10. Conditional Use Permit - MT Department of Natural Resources and ConservationPLANNING FOR THE F[JTtlRE WTAIVA
REPORT TO: Kalispell Mayor and City Council
FROM: Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Janie Howington, City Manager
Planning Department
201 1" Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406) 758-7940
Fax: (406) 758-7739
SUBJECT Conditional Use Permit for the Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation (DNRC)
MEETING DATE: October 4, 2010
BACKGROUND: The Kalispell City Planning Board met on September 141h and held a
public hearing to consider a request by the DNRC to use a former office and shop building at
the DNRC's old campus site for classrooms and administration offices for the Flathead Valley
Community College. The former DNRC campus is a 26.4 acre site located at the southwest
corner of Highway 93 North and Reserve Loop. The property can be legally described as
Parcel 1 of Certificate of Survey 16926 located within the NE % of Section 36, Township 29
North, Range 22 west, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
Sean Conrad, with the Kalispell Planning Department, presented staff report KCU--10-5 and
reviewed the proposed site plan. He recommended approval of the conditional use permit
subject to 3 conditions.
At the public hearing no one spoke in favor or against the annexation and initial zoning
request and the public hearing was closed.
The board briefly discussed the process for expanding the college's use of the property and
the type of permitting needed. The planning board then acted on a motion to recommend the
city council consider approving the conditional use permit subject to the three conditions
listed in the staff report. The vote was unanimous.
RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve the conditional use permit with the 3
conditions as recommended by the planning board would be in order.
Not applicable
As suggested by the city council.
Respectfully submitted,
Sean Conrad
Senior Planner
Report compiled: September 28, 2010
c: Theresa White, Kalispell City Clerk
J Jane Howin on
City Manager
Return to:
Kalispell City Clerk
PO Box. 1997
Kalispell, MT 59901
City of Kalispell
P. O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997
APPLICANT: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Attn: Michael Collins
655 Timberwolf Parkway, Suite 1
Kalispell, MT 59901
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1 of COS 16926 located within the northeast quarter of Section
36, Township 29 North, Range 22 west, P.M.M., Flathead County,
ZONE: .Public, P-1
The applicant has applied to the City of Kalispell for a conditional use permit to allow the
Flathead valley Community College to use the largest of the existing buildings on the forrn.er DNRC
campus site for classrooms and administrative staff in the P-1 (Public) zoning district. The P-1
zoning district conditionally permits use for post -secondary educational purposes.
The Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission, after due and proper notices on
September 14, 2010, held a public hearing on the application, took public comment and
recommended that the application be approved subject to certain conditions.
After reviewing the application., the record, the RPD report, and after duly considering the
platter, the City Council of the City of Kalispell, pursuant to the Kalispell zoning ordinance, hereby
adopts Kalispell Planning Department Conditional. Use Report #KCU- 10-5 as the Council's findings
of fact, and issues and grants to the above -described real property a conditional use permit to allow
the Flathead valley Community College to use the largest of the existing buildings on the former
DNRC campus site for classrooms and administrative staff in the P-1 (Public) zoning district subject
to the following conditions:
i . Commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date
of authorization or a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to
2. Prior to occupying the building the following items shall be brought up to the current
building and fire code standards:
• Illuminated exit signs
• Fire extinguishers inside the building
• Service the existing smoke detectors
• Bring the hot water tank up to current building code requirements.
3. The property owner shall bring the existing outdoor lights into compliance with the
zoning ordinance within 12 months of issuance of the use permit.
Dated this 4th day of October, 2010.
Tarmni Fisher
County of Flathead )
On this day of , 2010 before me, a Notary Public, personally
appeared Tarr=* Fisher, Mayor of the City of Kalispell, known to me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same on behalf of
the City of Kalispell.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, the
day and year first above written.
Notary Public, State of Montana
Printed Name. -
Residing at Kalispell, Montana
My Conurnission Expires
September 29, 2010
Jane Howington, City Manager
City of Kalispell
P.O. Box 1997
Kalispell, MT 59903
Planning Department
201 V Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406) 758-7940
Fax: (406) 758-7739
Re: Conditional Use Permit for the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Dear Jane:
The Kalispell City Planning Board met on September 141" and held a public hearing to
consider a request by the DNRC to use a former office and shop building at the DNRC's old
campus site for classrooms and administration offices for the Flathead Valley Community
College. The former DNRC campus is a 26.4 acre site located at the southwest corner of
Highway 93 North and Reserve Loop. The property can be legally described as Parcel 1 of
Certificate of Survey 16926 located within the NE 1/ of Section 36, Township 29 North,
Range 22 west, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
Sean Conrad, with the Kalispell Planning Department, presented staff report KCU-10-5 and
reviewed the proposed site plan. He recommended approval of the conditional use permit
subject to 3 conditions.
