11-17-11 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, November 17, 2011 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Roger Krauss, Asst. Police Chief Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. Sean Conrad, Senior Planner & Acting Chairman Dave Dedman, Acting Fire Chief Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Cornerstone Church — They will be submitting an updated Letter of Credit, as they still have work to complete along Northridge, including curb, gutter and sidewalk. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase 3/Kohl's — Hwy 93 N — Conrad and Jentz will be meeting with Goldberg tomorrow to discuss Spring Prairie Phase 3. Johnson asked if there was ever an easement for the drainage pipe that runs from Kohl's over through Eisinger. Crowley noted that Eisinger's engineer wrote a letter with the annexation request that stated, "It's been extended with the full blessing of the Department of Transportation and everything's in order." So that is what the staff report reflected based on that letter. Apparently, that was false information and MDT did not approve this and no easement was granted. The lack of easement is a problem for MDT, and there could be a some huge expenses for MDT and to Goldberg if he doesn't have the right to discharge there. NEW BUSINESS: Hagestad Painting — 1020 West Center; adding new building to existing painting contractor's yard. Their Conditional Use Permit was approved by the City Council with two conditions: (1) Show their Parking Lot Layout Plan; (shown now on their site plan); and (2) they need a Stormwater Management Plan (which has already been approved). They will be applying for their Foundation -only Permit and then coming back for their Building Permit. They meet all the setbacks. We are good with the general layout of the parking lot. Regarding requiring sidewalk, their right-of-way is only 40 feet. Shaw looked at this and decided, since the ROW is so narrow, we won't require it. There is existing curb and gutter there. Crowley feels they should put in some sort of sidewalk. If they have a 15 foot setback and the building is actually 24'/z feet, it seems like a reasonable request. He noted that Heil Bros. and Les Schwab were both required to put in sidewalk, curb and gutter. Discussion was held regarding having sidewalk outside the right-of-way. They will need to get a Right -of -Way Permit to do the driveway approach. We will also require them to put up "no parking" signs along Center Street. They won't need to get the property surveyed ifthey can find the pins. They have a 5-foot setback on the property. They will also need a Landscaping Plan. 115 Kelly Road — convert existing warehouse to retail/pawn shop in southern end of building. Approximately 3,200 sq. ft. of retail space. Zoning allows this sort of retail there. They need to provide at least 11 parking spaces, and 1 handicapped space. They will need to stripe it. There will be some Traffic Impact Fees. They will still need a Parking Lot Layout Plan, one handicapped space with sign, and striping. They are only putting in two partition walls at this time. If they come in for a CUP for a mini -storage and storage of RV's, we could require the needed improvements to the right- of-way, including curb, gutter, sidewalk, and boulevard landscaping at that time. A possible SID for this area was discussed. We could have them sign a Waiver of Protest of SID based on the interior remodel and the change of use. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: The Planning Board will be meeting on the 29th because they did not have a quorum on the 8th. They will be discussing the Group Home, Montana Academy, going in on 2nd Avenue West. There is a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Dance Studio near Edgerton School on Bruyer Way. They are occupying the southernmost building and they want to expand into one of the other suites there. We are formally taking in Mike Fraser's property off of Three Mile Drive and will be requesting Council approve A Waiver of Right to Protest Annexation for his property. There will be no Planning Board Meeting for December. OTHER REPORTS: Coot Court — Krauss inquired about a large hole that remains at the house that recently exploded. He stated that the insurance company is supposed to clean up the area but is concerned that if it isn't taken care of soon, that someone should at least put a fence up around it. He will look into this further. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.