Thursday, February 2, 2012
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Jeff Clawson, Building Official
Dave Dedman, Acting Fire Chief
Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director
Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
Mark Crowley, Construction Manager
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
GUESTS: Ron & Brenda Profitt, owners of the Loading Dock building; Dewey Swank, Developer;
and Mark Wilson, Engineer
OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase 3/Kohl's — Hwy 93 N — They have submitted some plans
that address the comments that Public Works and Zoning had given them last summer. These are the
only changes. The tree issues were discussed. The BPA standards for planting trees in the islands
was discussed. Fincher will work with them on this. Architecture Review will require them to
landscape screen the service road. They should consider putting cedar mulch on the northwest
roadway. Jentz stated that no river rock will be allowed in the parking lot, and they should consider
using fractured shale/chips. Public Works will review the new plans.
NEW BUSINESS: Loading Dock — 101 E Center; change of use of tenant space for a bar. Dewey
Swank is looking at parking a liquor license at the western end of the building. There would not be
any gaming there, as there is no casino use allowed across from Depot Park according to the
Administrative CUP. The parking spaces that back out onto Center Street off the front are mostly
within the right-of-way. Krauss stated that the backing situation is a disaster. This also conflicts with
the sidewalk. The consensus is to have these parking spaces taken out and have them put in sidewalk
and landscaping. There is a lot of parking behind the building. Jackola Engineering will be doing a
complete site evaluation with asbuilts, survey, etc. prior to any upgrades to the building. The City
would grandfather in their number of parking spaces to be sufficient to meet their parking
requirements, since this change with the parking in the front is a safety hazard. The Profitts asked
about possibly having another access to their parking in between the City's well house on First Ave E
and the railroad tracks. The committee thought this access was a possibility, and Crowley said Public
Works will look at this. This project is approved with the condition that standard street profile be put
in on Center and they coordinate with Public Works and Parks Dept. The interior changes will be
completed by February 15. They will need to bond for the sidewalk and landscape improvements
along Center to be completed this summer. Swank will be requesting their C of O two weeks from
today. The new impact fee numbers were given to Elkins by Wargo. This is passed through Site
Syke's — They have their building permit on the west side of the project just for the garage. They
now want to put two apartments upstairs, and this would be considered as a building addition. They
will need to add a handicapped parking space. They will need to go through Architecture Review
with this addition. They will receive credit for one house that was there previously. This is passed
through Site Review. The building drawings with the structural revisions will be in tomorrow
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.