Pavement Marking Project BACKGROUND: The purpose of the project is to restore existing pavement markings (striping) on roadways throughout the City of Kalispell. Bids for the 2012 Pavement Marking Project were opened on Monday, May 14, 2012. Two bids were received. Both bids were in order and contained the Bid Bond. The Bid results for the 2012 Pavement Marking Project are as follows: CONTRACTOR BID Highmark Traffic Services, Inc., Billings, MT $ 60,826.60 Cook Painting Inc., Kalispell, MT $108,376.16 Highmark Traffic Services, Inc. is a first time bidder with the City of Kalispell. Highmark is an established company located in Billings. Highmark has provided references for recent pavement marking projects completed in Montana and Colorado. I have discussed the project with Jonathan Gonitzke, the president of the company. He is comfortable with his bid and is looking forward to working with the City of Kalispell. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the bid for 2012 Pavement Marking Project to Highmark Traffic Services Inc. in the amount of $ 60,826.60. FISCAL EFFECTS: The project will be funded by the Gas Tax Contract Services Budget Line Item. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Council. Respectfully submitted, Fred Zavkny usie T n� Charles H all Retiring Project Manager Interim Director of Public Works Interim City Manager