At the public hearing no one spoke in favor or against the annexation and initial zoning
request and the public hearing was closed.
The board briefly discussed the process for expanding the college's use of the property and
the type of permitting needed. The planning board then acted on a motion to recommend the
city council consider approving the conditional use pernut subject to the three conditions
listed in the staff report. The vote was unanimous.
Please schedule this matter for the October 4, 2010 regular City Council meeting. You may
contact this hoard or Sean Conrad at the Kalispell Planning Department if you have any
questions regarding this matter.
Kalispell City Planning Board
John Hinchey
Attachments: Letter of transmittal
Staff Report #KCU-10-5 and supporting documents
Draft minutes from the 9/14/10 planning board meeting
c w/ Att: Theresa VAi.ite, Kalispell City Clerk
c w/o Att : Montana Department of Natural Resources and Cons ervaf. on (DNRQ
Attn: Michael Collins
655 Tinzberwolf Parkway, Suite 1
Kalispell, MT 59901
SEPTEMBER 14, 2010
The Kalispell City Planning Board held a public hearing on this matter at the regularly scheduled
planning board meeting on September 14, 2010. The following conditions have been amended to
reflect the actions taken by the planning board at their meeting:
l . Commencement of the approved activity must begin within 18 months from the date of
authorization or a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to completion.
Z. Prior to occupying the building the following items shall be brought up to the current building
and fire code standards:
® illuminated exit signs
Fire extinguishers inside the building
Service the existing smoke detectors
Bring the hot grater tank up to current building code requirements
3. The property owner shall bring the existing outdoor lights into compliance with the zoning
ordinance within 12 months of issuance of the use permit.
This is a report to the Kalispell City Pla rmn g Board and Kalispell City Council regarding a
request for a conditional use permit to use a former office and shop building at the Montana
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation's old campus site for classrooms and
administration offices for the Flathead Valley Community College. .A. public hearing on this
matter has been sch.ed.ul.ed before the Planning Board for September 14, 2010 beginning at
7:00 PM, in the Kalispell. City Council Chambers. The planning board will. forward a
recommendation to the Kalispell City Council for final action.
Owner / Petitioner.0 Montana Department of Natural Resources and
Conservation (DNRC)
Attn: Michael Collins
655 Ti.:mb erwolf Parkway, Suite 1
Kalispell, SIT 59901
A. size and Locatiom, T`l-ie former DNRC campus is a 26.4 acre site located at the
southwest corner of Highway 93 North and. Reserve Loop. The property can be
legally described as Parcel 1 of Certificate of Surrey 16926 located within the NE
1/4 of Section. 36, Township 29 North, Range 22 Nest, P.M.M., Flathead. County,
B. Nature ofRequest*. The owners are requesting a conditional use permit to allow the
Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC) to use the largest of the e)dstin.g buildings
on the former DNRC campus site for classrooms and administrative staff of the
college. The building includes a shop and large vehicle bay doors on the eastern half
with office and classroom space on the western half.
In 2009 the DNRC's new campus on Timberwolf Parkway opened. DNRC staff and
equipment was moved to the new location from their existing campus adjacent to
Highway 93 North.. This former campus site has been vacant since that tune.
The Flathead Valley Community College would use the existing building on the former
DNRC campus for two classes (12- 15 students per class) and 10-12 administrative
staff. The building will be used primarily Monday through Friday with occasional
classes being held on Saturday. Classes and administrative staff will start around
7:00 a.m. and generally end around 8:00 p.m.
Figure 1: The proposed classrooms would be held in the budding shown in the picture
C. Ddsting Land Use and Zoning: The 26.4 acre project site includes the former DNRC
campus with several office buildings, garages and smaller storage sheds clustered in
the eastern half of the site. The site is zoned P-1 (Public), a district intended to
provide land for a variety of community facilities which serve the public health, safety
and welfare. Such public uses include schools, public buildings, parks, airports and
jails. The P-1 zoning district requires a conditional use permit to use the property
and existing buildings for post secondary educational purposes.
D. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: This area can be described as primarily
commercial in character with several large scale shopping centers in the immediate
North: Commercial, B-5 / PUD zoning
South: Kids Sports complex, P-1 zoning
East: Flathead Valley Community College and Commercial shopping, B-
2 / PUD and P-1 zoning
West: Kids Sports complex, P-1 zoning
Figure 2 : Aerial view of the project site and surrounding land uses.
E. Growth. Policy Designation: The Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map
designates the very northeastern corner of the project site as commercial with the
remaining land designated as public. The public land use designation promotes
zoning which provides for schools, parks, greenbelts, conservation easements,
government facilities and public lands. The existing P-1 zoning on the project site
complies with the public land use designation and commercial land use designation.
Section 2 7.18. 010 of the Kalispell Zoning ordinance provides for the intent of the P-1
zoning district. This section states that the P- 1 zoning is typically found in the public
land use designation as shown on the Kalispell Growth Policy Future Land Use Map
but can be applied to any land use designation.
F. Utilities/Services;
Sewer service: City of Kalispell
Water service: City of Kalispell
Solid Waste: City of Kalispell
Gas: Northwestern Enemy
Electric: Flathead Electric Cooperative
Phone: CenturyLink
Police: City of Kalispell
Fire: Kalispell Fire Department
The application has been reviewed in accordance with the conditional use review criteria
in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance.
I d Site Suitability:
a. AdMuate Useable S ace: The property is approximately 26.4 acres in size but
the existing campus only comprises approximately 6 acres of the site. Tie
campus site is level with adequate parking and an existing access off of
Reserve Loop.
b. Adequate Access: Access to the site is provided by a driveway, approximately
20 feet wide, off of Deserve Loop. There is no access directly onto Highway 93.
The existing driveway access will accommodate the anticipated traffic
generated by the classrooms and administrative staff.
Pedestrian access to the site is provided by sidewalks along Reserve Loop and
the existing driveway. There are no sidewalks along the existing driveway
however pedestrians can walk along the driveway because very light traffic is
expected for the proposed uses on the site.
C. Environmental Constraints: No significant environmental constraints are
associated with this property such as floodplain or wetland areas, steep slopes
or severe drainage problems.
2s Appropriate Design.
a. Parking Scheme: Currently there are 23 paved parking spaces provided for on
the south, east and north sides of the building. Section 27.24.050 of the
Kalispell zoning ordinance provides the required minimum off-street
parking spaces needed for individual uses. Under this section colleges are
required to provide 1 parking space per 5 students plus 1 space per
employee and 1 space per 4 fixed seats or 1 space per 40 square feet of
gross floor area in the largest assembly area.
Based on the number of students and administrative staff at the site, 18
spaces would be required. Therefore the 23 existing parking spaces are
adequate. staff is not requiring the parking spaces associated with the
assembly area because this is a satellite campus. Larger scale events
would occur at the main FVCC campus which has the space and means to
host larger events.
b. Exterior jAghting: The building housing the classrooms has two exterior
wall lights on the east side of the building. The lights are directed towards
the adjacent parking lot and driveway. In addition to the wall lighting three
other freestanding lights are located north and south of the building
lighting up the parking lots. All of the above described lights do not
comply with chapter 27.26, outdoor Lighting standards, of the Kalispell
Zoning Ordinance. To bring the lights into compliance the remedies vary
from simply angling the light head parallel to the ground to replacing the
light fixture. A recommended condition of approval will require the DNRC
to bring the existing 5 outdoor lights into compliance with the zoning
ordinance within 12 months of issuance of the use permit.
C. Traffic Circulation: Traffic circulation to and from the property is not intended
to change. Access is provided off of Reserve Loop by an existing driveway with
internal circulation provided by parking areas around the building.
d. 0-pen Space: No specific open space requirements are applicable to the
proposed classroom use of the property other than those associated with the
required setbacks. Because of the large size of the parcel, there is a significant
amount of space on the site that is undeveloped.
e. Fencin Scree I Land sc in : There is landscaping along the east side of
the property as well as landscaping around the buildings. No additional
landscaping, fencing or screening appears to be necessary or appropriate.
f. Signage: FVCC is proposing a small (3M) sign at the intersection of the
driveway and Reserve Loop to identify the site as one of their campus facilities.
This type of identification sign is permitted under section 27.22.050(4) of the
Kalispell Zoning Ordinance.
