04/25/12 RFR No. 6&JM7 X-rellinq Ehgineeiw� Inc. Engineering planningTransportation 0 Wastewater 0 Airports 9 Water 0 Site Development 9 Structures Consulting Kalispell Office 1372 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 406.755.8602 FAX 406.755.8710 Email: Mail@stellinginc.com April 25, 2012 Mr. Charles Harball, Acting City Manager Attn: Fred Leistiko City of Kalispell 201 1st Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: Kalispell City Airport —Master Plan Update Project AIP 3-30-0043-003-2010 Dear Mr. Harball: Please find enclosed Request for Reimbursement (RFR) No. 6 and updated Progress Report for the Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update, AIP 3-30-0043-003-2010. Please sign the RFR and mail it with the enclosed letter and invoices directly to Gary Gates at the FAA. I have also enclosed a copy of the RFR package for your files. RFR No. 6 includes the following: Engineering Fees Task 1 — Master Plan Update — 100% Complete $1,350.00 Task 3 — Public Outreach Program — 100% Complete 1,850.24 Subtotal Engineering Fees $3,200.24 Total Allowable Costs $3,200.24 Federal Share (95% of Allowable) $3,040.00 Sponsor Share (5%) $160.24 In approximately two (2) to three (3) weeks, you will receive a direct deposit from the FAA in the amount of $3,040.00 The Federal government requires you to make payment on outstanding claims within five (5) business days of receiving your reimbursement. Upon receipt of your FAA payment on RFR No. 6, please make the following payments: Stelling Engineers, Inc. $3,200.24 Sincerely, Jeff Walla, P.E. Stelling Engineers, Inc. JW:aa Enclosure Z:\Project-Active\Airports\0043 - Kalispell City\003-2010\Grants\RFR's\RFR No. 6\0043-003-2010 RFR No 6 Transmit Harball.doc NESrelling Enginee E-g i Sri . Transportath Great Faiis Office �i 614 Park Drive South Great Falls, MT 59405 406.452.8600 • Fax: 406.452.8; Email: mail@stellinginc.com City of Kalispell 306 1 st Avenue East PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 For Professional Services through April 20, 2012 Tax I D#: 81-0513236 Invoice number 2881 Date 04/25/2012 Project 0043-003 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE In accordance with the Master Agreement dated February 1, 2010 and Contract Amendment No. 1 dated July 20, 2010 between City of Kalispell and Stelling Engineers, Inc. for City of Kalispell Master Plan Update Project: Invoice Summary Contract Percent Total Prior Remaining Current Description Amount Complete Billed Billed Percent Billed Task 1 Master Plan Update 45,000.00 100.00 45,000.00 43,650.00 0.00 1,350.00 Task 2 ALP Update 12,500.00 85.00 10,625.00 10,625.00 15.00 0.00 Task 3 Public Outreach Program 37,000.00 100.00 37,000.00 35,149.76 0.00 1,850.24 Task 4 Project Closeout 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 EA Update 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Marketing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 97,800.00 94.71 92,625.00 89,424.76 5.29 3,200.24 Amount Task 1 Master Plan Update Contract Amount 45,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 45,000.00 Prior Billed 43,650.00 Remaining Percent 0.00 Current Billed 1,350.00 Task 2 ALP Update Contract Amount 12,500.00 Percent Complete 85.00 Total Billed 10,625.00 Prior Billed 10,625.00 Remaining Percent 15.00 Current Billed 0.00 City of Kalispell Invoice number 2881 Invoice date 04/25/2012 Page 1 of 2 City of Kalispell Project 0043-003 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE Invoice number 2881 Date 04/25/2012 Task 3 Public Outreach Program Task 4 Project Closeout Amount Contract Amount 37,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 37,000.00 Prior Billed 35,149.76 Remaining Percent 0.00 Current Billed 1,850.24 Contract Amount 3,300.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Prior Billed 0.00 Remaining Percent 100.00 Current Billed 0.00 Total 3,200.24 Invoice total 3,200.24 Aging Summary Invoice Number Invoice Date Outstanding Current Over 30 Over 60 Over 90 Over 120 2881 Approved by: Jeffrey J. Walla Branch Office Manager 04/25/2012 Total 3,200.24 3,200.24 3,200.24 3,200.