Special Meeting Minutes (Evergreen) 03/27/06A SPECIAL MEETING 11 of THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD A. :oo .M., MONDAY, NCH 27, 200 , IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL IN KA ISPELL, MONTANA, MAYOR PAMELA B. KENNEDY PRESIDED. COUNCIL MEMBERS JIM A KINSoN, KARI GA RIE , BOB HAFERMAN, BOB H RRN RANDY KETYON, TIM K UESNER DUANE LARSON AND HANK o S oN WERE PRESENT. Also present: City Manager James Patrick, City Attomey Charles Harball, City Clerk Theresa White., Public Works Director .Tires Hans , .darks and Recreation Director .mike Baker, Senior Planner Sean Conrad, and Recording Secretary Judi Funk. Mayor Kennedy called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. A. AGENDA. APPROVAL rson moved approval of the Agenda. The motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The motion carried unanimously upon vote. B, PUBLIC COMMENT Darla Harmon, 32 Willow Drive, Evergreen, read a letter from Greg Barkus in favor of sewer service in Evergreen. (letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof). She also stated she is the president of Evergreen Community.Partners and said her group feels Cottonwood has a good plan for a quality subdivision which will include a bike path. Harmon said they would like to see the City cooperate with the County. Eric Mulcahy, Sands Surveying, stated he has been working with Cottonwood Estates on what he feels will be a quality development. He said the only obstacle left is suer service and asked that Resolution 5103 be approved. Henry of denberg, PO Box 2, Kalispell, spoke in favor of preserving the Soo foot limit for casinos. He also spore against the airport affected zone because he is concerned w1th the possibility of micro jets flying into the airport and residents not having any recourse. o den erg stated if this is the case, this is a serious taking .issue with other people"s properties. Mark l .l m, 615 Country Way, sole in support of the sewer resolutions, stating cooperation between the City and the County is very important. He said the sewer issue is not going to go away and he thanked the City for taking the first step for -ward. Steve Middleswo.rt , 153 Wedgewood Lane, realtor, stated he represents Gerald Gilbert and Bernard's Park. He explained that even though the property is surrounded by the RSID on all four sides, he cannot hook up to surer. He said Gilbert is just looking for service for four lots and the property will have to remain undeveloped if he can't get the service. Kalispell City Council Special Meeting; Minutes (Evergreen March 2, 2006 P . Flathead County Commissioner Gary Hall, 1.227 2 d Avenue West, Columbia Fulls, spoke in favor of the sewer extension to Cottonwood and Bernard's Park. He said the interim policy makes good sense and is a good solution until a long terra solution can be found. Hall also commented that Herron' s memo made a good point; the EPA grant was for a wastewater treatment plant for the City and County, not just the City. Joanne Nieman, 735 4th Avenue East, said she doesn't object to the Hilton hotel, but she does object to another casino in the area. Doug; Siderius, 737 Egan Road, thanked those who spoke in favor of sewer service and thanked the Council for their consideration for Cottonwood Estates. C. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUBSEQUENT COUNCIL ACTION C 1. RESOLUTION 5103 — INTERIM POLICY EVERGREEN SEWER SERVICE This resolution establishes an interim policy setting; the terns for using the Evergreen sewer system by properties located outside the Evergreen RSID 1.32. Herron moved Resolution 1. 3, a resolution establishing an interim 2006 policy setting forth the terms of usage of the Evergreen. Sewer conveyance system by properties outlying the Flathead County Sewer District No. I RSID No. 132. The motion was seconded. Patrick gave a staff report and stated the concern is that we are rushing into this, adding it's premature to decide on a plan of action without first seeing the facilities plan update. Herron stated he does not believe we are rushing anything because we have been dealing with thj*s issue since he has been on the Council_ He said this is the right thing for the community and we have to cooperate with our neighbors because the aquifer is very important to the valley. Herron said like t or not, Evergreen is our neighbor and they are still willing to put money into the upgrade of the treatment plant right now. oison said lye's coneemed that 1 o,000 gallons a day is too much and suggested I imiting the amount to those subdivisions that want to hook up right now and asked 1f we know what that amount is. Herron answered the best conservative guess i's that Kelsey and Cottonwood combined will use approximately 50-55,000 gallons a day. Atkinson stated when the treatment plant was built, Evergreen carve to the Council and convinced the members that they had to have serer service. He said Evergreen agreed to annexation, and then sued when annexation was attempted. Atkinson said City residents are paying for the upgrade of the sever treatment plant, not .evergreen, and asked why the taxpayers should pay to extend City serer when the City will receive .no benefit from it. Atkinson said we have a responsibility to the citizens in the City, not the County. afferman commented he was Public Works Director when expansion plans were started for the WWT . He emphasized the money was given to Kalispell for an area plant, not just exclusively for Kalispell City° Cound I Special Meefx M In u t ver fe March 27, 2006 Pale 2 the people in the City of Kalispell. He said the only reason Evergreen as"'t mentioned at the time was because they were talking about building a separate facility. Haffernan said sewer plants are built to protect the environment and that's what the City{ needs to do. Kl. esner stated he believes we .need to focus on cooperating with the community and the County, adding these people will be ratepayers. He said the developers will be paying for the sever extension, not the City taxpayers. Kluesn r commented this will not hurt the City and is the responsible thing to do. Mayor Kennedy said she has concerns with the 150,000 gallons per day and she would like to see factual information before a policy