11-03-11 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, November 3, 2011 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Acting Fire Chief Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Charlie Johnson, Construction Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. Sean Conrad, Senior Planner & Acting Chairman Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director P. J. Sorensen, Chairman PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Johnson stated that Public Works is looking into a Performance Bond they have for the Red Lion from 2006. They were going to put in a Starbucks and so they didn't complete their landscaping. Fincher will look at the landscaping there. OLD BUSINESS: Spring Prairie Phase 3/Kohl's — Hwy 93 N — Their construction date has been moved up to August, 2012. NEW BUSINESS: Northwestern Energy — 890 North Meridian; new storage building — They are proposing a 1,700 sq. ft. storage building on the west side of their property. This will be just a shell used for storage, and no sewer or water. They have turned in their application for their Administrative Conditional Use Permit but no Building Permit has been issued yet. The time period for neighborhood comments closes on November 18th. If no big issues come in, we can get the permit issued at that time. For their lighting plan, they have submitted a letter that reads: "There will be no exterior or interior lighting to this project". Sorensen will check with Wargo to see if Public Works will require a Stormwater Management Plan. This is approved through Site Review. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Nothing for the December meeting. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m.