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 City of Kalispell Invoice number 2881 Invoice date 04/25/2012 Page 2 of 2 AWAC stenin-q Eng1heerin planning Transportation 9 Wastewater Airports 9 Water e Site Development 0 Structures r Kalispell Office 1372 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 406.755.8602 FAX 406.755.8710 Email: Mail@stellinginc.com April 25, 2012 Mr. Gary Gates, PE Helena Airports Division Office Federal Aviation Administration FAA Building, Suite 22725 Skyway Drive Helena, MT 59601 RE: Kalispell City Airport — Master Plan Update AIP 3-30-0043-003-2010 Dear Mr. Gates: Please find enclosed Request for Reimbursement (RFR) No. 6 for the Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update, AIP 3-30-0043-003-2010 project. RFR No. 6 includes the following: Engineering Fees Task 1 — Master Plan Update — 100% Complete $1,350.00 Task 3 — Public Outreach Program —100% Complete 1,850.24 Subtotal Engineering Fees $3,200.24 Total Allowable Costs $3,200.24 Federal Share (95% of Allowable) $3,040.00 Sponsor Share (5%) $160.24 Sincerely, Jeff Walla, P.E. Stelling Engineers, Inc. JW:aa Enclosure Z:\Project-Active\Airports\0043 -Kalispell City\003-2010\Grants\RFR's\RFR No. 6\0043-003-2010 RFR No 6 Transmit Gates.doc OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS (see instructions on back) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0348-0002 PAGE OF 1 1 1 PAGES 1. TYPE OF REQUEST [ ] FINAL [ X ] PARTIAL 2. BASIS OF REQUEST [X ] CASH [ ] ACCRUAL 3. FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED DOT -FAA 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED BY FEDERAL AGENCY DOT-FA1 ONM-2032 5. PARTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO. Six (6) 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 81-6001281 7. RECIPIENT'S ACCOUNT NUMBEF OR IDENTIFYING NUMBER 3-30-0043-003-2010 PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REQUEST FROM (Month, day, year) 3/3/2012 TO (Month, day, year) 4/2012012 9. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION Name, City of Kalispell No. and Street: 201 1 st Avenue East City, State and Kalispell, MT 59901 ZIP Code: 10. PAYEE (Where check is to be sent if different than Item 9) Name: No. and Street: City, State and ZIP Code: 11. STATUS OF FUNDS CLASSIFICATION TOTAL No. 1-4 No.5 No.6 a. Administrative expense $0,00 b. Preliminary expense $0.00 c. Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d. Architectural engineering basic fees $68,325.00 $21,099.76 $3,200.24 $92,625.00 e. Other architectural engineering fee $0.00 f. Project inspection fees $0.00 g. Land development $0.00 h. Relocation expense $0.00 i. Relocation payments to individuals and businesses $0.00 j. Demolition and removal $0.00 k. Construction and project improvement cost $0.00 1. Equipment $0.00 m. Miscellaneous cost $0.00 n. Total cumulative to data (sum of lines a thru m) $68,325.00 $21,099.76 $3,200.24 $92,625.00 o. Deductions for program income $0.00 p. Net cumulative to date (line n minus line o) $68,325.00 $21,099,76 $3,200.24 $92,625.00 q. Federal share to date $87,993.00 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbursement) $0.00 s. Total Federal share (sum oflines q and r) $87,993.00 t. Federal payments previously requested $84,953.00 u. Amount requested for reimbursement $3,040.00 v. Percentage of physical completion of project (Grant Amount $92,910.00) 94.7% 12. CERTIFICATION I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the billed costs or disbursements are In accordance with the terms of the project and that the reimbursement represents the Federal share due which has not been previously requested and that an inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. a. RECIPIENT SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTI N CIAL DATE REPORT SUBMITED TYPEDAME AND TITLE( Charles Harball TELEPHONE(Arn co d, numbe, ends ren�n^) (406) 758-7703 b. REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFYING TO LINE 11 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL DATE SIGNED 3/8/2012 TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE Jeff Walla, PE TELEPHONE (Area rode. numbe, andene iv ) 406-755-8602 AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 271 (Rev. 7-97) PREVIOUS EDITION USABLE Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 and A-110 271-103 Z:\Project-Active\Airportsk0043 - Kalispell City\003-2010\Grants\RFR's\RFR No. 6\0043-003-2010 RFR No 6.xis