02/15/05 Trowbridge/ProposalJIM E. 7ROWBRIDGE9 SR/WA
Real Estate/Land Acquisition
Consulting Service
15 February, 2005
Mr. Fred A. Leistiko
Airport Manager
Kalispell City Airport
P. O. Box 1997
Kalispell, Montana 59903
Dear Mr. Leistiko:
This is in response to our meeting in Missoula with Phil Porrini, Robert Peccia &
Associates on 10 February 2005, regarding the on -going project at Kalispell City Airport.
Thank you for providing me the opportunity to submit a bid proposal on the land
acquisition and relocation portions of the project.
Following is my proposal for the anticipated scope of work.
® Real Propp!jy Acquisition: $80.00 per hour. Based on our 10 February conversation,
I am assuming that I would not be involved in actual negotiation transactions, but
would be asked to provide advisory services while such transactions are being made.
If I were assigned to be the primary negotiator on a tract, the fee would then be
$80.00 per hour, not to exceed a total of $3,000.00 per tract negotiated, plus expenses.
• Condemnation: If legal proceedings were initiated, activities, including court
appearances related thereto, would be at an hourly rate of $150.00.
® Relocation Assistance & Payments:
1. Relocation Plan: Not knowing the total number of relocation cases, I would
estimate that preparation of such plan in conjunction with the 5-year Capital
Improvement Plan, would be a lump sum $1,500.00.
2. Relocation Assistance & Payments: If I were assigned to be the direct contact as
relocation officer with persons and businesses to be relocated, the fee would be
$80.00 per hour, not to exceed a total of $3,000.00 per relocation case, plus
expenses. If, however, I were to be utilized as an advisor only for such cases, the
fee would be $80.00 per hour of actual time spent on each relocation case.
Property Management: The fee for planning and implementation of moving, bidding,
sale, demolition, etc. of dwellings, hangars, and other structural improvements, when
not specifically related to relocation transactions would also be $80.00 per hour.
Expenses: In addition to the fees indicated above, necessary expenses relating to
fulfilling the contract will be submitted for reimbursement. Lodging and meals
would be actual costs up to, but not to exceed the current U.S. Government travel per
384 Eagle Lane o Corvallis, Montana 59828-9423 - () 961-3307
diem rate set for this area. Reimbursement for mileage would be the rate for current
U.S. Government travel set for this area. Telephone charges and other expenses
relating to the project would be actual cost based on receipts for such expenses.
I anticipate that my services as an advisor would include advisory assistance and services
to the Airport owner and/or consulting engineering firm as a form of quality control to
ensure that appraisal, acquisition, and relocation transactions, and project money spent
for such transactions are in compliance with Federal statutes and regulations and FAA
procedures. This would relate to the following documents: The Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, P.L. 91-646; Federal
Regulation 49 CFR Part 24, Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property
Acquisition for Federal and Federally Assisted Programs; FAA Order 5100-37A, Land
Acquisition and Relocation Assistance For Airport Projects; and FAA Advisory Circular
15015100-17, Land Acquisition and Relocation Assistance For Airport Improvement
Program Assisted Projects.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed. As a matter of note, you
received my updated rdsumd during our 10 February meeting.
Thank you for contacting me. I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully working
with you on this project.
Jim E. Trowbridge,j