3, Availability®f Public maces Fact -noes:
a. Police: This facility is currently served by the Kalispell Police Department. No
increased impacts to the police can be anticipated. as a result of the proposed
classroom use.
b. Fire Protection.: Fire protection is currently provided by the Kalispell Fire
Department. There is an existing hydrant located east of the building within
the Highway 93 right-of-way. No increased impacts to the fire department can
be anticipated as a result of the proposed classroom. use.
Prior to submitting a conditional use permit application the owners and
representatives from. FVCC conducted an inspection of the building with the
city's building and fire inspectors. Based on that inspection the building
official is recommending the following improvements to the building to address
fire safety:
0 illuminated exit signs
i Fire extinguishers inside the building
® Service the existing smoke detectors
0 Bring the hot water tank up to current building code requirements
These recommendations have been incorporated into the conditions of
C. Water: City water currently serves the former DNRC campus and no
significant impact on water services provided by the city can be anticipated as
result of the proposed use.
d. Sewer: Sewer service is currently provided by the City of Kalispell.
Insignificant impacts on city sewer services can be anticipated as a result of
the proposed use.
e. Storm water: A storm water pond currently exists crest of the campus to
handle the runoff generated by the buildings, driveways and parking lots.
f. Streets: Reserve Loop provides access to the campus site. Reserve Loop is a
four lane street with curb, gutters, landscaped boulevard and sidewalks. No
negative impacts on the street are anticipated writh the use of the property as
classrooms and administrative offices.
g. Sidewalks: Sidewalks are located on both sides of Reserve Loop with a
crosswalk at the intersection of Reserve Loop and Highway 93. Sidewalks are
not directly constructed to the buildings on the site however pedestrians can
walk along the existing driveway to the buildings. This driveway will only be
used by students and faculty working or taking classes at this site and
therefore traffic along the driveway should be minimal.
h. Garb age Collection: Garbage collection will be handled by the city with regular
weekly pick-ups.
4, Neighborhood mpacts. No neighborhood impacts are anticipated with the approval
of the conditional use permit to allow classrooms in one of the existing buildings. The
property has historically been used as a campus for the DNRC with field and
administrative staff entering and exiting the site throughout the day. More intense
commercial uses can be found to the north and east of the site.
5, Consideration of historical use patterns and recent changes: The general
character of this neighborhood is commercial retail with the exception of the Kids
Sports athletic complex to the south and wrest of the project site and Flathead Valley
Community College to the southeast of the site. The use of the existing buildings for
classes will not have a significant impact on the neighborhood with regard to noise or
hours of operation and will not have a negative impact on the character of the area.
6. Effects on property values: No significant negative impacts on property values
are anticipated. As previously mentioned the proposal is compatible with the
surrounding development and will not create any adverse impacts with regard to
noise or traffic.
The staff recommends that the plan in.g board adopt the staff report #I CU-10-05 as
findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Conditional Use Permit
be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Commencement of the approved activity must begin within 13 months from the date
of authorization or a continuous good faith effort is made to bring the project to
2. Prior to occup�rir�.g the building the following items shall be brought up to the current
building and fire code standards:
• Illuminated exit signs
• Fire extinguishers inside the building
• Service the existing smoke detectors
• Bring the hot grater tank up to current building code requirements
3. The property owner shall bring the existing outdoor lights into compliance with
the zoning ordinance within 12 months of issuance of the use permit.
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PLOT DATE 8/25/10
FILE # KC U —10 — 0 5 H:\gis\site\kcu10-05 DNRC—YVCC.dwg
. .. ... ...... ........... ......... ... ... . . ......... ...... ........ . .. .. . ............. . - ----------- . . . ... .............. .. ... .. . ..
Planning Department
201 1st Avenue East
Kalispell, NET 59901
Phone: (406) 758-7940
Fax: (405) 758-7739
www. kalispell.eom L planning
Name: kq� 1tw I a
Mailing Address: N"O,� 041,46-t bjnr-�. 1 t "t v, I,J 4 Vex,/Vol-'-H � c.� �� I
City/State/Zip: G� (S 14�.� l . l�l`"� �`� g (�l - , Z 14 Phone: q0b :Lsl -' ZLA D
Mailing Address:
City/State/Zip: 4!Q, vV\ e, Phone:
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Refer to Property Records):
Street } p Sec. Town- Range
Address: Z �i ` � � No. ship Z No. Z Z
� �i Tract Lot
� � 1
�'�)� q y Y'A l �. No(s)No(s).
