10/14/04 Heath/MT Aeronautics GrantWr
City of Kalispell
Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 - Telephone (406) 758-7000 Fax - (406) 758-7758
October 14, 2004
Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager _.
Pati Heath, Assistant to the City Managef
Frank Garner, Interim City Manager
Montana Aeronautics Grant
Attached please find a copy of the letter received in February, 2004, from the Montana
Aeronautics Board. It pertains to a tentatively approved grant for $17,500, which must be
approved by June 1, 2005. When Chris received the memo there were not projects on the table,
but perhaps it can be used for something you are working on now.
If you have any questions, or I can be of further help, let me know.
Attachment: MDT Letter dated February 26, 2004
® Montana Department of Transportation David A. Galt Directui
'e"vbwm411m' iae Aeronautics Division Judy Martz, Governor
2630 Airport Road
PO Box 200507
Helena, MT 59620-0507
February, 26", 2�04
Mr. Chris Kukulski, City Manager yr
312 15t Ave East, P;O Box 199.7 o
Kalispell MT 599034997
File: Kalispell City — 05G
Dear Mr. Kukulski; m ^'
rn c-n
The Montana Aeronautics Board has considered your application for state airport
financial assistance at its January2V, 200.4 meeting in Helena. We are pleased
to inform you that the Aeronautics Board has tentatively approved a grant of
$17,500.00 for your airport. To accept the offer, please follow the directions
outlined below. This offer is valid only for State fiscal year 2005, unless
approved by extension (see below).
This tentative approval is subiect to the following requirements:
1) Division grants may not exceed 50% of sponsor share of actual
project costs. Consequently, if your total project costs are less than
estimated on your Airport Aid Application, you must not accept any
amounts that violate this policy. If changes need to be made to your grant
amount, please contact us to change your grant payment.
2) The Federal Aviation Administration approves of the project scope and a
Federal Grant Agreement is awarded by June 1st, 2005. If no federal
grant is awarded by this date, the Sponsor may submit a request for an
extension as outlined below.
3) Your airport must be in compliance with Title 67, chapters 4,5 and 6 of
Montana Code Annotated. These chapters deal specifically with airport
and airspace requirements and recommendations for an airport owner to
adequately protect the airport from incompatible structures and land uses.
For purposes of this grant, the sponsor must submit a legal document
signifying it's compliance (see below).
To accept and receive your grant monies, please submit the following to
the Aeronautics Division when able:
1) A signed certificate of sponsor's attorney for grant acceptance
2) A copy of the signed FAA grant agreement for project scope
3) A copy of, or reason of exemption or inapplicability from, AIA (Airport
Influence Area), airport hazard protection and/or zoning protection (if
applicable) as described within Title 67, chapters 4,5 and 6 of Montana
Code Annotated.
Phone: (406) 444-2506 An Equal Opportunity Emplover TTY, (800) 335-7592
Fax., (406) 444-2519 Web Page: www.mdtstate.mt.us/aeronautics
Mr. Chris Kukulski
Page 2
February 26, 2004
4) A signed certificate of sponsor's attorney stating compliance with
Title 67, chapters 4,5 and 6 of Montana Code Annotated.
The two certificate of sponsor's attorney require original signatures for our files.
Please notice we have enclosed a copy of the two certificate of sponsor's
attorney for your signatures. Grant disbursements will be made according to the
procedures outlined above. All materials required for grant disbursement or
a letter requesting a grant extension must be returned to our office no later
than June 15t, 2005. Money approved under this cycle will not become available
until after July 1st, 2004.
The Montana Aeronautics Division thanks you for your continued support and
interest in airport safety and development as demonstrated by your financial
commitment to this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any
questions or need any additional information.
James R. Greil, Chief
Airport/Airways Bureau
cc: Robert Peccia & Associates
do hereby certify:
acting as attorney for
(herein referred to as "SPONSOR")
That I have examined the foregoing Airport Aid Application and the proceedings
taken by SPONSOR relating thereto, and find that the acceptance of this offer by the
SPONSOR has been duly authorized and that the execution thereof is in all respects
due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana and further
that, in my opinion, the airport aid application constitutes a legal and binding obligation
of the SPONSOR in accordance with the term set forth.
Dated this day of , 20
Sponsor's Attorney
do hereby certify:
acting as attorney for
(herein referred to as "SPONSOR®)
That I have examined the foregoing documents relevant to Title 67, chapters 4,5
and 6, MCA provided by the airport SPONSOR and the proceedings taken by
SPONSOR relating thereto, and find that the aforementioned documents provided by
the SPONSOR have been duly authorized and comply fully in all respects due and
proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana and further that, in my
opinion, the aforementioned documents provide for the necessary requirements as set
forth within the letter of aid approval as required by the Montana Aeronautics Division.
Dated this day of , 20
Sponsoes Attorney