Cost EstimatesESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST - ALTERNATIVE A Kalispell Airport Master flan Update necember, 2011 1 Land Ac uisition DeveloLyd Land Acquisition AC $50,000 18 $900,000 Undeveloped Land Acquisition_ AC S21,500 49 $1,053,500 'Relocation Assistance LS $15.4,000 1 $150,000 Update Environmental Assessment LS $50,000 1 $50,000 Subtotal $7, 153,500 2 Relocate Utility Water Main & Easement LF $42 2600 $109,200, Utility Extension and Reconnection LS $25,000 1.0 $25,000 Subtotal $134,200 3 _Obstruction Clearing Remove Structures LS $110,000 1 $110,000 Remove Trees LS $15,000 1 $15,000 Remove KGEZ Towers LS $400,000 1 $400,000 Subtotal $525,000 4 Construct 3,600 LF Runway 75' wide Earthwork CY $15 26700 $400,500 Remove Existing Pavement SY $10 39200 $392,000 Install Edge Drain (Both Sides) LF $20 7600 $152,000 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $35 8400 $294.000. Bituminous Surface Course (3") TN $40 3500 $140,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 250 $225,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 50 $45,000 MIRL Lighting System. LS $250,000 1 $250,000 Runway Striping and Marking SF $3 5400 $16,200 Signing EA $2,500 3 $7,500 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $65,000 1 $65,000 .Erosion Control LS $25,000 1 $25.000. Subtotal $2,012,200 5a 700' Runway Extension Earthwork CY $15 5200 $78,000 Install Edge Drain (Both Sides) LF $20 1400 $28,000 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $30 1700 $51,000 ;Bituminous Surface Course (Y) TN $40 1100 $44,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 80 $72,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 10 $8,750 MIRL Lighting Extension LS $50.000 1 $50,000 New NAVAIDs (PAPIs & Wind Cone) LS $50,000 1 $50,000 Runway Striping and Marking Sr. $3 600 $1,800 Signing EA $2,500 1 $2,500 Stormwater Mann ement Facilities & Piping LS $15,000 1 $15,000 Erosion Control LS $10,000 1 $10,000 Subtotal $411,050 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPAlt, A ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT 113-05T - ALTERNATIVE A Kalispell Airport Master flan Update becember, 2011 ill 700' Taxiway Extension I"aarthwork Install Edge Drain (One Side) CY $15 6600 $99,000 LF $20 800 $16,000 Crushed Base Course (Iw) CY $35 900 $31,500 Bituminous Surface Course (3") IN $40 600 $24,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 40 $36,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 5 $4,812 Taxiway Striping and Marking SF $3 800 $2,400 ITaxiwa? Markers EA $250 35 $8,750 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping � I.S $10,000 1 $10,000 Erosion Control LS $10,000 1 $10,000 Subtotal $242,462 (i Parallel Taxiway Earthwork CY $15 30300 $454,500 _Install Edue Drain (One Side) LF $20 4200 $84,000 Crushed Base Course (10") CY S35 4400 $154,000 Bituminous Surface Course (3") TN $40 2800 $1 I2,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 200 $180,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 26 $23,548 'Taxiway Striping and Markin SF $3 3600 $10,800 i'axiway Markers EA $250 35 $8,750 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $15,000 1 $15,000 Erosion Control LS $5.000 1 $5,000 Subtotal $1,047,598 %pron Expansion €-.arthwork CY $15 14900 $223,500 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $35 6200 $217,000 Bituminous Surface Course (Y) TIC $40 3900 $156,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 270 $243,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 37 $33,333 Striping and Marking SF $3 6000 $18,000 Tie -Down Anchors EA $750 17 $12,750 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $20,000 1 $20,000 Erosion Control LS $10.000 1 $10,000 Subtotal $933,583 8 Fencing Remove Existing Fencing LF $4 650 $2,600 iInstall New Perimeter Fence LF $15 11540 $173,100 Subtotal $175,700 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPAlt A ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST - ALTERNATIVE A Kalispell Airport Master flan Update l2ecember, 2011 Price Subtotal of Alternative A Deveiepment Items I $7,635,294 17,ngineering, Bidding, and Construction Administration (12.5%) Y $954,412 Contingency (20%) $1,527,059 -lbtal Development Gast - Alternative A (Baseline Development) $10,116,800 Federal Share afAlternative A (95%) $9,610,960 $505,840 ,'Local Share of Alternative A (5%) 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPAlt. A ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST - ALTERNATIVE B Kalispell Airport Master flan Update Pecember, 2011 I Land Acquisition Developed Land Acquisition AC $50,000 6 $300,000 Undeveloped Land Acquisition AC $25,000 14 $350,000 Subtotal $650,000 2 Relocate Utility Water Main LF $40 756 $30,000 Easements AC $5;000 1.0 $5,000 Subtotal $35,000 3 ',Obstruction Clearing Remove Structures Struct. $110,000 l $110,000 Remove Trees Tree $5,000 1 $5,000 Subtotal $115,000 4 Reconstruct 3,600 LF Runway_ 60' wide Earthwork CY $15 2700 $40.500 Edge Drain Maintenance (Both Sides) LF $20 1000 $20,000 Mill Existine Pavement (2") SY $4 24000 $96,000 Bituminous Surface Course (2" Overlay) TN $40 2800 $112,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 200 $180,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 40 $36,000 'MIRL Liehtine S}^stem LS $250,000 1 $250,000 Runway Striping and Marking SF $3 4400 $13,200 Silnin EA $2,500 3 $7,500 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $40,000 l $40,000 Erosion Control LS $5,000 1 $5,000 Subtotal $800,200 5 Parallel Taxiway Earthwork CY $15 3100 $46,500 Install Edge Drain (One Side) LF $20 4200 $84,000 Mill Existing Pavement (2") SY $4 12000 $48,000 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $35 900 $312500 Bituminous Surface Course (3") TN $40 1900 $76,000 Bituminous Material TN $900 130 $117,000 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 18 $16,026 Taxiway Striping and Marking SF $3 2500 $7,50.0 Taxiway Markers EA $250 35 $8,750 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $15 000 1 $15,000 Erosion Control LS $5,000 1 $5,000 Subtotal $455,276 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPAlt, B ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT CO5T - ALTERNATIVE B U15pell Airport Master flan Update Pecember, 2011 Win Description of Pay hems Unii Unit QI,, Price Summary ol'Afternalive B Development Costs, I Subtotal of Alternative B I iwil $2,055,476 I ngineering. Bidding, and Construction Administration (12.5%) S256,935 Contingency (20%) $411,095 .Total Development Cost - Alternative B $2,723,500 Federal Share of Alternative B (0%) $0 Local Share of Alternative B (100%) $2,723,500 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPAlt. B ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST - ALTERNATIVE C Kalispell Airport Master flan Update CJecember, 2011 51) 700' Taxiway Extension Harthwork _ - CY $15 6600 Install Edge Drain (tine Side) LF $20 800 Crushed Base Course (10") CY S35 900 Bituminous Surface Course (3") TN $40 600 Bituminous Material TN $900 40 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 5 Taxiway Striping and Marking SF $3 800 Taxiway Markers EA $250 35 Stonmwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $10,000 1 _ Erosion Control LS $5,000 1 Subtotal 6 Parallel Taxiway Earthwork CY $15 30300 Install Edge Drain (Otte Side) LF $20 4200 Crushed_ Base Course (10") CY $35 4400 - Bituminous Surface Course 3" TN $40 2800 (Bituminous Material TN $900 200 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 26 Taxiway Striping and Marking SF $3 3600 _Taxiway Markers EA $250 35 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $15.000 1 .Erosion Control LS - $10,000 1 - Subtotal 7 Apron _ Earthwork CY $15 26400 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $35 11000 Bituminous Surface Course (3") TN $40 t� 7000 Bituminous Material TN $900 490 Bituminous Prime Coat TN I $900 66 Striking and Marking SF $3 10700 Tie -Down Anchors EA $750 61 Stonmwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $20,000 _ 1 Erosion Control LS $10,0001 Subtotal 7A Taxilanes Earthwork CY $15 3900 Crushed Base Course (10") CY $35 Bituminous Surface Course (Y) TN $40 _1700 1100 Bituminous Material TN $900 $0 Bituminous Prime Coat TN $900 10 Striping and Marking SF $3 1600 Stormwater Management Facilities & Piping LS $2,500 1 Erosion Control LS I $1,000 1 Subtotal $99,000 $16,000 $31,500 $24,000 $36,000 $4,812 $2,400 $8,750 $10,000 $5,000 $237,462 $454,500 $84,000 $154,000 $112,000 $180,000 $23,548 $10,800 $8,750 $15,000 $10,000 $1,052,598 $396,000 $385,000 $280,000 $441,000 $59,278 $32,100 $45,750 _ $20,000 $10,000 $1,669,128 $58,500 $59,500 $44,000 $72,000 $4,800 $1,000 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MP xIsAR. 0 ESTIMATED DEVELOPMENT COST - ALTERNATIVE C Kalispell Airport Master plan Update December, 2011 8 Fencing Remove Existing Farm Fence LF $4 13500 Install New Perimeter Wildlife Fence LF $15 1 18870 Subtotal Subtotal of Alternative C Development Items i� Engineering, Bidding, and Construction Administration (12.5%) Contingency (200%) 1 ,Total Development Cost - Alternative C $54,000 $283,050 $337,050 $8.,470,954 $1,058,869 $1,6$4,1.91 $11,224,000 $9,680,483 Federal Share of Alternative C (95%) Local Share of Alternative C (5%) $1,543,517 i 0043-003 Preliminary Cost Estimate MPxlsAlt C