09-15-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: September 15, 2011
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie,
Janet Clark, Ron Trippet, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht.
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:34 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Janet made a motion to approve the agenda except to move Heather Andersen (Colter Coffee) up on
the agenda to hearing of the public instead of under unfinished business. Second by Joel. Approved by
all Board Members.
3. Approval of August 18 Board Meeting:
Moved by John, second by Janet. Approved by all Board Members.
4. Hearing of the Public:
Heather Andersen (Colter Coffee) attended the meeting to discuss their ongoing issues with parking.
Heather would like to reach an agreement with us that is mutually beneficial. Heather said the ideal
situation would be for Colter Coffee to purchase permits for their lot for their customers use. She would
like the spaces along the building closest to the front entrance designated as Colter Coffee customer
parking. Discussion followed. The Board decided the spots could be marked with signs attached to
poles designating the spots as Colter Coffee parking. Joel made a motion to allow Colter Coffee to
purchase 4-6 permits (TBD) for their business and have signs made at their expense to allow reserved
parking for Colter Coffee customers. The signage must be approved by the KPC and the City prior to
being installed. Once the signs are in place and the permits have been purchased, the spaces will no
longer be monitored by the KPC. Monitoring is the exclusive responsibility of Colter Coffee. Colter
Coffee will be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the poles. The Board suggested
Heather contact Mild Fence Company to provide her with an estimate for the pole installation. The pole
height should be consistent. They should be 12 inches below the concrete and 4 feet above the ground.
This agreement is being made on a trial basis and will be reviewed in 6 months. Second by Ron,
approved by all Board Members.
5. Approval of Financial Statement of August:
Moved by Ron, second by Joel. Approved by all Board Members.
6. Updates from KPC:
Medical Update — Jack
Jack has an appointment with his doctor tomorrow and should have a better idea of when he may be able
to return to work. When he does return it will be at a limited capacity. He will be able to do the streets
but will not be able to walk the lots. It will probably be at least a couple of months before he is able to
walk the lots.
KPC Office Update - Karen
See attached Office Managers Report
Unfinished Business:
Snow Removal
The City will not be able to help us with the snow plowing or shoveling. They are not able to guarantee
they could have it done 8:00am. All Board Members were happy with Double Diamond Contracting
(plowing) and All Bright (shoveling) last snow season. Karen will contact them to see if they are
interested in providing their services again this year. If they are able to provide their services without an
increase from last year they will be given the contracts. If not, we will place an ad for bids in The
Mountain Trader.
First Interstate Bank 1-hour parking
Mark has not talked to them since the last meeting. He has kind of put it on hold with Jack being gone.
7. New Business:
Skyline Lot — parking for downtown employees
Janet presented The Board with a copy of the flyer that will be printed and distributed to downtown
businesses. Someone should be stopping by the KPC office to pick up a map of our permit lots. Janet
made a motion to approve the campaign of Linda Clark (Montana Expressions) walking around and
talking to business owners to have them and their employees park off the street of offering free parking
in the Skyline Lot until June 1st. The permit parking signs will stay in place to avoid the expense of
having them removed. We will review it in April. Second by John. Approved by all Board Members.
The next meeting will be October 13th
Adjourned at 8:24 a.m. moved by Janet, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members.
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado
KPC UPDATE: September 2011
Street Update — Jack
Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen?
Tickets: 77 tickets written for a total of $780.00, 31% collected
Parking Permits: Permits down $7,450.00 from last month, up $1,527.00 from last September
Collections: August CPI income paid in September $261.17
The Boot: The boot was not used in September.
Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 83% and Eastside is at 104% for a combined total of 92%
Permit Sales/Availability based on oversell capacity. Monthly Occupancy Report based on capacity.
Meters: down $538.43 from last month, down $617.74 from September 2010
• Snow removal contracts were signed on September le
• Colter Coffee purchased the last 6 permits in the O'Neil Lot on September 22" d
• Jack returned to work on Tuesday, September 27th and was able to repair the Eagles ticket
machine and replaced the two Central School 2-hour meters with 9-hour meters
• I refunded a total of $183.00 to Skyline Lot permit holders