�t�RL -r.IuJLD
1. Zoning
District and Zoning Classification in which use is proposed:
2. Attach a plan of the affected lot which identifies the following items: "t,
Surrounding land uses.
Dimensions and shape of lot.
Topographic features of lot.
Size(s) and location(s) of existing buildings
Size(s) and location(s) of proposed buildings.
Existing use(s) of structures and open areas.
Proposed use(s) of structures and open areas.
Existing and proposed landscaping and fencing.
3. on a separate sheet of paper, discuss the following topics relative to the proposed
L vv�-6��J A
a. Traffic flour and control.
b. Access to and circulation within the property.
C. off --street parking and loading.
d. Refuse and service areas.
e. Utilities.
f. Screening and buffering.
g. Signs, yards and other open spaces.
h. Height, bulk and location of structures.
i. Location of proposed open space uses.
j J. Hours and manner of operation.
k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes and vibration.
4. Attach supplemental information for proposed uses that have additional
requirements (consult Planner).
I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the
information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any
other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and
accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation
submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that
any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The
signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell Planning staff to be present
on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and
development process.
Applicant Signature Date }--�
Application for Conditional Use Permit — Supplemental Topics/ Information
FVCC Academic Classes and Administrative offices at old DNRC Compound
Question 3
a. Traffic flow and control - The anticipated FVCC traffic will be generated by two classes (12-15
students per class), 10-12 administrative staff who will be working in the offices and classrooms,
and miscellaneous public who may visit the compound. All of these uses will take place in the
old NW MT Land office Building. All traffic flow generated by the FVCC use of the old DNRC
building will be easily accommodated by the existing roads, parking lots, and the intersection on
Reserve Loop. No changes are required.
b. Access to and circulation within the property — Access is provided by the existing driveway that
connect to Reserve Loop, directly across from the Costco access way. Vehicular traffic will be
limited to the existing roads and parking areas.
c. Off-street parking and loading — All parking at the site is considered off street. There is ample
space within the fenced compound area for any loading/ unloading activities, although there is
not much activity anticipated. Most of the fenced compound will be used for basic storage.
d. Refuse and service areas- All refuse and service areas will be contained in the existing fenced
compound area.
e. Utilities — All utilities are already in place and operational at the site. No new utility services are
f. Screening and buffering -- All screening is already in place. No new screening is anticipated.
g. Signs, yards and other open spaces — FVCC will place a small (3*3) sign at the intersection with
Reserve Loop, identifying the site as one of their campus facilities. They may also install a small
sign on the main door of the building, identifying it as an FVCC facility,
h. Height, bulk and location of structures -- There will be no changes to the existing building
relative to the exterior look, size, and location.
i. Location of proposed open space uses — All open space currently available in and surrounding
the compound will remain. No changes in open space are anticipated,
j. Hours and manner of operation - FVCC anticipates classes and administrative activity will
commence at 7:00am and finish at 8:00pm. These uses will generally take place Monday
through Friday, although there may be the odd occasion when special classes are held on
k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes, and vibration- The class and administrative activities are not
expected to generate any unusual noise, light, dust, odors, fumes or vibration.
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U.S. Highway No. 93 f
I, the undersigned certify that I did this date mail via First Class Mail a copy
of the attached notice to the following list of landowners ad 0 0
joi the
ffiroperty lines of the property where a conditional use permit is requested.
Date.* �/�`�/ ��
.. .. .... .... .......
=11 1111! 1111��1111 1�
T74FIl" i �
11-11141. ILWn,
NW Land Office
Attn: Mike Collins
655 Timberwolf Parkway, Ste
Kalispell, MT 59901
Flathead Valley Community Colleg�;
777 Grandview Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
Planning Department
201 1"" Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Phone: (406) 755--7940
Fax: (406) 758-7739
v"r"'vs'.kalispelt.conlJplann ng
You are being sent this notice because you are a property owner within 150 feet of the proposed project noted below
and will be most directly affected by its developitent. You have an opportunity to present your comments and
concerns at the meeting noted below. You may ccuitact this office at (406) 758-7940 for additional information or
visit our website at wwIAT. k"i l ist)ell. comlpla nni ng under "Planning Board Projects". Written comments may be
submitted to the Kalispell Planning Department at the above address prior to the date of the hearing, or email us at
)l an ii iii (r (ri) ka l isl) el l . c o m.