is set. In addition, the City is working with the State on TMDL (total maximum daily load) issues which could have a huge impact. She suggested that the Council move forward with Cottonwood and Bemard's Park, but noted she would feel :more comfortable if the resolution Bread 1.00,000 gallons per day. Kenyon agreed that it has been long journey for Cottonwood, but he would be more comfortable waiting until the facilities plan update is complete before making a deeklon. He said a policy is based on facts and we don't have sufficient facts at this time. Kenyon said the City needs an overall. policy rather than dealing with these requests piecemeal. Herron stated he would life to make a change in the resolution onoe� ring the mention of annexation districts. He said annexation districts are uncertain and with the recent Supreme Court rulings, waivers of protest area equate. Herron moved to amend Section 1, Number 3, by striking "land to further agree, if required by the City Council, to enter into an annexation district". The motion was seconded. M esner said he supports the amendment because he feels annexation districts are very open-ended, ties our hands, and requires a decision within ten years. Mayor Kennedy stated she cannot support the motion whatsoever. She noted it doesn't tie our hands at all.t simply gives the Council the flexibility of developing an annexation dlstr t agreement as possibility in the future. Larson disagreed. He said some areas will need to be annexed in the future, but others will never be financially feasible to annex. He said the way he reads the law an annexation district requires annexation Within ten years, and he doesn't feel the City will ever want to annex Cottonwood. Mayor Kennedy pointed out this resolution doesn't specify Cottonwood. Gabriel stated she will not support the amendment, or the resolution, because this is premature, it's a band -aid approach, and she doesn't like the precedent it sets. Gabriel added she also .fears for the legal ramifications. The motion to amend carried upon roil call vote with Hafferman, Herron, Kluesner, Larson, and Olson voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, Kenyon, and Mayor Kennedy voting against. Kalispell City Council special Meeting Minutes (Evergreen) March ?7, 2006 'age Herron moved to amend " o,o o gallons" to "100,000 gallons" wherever referenced in the resolution. The .motion was seconded. .e motion to amend carried upon roll call vote with Hafferman, Herron, Klnesner, Larson, Olson, and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, and Kenyon voting against. Atkinson explained that TMDL means "total maximum daily load" and said the Department of Environmental menta Quality is considering lowering that number. He said if that happens, the City will not be able to grow, and this action IS just giving away our capacity. Larson said he was on the Council when Evergreen was given sewer service and he still believes it was the right thing to d, stating we need to protect the aquifer. The main motion as amended twice carried upon roll call vote with Hafferman, Herron, Knesner, Larson, Olson, and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor and Atkinson, Gabriel, and Kenyon voting against. C 2. RESOLUTION 5104 — EVERGREEN SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION COTTONWOOD ESTATES ResolutioD5104 authorizes Cottonwood Estates to connect to the Evergreen Sewer District pending several conditions. Herron moved Resolution 51041, a resolution regarding the development of Cottonwood Estates and provision of municipalsewer services thereto. The motion was seconded. Herron moved to amend " .5o, oo gallons"' to `11 o,00 gallons"'wherever referenced in the resolution. The gain was seconded. There was no discussion. The motion to amend carried upon vote with Hafferman, Herron, Kluesner, Larson, Olson, and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, and Kenyon voting against. Herron moved to amend Section 1, Number 41, by striking "and to Further agree, if required by the City Council, to enter into an annexation district". The motion was seconded. There was no discussion. The motion to amend a rred upon vote with Hafferman, Herron, Klnesner, Larson, and Olson voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, Kenyon, and Mayor Kennedy voting against. The gain motion as amended twice carried upon roll call vote with Hfern, Herron, Klnesn.ear, Larson, Olson and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor and Atkinson, Gabriel and Kenyon voting against. Kalispell City Council special .meeting Minutes ver March 27, 2006 Page C 3. RESOLUTION N 5105 EVERGREEN SEWED. ANC WATER CONNECTION ... BERNARD'S PARK SUBDIVISION Resolution 5105 authorizes Lots 3 and portions of Lots 4, 5, and 6 of Bernard's Park Subdivision to connect to the Evergreen Sewer District pending several ondltlons. Herron. moved Resolution 5105, a resolution regarding the provision of municipal sever services to Dots 3 and portions of Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Bernard's Park Subdivision, The motion was seconded. Herron moved to amend ` 150,00ogallons" t "100,000 gallons" wherever referenced in the resolution. The motion was seconded. "`here was no discussion. The notion to amend Barried upon vote with Haffern.an, Herron, Klesner, Larson, Olson, and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, and Kenyon voting against. Herron moved to amend Section I, Number 4 y striking "and to further agree, if required b the Cite Council, to enter into an annexationdistrict". The notion was seconded. There was no discussion. The motion to amend carried upon vote with. Haferr an, Herron, Kluesner, Larson and Olson voting in favor, and Atkinson, Gabriel, Kenyon, and Mayor Kennedy voting against. There was further discussion and Patrick answered questions. The main notion as amended twice carried upon roil call vote with Hall rma , Herron, Klnesner, Larson, Olson and Mayor Kennedy voting in favor and Atkinson, Gabriel, and Kenyon voting against. I. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned p.m. ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk :Pamela & Kennedy Mayor Kalispell City Counil Special Meeting Minutes (Evergreen) March 7. 2006 Page