12/20/04 Leistiko/Timeline for Airport Projects&alispell City Airpoit - S27
James H. Patrick, City Manager
Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager
Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903
Telephone (406) 250-3065 Fax - (406) 758-7758
TO: City Manager
City Community Development Director
City Attorney
FM: Airport Manage
Subject: Timeline for City Airport Projects
3. When the City signs the T & L lease, it will require the City to commence construction
on the new ramp and taxiway in the Spring of 05'.
It When the appraisal comes back on the Monk property, we will be able to get a good
estimate on the value of the land we want to purchase from Barrett and Henderson.
5. Waiting for Red Eagle attorney to come back with Dave Horener's decision on his
property. The sale of the land to )Whitefish Credit Union is subject to the Red Eagle
purchase and the release of the easement on the approach to Red Eagle.
6. Waiting for an answer from the Montana National Guard on giving the City a comer of
the parking lot and access behind the armory for a new entrance to Red Eagle Aviation.
7. When all of the items above (6) are complete, we can add up the total funds needed to do
all the projects, less ftmds we will receive from WF Credit Union, less funds we have on
hand already and we will know how much we will have to bond for to do the projects.
Also we will need to extend the TIF for the time needed to get reimbursement from the
FAA and pay off the bond.
8. If, in the middle of all this, a reasonable agreement is reached to mitigate the KGEZ
towers, we will have to add the funds needed to the pool.
9. When the City agrees to go ahead with the NW ramp and taxiway project, we will go
ahead and amend the Airport Layout Plan to reflect this project. At that time we will also
amend the Plan to show what we have accomplished in purchases and what we win have
to do to relocate the FBO and any other businesses or buildings on the airport.
10. Waiting for the return of the easement send to Murdoch's so the east fencing project can
get underway.
11. Started drafts of the Minimum Standards for conducting aviation business on the airport.