September 14, 2010
The regular meeting of the Kalispell City Planning Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday,
September 14, 2010, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Kalispell Cite Council Chambers, Kalispell Cite Hall, 201
First Avenue East, Kalispell. The planning board will hold a public hearing and take public comments on the
following agenda item. The Board will make a recommendation to the Kalispell City Council who will take final
A request by Trinidad Holdings, LLP to annex approximately 0.90 of an acre into the City of Kalispell.
The owners have requested R-4 (Two Family Residential) zoning on the property. The property proposed
for annexation and initial zoning is located on west side of 8"' Avenue West approximately 200 feet south
of the intersection of 8"' Avenue West and 109' Street Nest. The property address is 1010 8"' Avenue West
and spans from 8"' Avenue Test to Ashley Creek. The property can be described as Lot 5 of Block 13 of
HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION TO KALISPELL, records of Flathead Count /, Montana; excepting there
from the northerly 12.47 feet within Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead
County, Montana.
2. A request by the Young Legacy, LLC to armex approximately 2.07 acres into the City of Kalispell. The
owners have requested I-1 (Light Industrial) zoning on the property. The 2.07 acre project site is located
on the south side of Highway 2 West at the intersection of Highway 2 West and Highway 93 alternate
route. The property is developed with a commercial building (Flathead Beverage) with the address of 1370
Highway 2 West. The 2.07 acre site includes assessor's tract numbers 16B and 16BA and can be legally
described as parcels A and B of Certificate of Survey 4834 excepting therefrom a tract of land described in
Bargain and Sale Deed 4200900034113. The properties are located in the NE % of Section 13, Township
28 North, Range 22 Nest, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
3. A request by AKB Investments, LLP to annex approximately 9.46 acres into the City of Kalispell. The
owners have requested B-5 (Industrial -Business) zoning on the property. The property proposed for
annexation and initial zoning is located on east side of Highway 93 South at the intersection of Highway 93
and the H.ighwa), 93 alternate route. Tlie property address is 3145 Highway 93 South and is the location of
Triple W Equipment. The property can be described as Tract l of Certificate of Survey No. 16624within
Section 28, Township 28 North, Range 21 west, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
4. A request by the Montana Department of ?natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) for a conditional
use permit to allow the Flathead Valley Community College to hold classes in the administration building
at the former DNR.0 campus site. The property is 26.4 acres in size and is zoned P- l (Public). hi the P- I
zone a conditional use permit is required to use the property for post secondary educational purposes. The
26.4 acre site is located at the southwest corner of Highway 93 North and Reserve Loop. The property can
be legally described as Parcel I of Certificate of Survey 16926 located within the NE % of Section 36,
Township 29 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana.
NW Land office Attn: Steve Larson Icicle Creek, Inc.
Attn: Mike Collins 777 Grandview Drive 10 Three Mile Drive, #2
655 Timberwolf Parkway, Ste I Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901
Kalispell, MT 59901 F
10 Three Mile D rive , # 2
Kalispell, MT 59901
First Interstate Bank
100 Hutton Ranch Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
Kalispell Goldberg, LLC
2330 Highway 93 North
Kalispell, MT 59901
City of Kalispell
Attn : City Clerk
P.D. Box 1997
Kalispell, NIT 59903
Wal-Mart Estate Business Trust
Tax Dept. store #2259-06
P.O. Box Soya
Bentonville, AR 72716
Flathead Bank of Bigfork
AD% Doug Tillett
P.O. Box 308
Bigfork, MT 59911
Hutton Ranch Plaza Asso . , LLC
110 Hutton Ranch Road, Ste 103
Kalispell, MT 59901
Kalispell Goldberg, LLC
AD% Julie Johnson
P.D. Box 182571
Columbus, OH 43218
State of Montana MDT
P.D. Box 201001
Helena, MT 59620-1001
Elaine E. Waldher
135 Hutton Ranch Road, # 102
Kalispell, MT 59901
First Interstate Bank
AD% Corp Facilities
401 N 31 St St, 18th Floor
Billings, MT 59101
State of Montana DNRC
AD% Costco Wholesale Corp
999 Lake Drive
Issaquah, WA. 98027
State of Montana DNRC
655 Timberwolf Parkway, Ste 1
Kalispell, NIT 59901
Family Legacy, LLC
3728 W Broadmoore Street
Springfield, MO 65807